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Version française: Bulletin des Négociations de la Terr (BNT) 

ENB on the side - a special daily report on selected side events from WSSD PrepCom IV. 

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7 June

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4 June

3 June

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27 May

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29 Mai

28 Mai

27 Mai


(Images and RealAudio)

The World Summit on Sustainable Development
Fourth Preparatory Committee (WSSD PrepCom-IV)
Bali, Indonesia | 25 May - 7 June 2002

Sunday 26 May

Delegates met in Working Groups in morning, afternoon and evening sessions. Contact groups on oceans and energy also convened. A flag-raising ceremony took place in the morning.  

Dorodjatun Kuntjorojakti, Minister for Economic Affairs, Indonesia, and Nitin Desai, Secretary-General of the World Summit for Sustainable Development

Working Group I
Ian Fry, Tuvalu, stated that the WSSD process should not just reiterate goals established in Agenda 21, and stressed that new targets should be set.
India and Venezuela consult on poverty eradication.

Switzerland (left) supported Norway's proposed addition of text on launching an action programme to reduce by half the proportion of people lacking access to improved sanitation by 2015. Norway proposed, inter alia, developing policies and strategies for integrated water resource management, developing and implementing efficient sanitation systems and infrastructure while safeguarding human health, and increasing water productivity for food production.

The US (right), Canada and Japan expressed concern regarding setting new targets on sanitation in the text.


Malaysia consults on text in Working Group I.

 Venezuela, on behalf of the G-77/China, supported language on safe, hygienic and acceptable sanitation.

Morning session of Working Group I.

Spain, on behalf of the EU, in consultation with the Secretariat.  

Working Group II:

The G-77/China supported language stating that education is critical for promoting sustainable development, and that it is essential to mobilize resources at all levels through new concrete financial commitments by donors.
The EU bracketed the latter part.

On a suggestion by Spain on behalf of the EU, delegates agreed to informally discuss the revised Chairman's text before convening in a breakout group.

Delegates receive the G-77/China's proposal for the section on sustainable development for Africa.

Switzerland proposed text on child labor to be inserted on the section on education of the revised Chairman's text.


Japan associates itself with the EU regarding financial matters on paragraph 81 of the revised Chairman's text.

The US stressed the importance of primary education and access to universities in developed countries.



Breakout group on Africa:

In a paragraph on the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), one delegation proposed that complementarities between the GEF and the UNCCD should be highlighted, while another delegation pointed out that the CSD lacks the mandate to "make" the GEF the financial mechanism of the UNCCD. Several delegations emphasized that initiatives other than NEPAD should be included in the text. 

Delegates discussed the G-77/China's proposed text on Africa.

Working Group II Co-Chair Richard Ballhorn, Canada, (right) chaired the breakout group on Africa.

Working Group III: Governance 
Co-Chairs Ositadinma Anaedu, Nigeria, and Lars-Goran Engfeldt, Sweden.

The UK, Spain and the European Community.

Spain, for the EU, supported decisions on governance taken at the GMEF in Cartagena.

Australia (not pictured) noted the proposal for a collaborative partnership, which could use the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) as a model. He said more discussion would be required on how a partenership modeled on the CPF, which was developed for one sector, could be broadened to address sustainable development.

Chair Milos Alcalay, Venezuela, for the G-77/China, announced that Iran would coordinate governance for the G-77/China.
Hossein Moeni (Iran), for the G-77/China, provided an overview of the Group's position on sustainable development governance, noting support for the CSD and use of existing mechanisms rather than creating new ones, and expressing opposition to a separate section on good governance.

Cuba noted that the CSD is only one of the institutions addressing sustainable development, and noted that nothing had been said about UNEP, which is also one of the institutions dealing with sustainable development.

Kenya, Hungary and Japan

Hungary called for a clear understanding of the division of responsibilities and labor. The US and Japan supported the use of existing mechanisms.

Contact Group: Oceans

Guy O'Brien (Australia) chaired the contact group on oceans. References to the Convention on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, marine protected areas, marine living resources, and the use of target dates were debated, but no agreement was reached. Several stressed the importance of eliminating subsidies contributing to overcapacity and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, while others opposed mentioning subsidies relating to capacity.

The contact group on oceans, chaired by Guy O'Brien (Australia), met throughout the day.
Contact Group: Energy
Switzerland consults during the energy contact group.

Chair Gustavo Anchil (Argentina).

Delegations generally expressed satisfaction with the Chair's text and strengthening the linkages between access to energy and poverty eradication, but did not agree on a reference to a programme of action and timeframes for access to energy. 
Miscellaneous Photos:

Delegates taking time off from negotiations in the delegates lounge.



> Side events: ENB on the side (in collaboration with UNDP)
> Version française: Bulletin des Négociations de la Terre

> Official website for PrepCom-III - includes links to Chairman's Paper (basis of negotiations),
provisional agenda, proposed programme of work, and all other documents for the meeting.
> Official WSSD website
> South African WSSD website

> ENB's coverage of PrepCom-II
> ENB's coverage of the Regional Preparatory Meetings and of Prepcom I
> Linkages Introduction to the Johannesburg Summit 2002 - the essential CSD primer to the
> Linkage's Portal to the Johannesburg Summit 2002 - access coverage of all WSSD Regional
Preparatory meetings; Who's Who at WSSD; Publications; Calendar of Events; Preparations
and other online resources.

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