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Draft Platform for Action
H. Insufficient mechanisms at all levels to promote the advancement of women
Strategic objective H.1. Create or strengthen national machineries and other governmental bodies

Actions to be taken

205. By Governments:

(a) Ensure that responsibility for the advancement of women is vested in the highest possible level of government; in many cases, this could be at the level of a Cabinet minister;

(b) [Based on a strong political commitment, create a national machinery, where it does not exist, and strengthen, as appropriate, existing national machineries, for the advancement of women at the highest possible level of government;] it should have clearly defined mandates and authority; critical elements would be adequate resources, ability and competence to influence policy and formulate and review legislation. Among other things, it should perform policy analysis, undertake advocacy, communication, coordination and monitoring of implementation;

(c) Provide staff training in designing and analysing data from a gender perspective;

(d) Establish procedures to allow the machinery to gather information on government-wide policy issues at an early stage and continuously use it in the policy development and review process within the Government;

(e) [Report, on a regular basis, to legislative bodies and the Cabinet on the progress of efforts, as appropriate, to mainstream gender concerns, taking into account the implementation of the Platform for Action;]

(f) Encourage and promote the active involvement of the broad and diverse range of institutional actors in the public, private and voluntary sectors to work for equality between women and men.

*[206. By regional and international organizations, in particular development institutions, especially the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and bilateral donors:

(a) Provide financial and advisory assistance to national machinery in order to increase its ability to gather information, develop networks and carry out its mandate;

(b) Strengthen international mechanisms to promote the advancement of women through their respective mandates, in cooperation with Governments.]

* It is proposed to place this paragraph in chapter V.

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