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Draft Platform for Action
J. Inequality in women's access to and participation in all communications systems, especially the media, and their insufficient mobilization to promote women's contribution to society [Mobilize the media to portray women's contribution to society] [Responsibility of the media for the impact of their content on women] [Women and the media]
Strategic objective J.2. Promote a [positive] [balanced and non-stereotyped] portrayal of women in the media

Actions to be taken

243. By Governments and international organizations, to the extent consistent with freedom of expression:

(a) Promote research and implementation of a strategy of information, education and communication aimed at promoting a balanced portrayal of women and girls and their multiple roles;

(b) Encourage the media and advertising agencies to develop specific programmes to raise awareness of the Platform for Action;

(c) Encourage gender-sensitive training for media professionals, including media owners and managers, to encourage the creation and use of [positive] [non-stereotyped] images of women in the media;

(d) Encourage the media to refrain from presenting women as inferior beings and exploiting them as sexual objects and commodities, rather than presenting them as creative human beings, key actors and contributors to and beneficiaries of the process of development;

(e) Promote the concept that the sexist stereotypes displayed in the media are gender discriminatory, degrading in nature and offensive;

(f) Take effective measures or institute such measures, including appropriate legislation against pornography and the projection of violence against women and children in the media.

244. By the mass media and advertising organizations:

(a) Develop [appropriate regulatory mechanisms] [professional guidelines and codes of conduct] and other forms of self-regulation to promote the presentation of non-stereotyped images of women;

(b) [Establish professional guidelines and codes of conduct that address violent, degrading or pornographic materials concerning women in the media, including advertising;]

(c) Develop a gender perspective on all issues of concern to communities, consumers and civil society;

(d) Increase women's participation in decision-making at all levels of the media.

245. By the media, non-governmental organizations and the private sector, in collaboration, as appropriate, with national machinery for the advancement of women:

(a) Promote the equal sharing of family responsibilities through media campaigns [that emphasize gender equality and non-stereotyped gender roles of women and men within the family] and that disseminate information aimed at eliminating spousal and child abuse and all forms of violence against women, including domestic violence;

(b) Produce and/or disseminate media materials on women leaders, inter alia, as [caring mothers and nurturers of happy families] managers and entrepreneurs, to provide role models, particularly to young women;

(c) Promote extensive campaigns making use of public and private educational programmes to disseminate information about [the human rights of women,] [the rights of women as provided for in international human rights instruments,] with a view to increasing their awareness about their human rights;

(d) [Support the development of new] [Develop and finance] alternative media and the use of all means of communications to disseminate information to and about women and their concerns;

(e) Develop approaches and train experts to apply gender analysis with regard to media programmes.

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