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Draft Platform for Action
L. [Persistent discrimination against and violation of the rights of] [Survival, protection and development of] the girl child
Strategic objective L.1. Eliminate all forms of discrimination against the girl child

Actions to be taken

274. By Governments:

(a) [By States that have not signed or ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child, consider signing and ratifying the Convention, and by States that have signed and ratified the Convention, ensure full implementation of it] [through enactment/amendments in laws, rules and other procedures and] by fostering an enabling environment that encourages full respect for the rights of children;

(b) Consistent with article 7 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, take measures to ensure that a child is registered immediately after birth and has the right from birth to a name, the right to acquire a nationality and [as far as possible] the right to know and be cared for by his or her parents; 10/

(c) Take steps to ensure that children receive appropriate financial support from their parents, by, among other measures, enforcing child-support laws;

(d) [Enact, as appropriate, and enforce legislation that would guarantee equal succession and inheritance rights of children, regardless of sex.] [As appropriate, enact legislation that would guarantee the succession and inheritance rights of the girl child];

(e) Enact and strictly enforce laws to ensure [that marriage is not entered into without the free and full consent of the intending spouses]. In addition, enact and strictly enforce laws concerning the minimum legal age of consent and the minimum age for marriage and raise the minimum age for marriage where necessary;

(f) Develop and implement comprehensive policies, plans of action and programmes for the survival; protection, development and advancement of the girl child to promote and protect the full enjoyment of her [universal human] rights and to ensure equal opportunities for girls; these plans should form an integral part of the total development process;

(g) Ensure the disaggregation by sex and age of all data related to children in the health, education and other sectors, in order to include a gender perspective in planning, implementation and monitoring of such programmes.

275. By Governments and international and non-governmental organizations:

(a) Disaggregate information and data on children by sex and age, undertake research on the situation of girls and integrate, as appropriate, the results in the formulation of policies, programmes and decision-making for the advancement of the girl child;

*(b) Generate social support for the enforcement of laws on the minimum legal age for marriage, in particular by providing educational opportunities for girls.

* Location of subparagraph is to be decided; it will probably be placed under strategic objective L.2.

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