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First Meeting of the Ad-Hoc Open-Ended Inter-Sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) And Related Provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Seville, Spain, 27 -  31 March 2000


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Versión en Español Spanish

Friday, 31st March

On Friday morning, Chair Juan Luis Muriel, Spain, introduced a representative of the World Bank, who noted the institutions work on biodiversity and indigenous issues. He cited the Bank's operational policy on indigenous peoples, which notes the need for their consultation and participation with regards to Bank projects that may impact them.

After discussion and adoption of the recommendations and the meeting's report into which was inserted reference to the term "indigenous peoples" by indigenous participants at the request of ZAPOTECA, Mariangela Rebua, Brazil, on behalf of the Bureau, proposed a recommendation giving tribute to the government and people of Spain. This was accepted. In a closing statement, the Indigenous Caucus expressed its appreciation for the improved participatory mechanisms of the Working Group and highlighted some key points, including recognition of: the rights of indigenous peoples as contained in ILO Convention 169; the expression "indigenous peoples and local communities"; and rights to lands and territories. She further underscored the role of women and asked for assistance from the CBD's regular budget and voluntary funds to support the participation of indigenous peoples and local communities at COP-5.

 Hamdallah Zedan, Executive Secretary of the CBD, thanked the government of Spain, its peoples, along with the Chairs, Co-Chairs, Bureau and Friends of the Bureau. He noted the spirit of trust built among participants and highlighted positive progress on developing the Work Programme.

Jonathan Tillson, UK, makes a statement on a provision regarding the harmonization of IPR-related instruments and the objectives of Article 8(j).

Max Ooft, Organization of Indigenous Peoples of Suriname, makes a statement about ensuring the prior informed consent of indigenous peoples and local communities with regards to access to and use of their traditional knowledge.

Juan Martinez,World Bank, who noted the institutions work on biodiversity and indigenous issues. He cited the Bank's operational policy on indigenous peoples, which notes the need for their consultation and participation with regards to Bank projects that may impact them.

At the conclusion of the meeting two indigenous participants led a prayer giving thanks and respect to mother earth.

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