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Coverage of Selected Side Events at the Tenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 10) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

Events convened on 25 October 2010 | Nagoya, Japan

CBD COP 10 - Side Events

(click on the following links to see our daily web pages)

Monday, 18 October | Tuesday, 19 October

Wednesday, 20 October | Thursday, 21 October

Friday, 22 October | Monday, 25 October

Tuesday, 26 October | Wednesday, 27 October

Thursday, 28 October
| Friday, 29 October

Matsumoto castle in the Nagano prefecture, one of COP10's weekend excursions.

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GEF-5 Replenishment and Reforms

Presented by the GEF

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L-R: Gustavo Fonseca, GEF; Monique Barbut, CEO and Chairperson, GEF; and Shinji Taniguchi, Japan Ministry of Finance.

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This event provided an update on the GEF-5 replenishment, which saw a historical increase by donors. The event also outlined various reforms aimed at strengthening the GEF’s effectiveness and efficiency.

Monique Barbut, GEF CEO and Chairperson, applauded the GEF-5 replenishment, which totals US$4.35 billion for 2010-2014. Barbut described a number of reforms that have already taken place, including decreasing the project cycle to 18 months and ramping up transparency by allowing focal points to access project cycle data. She said reforms underway include fully integrating results-based management into the GEF and improving allocations through the System for Transparent Allocation of Resources (STAR).

Warren Evans, World Bank, emphasized that the number of reforms that the GEF has undertaken over the last few years, particularly related to its project cycle, demonstrate that reforms are possible and operationally and fiscally beneficial.

Emphasizing the vital role of the GEF for biodiversity conservation, Shinji Taniguchi, Japan’s Ministry of Finance, noted the need for continued and improved cooperation between the GEF Secretariat, partner countries and coordinating agencies for the benefit of recipient countries. He underscored his country’s commitment of US$505 million to GEF-5.

Hem Pande, Ministry of Environment and Forests, India, highlighted the flexibility scheme introduced in GEF-5 for small island developing states and least developed countries, saying it will benefit countries such as Bhutan and the Maldives. He discussed a number of future challenges for the GEF.

Jozef Buys, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Co-operation, Belgium, said his country had increased its commitment from 42 million Euros to 87 million Euros for GEF-5. He stated that this increase was due to the Facility’s ability to evolve, but added that Belgium will be scrutinizing it closely especially in response to CBD COP 10’s guidance.

Faizal Parish, GEF NGO Network, discussed the views of civil society, noting that GEF-5 is the first time his network has been a formal partner in the replenishment process. He urged for more work to be done on indigenous peoples.

Participants discussed, inter alia: the benefits of the STAR replenishment reforms; the addition of land degradation to GEF’s areas of work; the flexibility that the 60 countries with the smallest allocations now have to cluster funds as needed; and whether funds would be allocated for ABS.

Jozef Buys, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Co-operation, Belgium

Monique Barbut, GEF CEO and Chairperson, celebrated the GEF’s fifth replenishment, noting that it has shown a 55% increase from the GEF-4 level. She said the increase is in part due to Japan, the host country of COP 10, and the US.

Gustavo Fonseca, GEF




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Towards Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development of Forests in the Asia-Pacific Region

Presented by the Hyogo Environmental Advancement Association and the Asia-Pacific Network
for Global Change Research
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Chimednyam Dorjusen, National University of Mongolia

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This session addressed afforestation and forest conservation efforts in the Asia-Pacific region.

Hisakazu Kato, Teikyo University, lamenting the rapid decline of forests, noted that Japan has been extending support for afforestation and forest conservation activities through official development assistance as well as through relevant private and NGO community activities. He noted the Hyogo Prefecture’s assistance in this area, stressing that it differs as it is a local government taking an interest at a global level.

Outlining the Hyogo-Mongolia Reforestation Project, Chimednyam Dorjusen, National University of Mongolia, noted that the Project intended to reforest areas that have been lost due to fires. He outlined steps taken under the Project, including conducting studies of current forest plantations in Mongolia. He highlighted Project outcomes, including: increased capacity through training workshops held by Japanese experts; the establishment of a reforestation center; and building and planting new nurseries for the project.

Koji Iwase, Tottori University, Japan, presented on the secret of threatened plants by looking through mycorrhizal symbiosis. Noting that many plants’ survival are threatened because of climate change and human lifestyle changes, he outlined the process to preserve plants through mycorrhizal symbiosis. He added that most plants have mycorrhizal aspects that make this possible.

Stating that the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) is entering its third strategic phase, Linda Anne Stevenson, APN, said activities undertaken include regional cooperation, strengthening appropriate interactions among scientists and policy makers, and improving scientific and technical capabilities. On forestry, she said that APN activities have included a critical analysis of the effectiveness of REDD+ for forest communities and developing a monitoring, reporting and verification system for REDD+.

In the ensuing discussion, participants queried how to identify whether a species has a joint mycorrhizal property. They also discussed the differences between REDD and REDD+.

Chimednyam Dorjusen, National University of Mongolia

Noting that forests occupy one third of the Earth’s land surface, Hisakazu Kato, Teikyo University, said they are a significant source of income, including from timber and other forest products.

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Biofuel Sustainability Initiatives: Opportunities for
the CBD to Build on Existing Work

Presented by the IUCN, UNEP, Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels; WWF; Conservation International; and High Conservation Value Network

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L-R: Juan Marco Alvarez, IUCN; Martina Otto, UNEP; Khoo Hock Aun, Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels; and László Máthé, WWF.

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Juan Marco Alvarez, IUCN, explained that the side event would demonstrate how existing bioenergy guidelines and standards can help to promote the positive and minimize the negative impacts of bioenergy production on biodiversity.

Martina Otto, UNEP, outlined a UNEP/FAO report under the framework of UN-Energy entitled “A Decision Support Tool for Sustainable Bioenergy,” which assists countries in creating responsible decision-making processes related to bioenergy production. Stressing that a country’s potential for bioenergy production must build on the assessment of the suitability and availability of land, she highlighted a mapping and zoning methodology framework to facilitate this process.

Emphasizing that it is possible to address biodiversity issues through biofuel standards, Khoo Hock Aun, Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels (RBS), described the RBS standard, which is a voluntary, global, multi-stakeholder standard that is applicable to all feedstocks and biofuel types. He said the standard is based on 12 principles, including one on conservation. He also introduced RBS’ “Land-Use Impact Assessment,” which ensures that conservation values are identified in consultation with local experts and populations.

Highlighting that biofuel demand will likely increase in the aviation, long-haul trucking and shipping sectors, all of which are growing, László Máthé, WWF, emphasized the need to consider the impacts of increased demand for biofuels on land use. Turning to how various multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) are addressing the biofuel issue, he noted that MEAs are at different stages, and cautioned against duplicating efforts and embracing narrow sectoral approaches.

Participants discussed: the definition of “degraded land” and discussions within the EU to expand bonuses for biofuels from degraded land to include “idle” land; the impact of biofuel production on water consumption; and positive impacts of biofuel production on biodiversity. Summarizing the event, Christine Dragisic, Conservation International, said there is a substantial base of biofuel-related research to build on, and encouraged progress on the biofuels decision in the current CBD negotiations.

Khoo Hock Aun, Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels

Speaking on the Global Bioenergy Partnership, Martina Otto, UNEP, highlighted that stakeholders have provisionally agreed to several indicators for biofuel production and use, but despite the willingness to reach consensus there is no agreement on indicators for biodiversity.

Juan Marco Alvarez, IUCN

László Máthé, WWF


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Biodiversity for Development: South Africa’s Landscape
Approach to Conserving Biodiversity and
Enabling Ecosystem Resilience

Presented by the South African Department of Environmental Affairs, the South African National Biodiversity Institute, the World Bank and UNDP
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L-R: Tanya Abrahamse, CEO, South African National Biodiversity Institute; Rejoice Mabudafhasi, Deputy Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, South Africa; Olav Kjørven, UNDP; Warren Evans, World Bank; Gustavo Fonseca, GEF.

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This event was the official launch of the Primer publication “Biodiversity for Development: South Africa’s Landscape Approach to Conserving Biodiversity and Promoting Ecosystem Resilience.”

Introducing the book, Nik Sekhran, UNDP, noted that South Africa has invested heavily in environmental management, becoming a leader in the field. He noted that since 1994, the government has fine-tuned their legislation until it proved effective.

Expressing thanks to UNDP for assisting in framing the book in an international context, Fundisile Mketeni, Deputy Director-General, South Africa’s Department of Environmental Affairs, stressed that suitable policy to deliver on both national and CBD priorities has been implemented. He noted that many institutions have been integral to this successful implementation.

Rejoice Mabudafhasi, Deputy Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, South Africa, noted that South Africa’s Constitution ensures that the environment is protected for the benefit of the present and future generations. She outlined successful policies and tools, including the “Working for Water” programme where locals are hired to remove alien invasive plants from water catchment areas.

Noting that the book highlights the tools that have been used in South Africa to conserve biodiversity, Tanya Abrahamse, CEO, South African National Biodiversity Institute, explained that a landscape approach that goes beyond the borders of protected areas had been used. She said this approach: involves land protection, restoration and production; focuses on building and strengthening partnerships; and mainstreams biodiversity into land-use management plans.

Olav Kjørven, UNDP, said that the work undertaken in the book is cutting-edge. He underscored that biodiversity must be at the heart of the development paradigm, with integrated service packages being implemented in developing countries.

Warren Evans, World Bank, stated that the book shows on-the-ground progress in key countries like South Africa, and that addressing environmental issues in tandem with other challenges, such as unemployment and food crises, is possible.

Gustavo Fonseca, GEF, lauded South Africa for its success in development projects. He said the country is ripe for South-South exchanges and can provide assistance for transferring their successful implementation of policies across borders.

Tanya Abrahamse, CEO, South African National Biodiversity Institute, highlighted some of the policies and tools outlined in the book, including: mainstreaming biodiversity and legislation into policy and land-use planning; establishing targets on the basis of defensible science; and increasing trust between stakeholders.

Olav Kjørven, UNDP

Rejoice Mabudafhasi, Deputy Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, South Africa



More Information:

Nik Sekhran (Chair) <>
Fundisile Mketeni <>
Tanya Abrahamse <>
Warren Evans <>
Gustavo Fonseca <>


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Effective Biodiversity and Ecosystem Policy and Regulation—
Business Input to the CBD

Presented by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development
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L-R: James Griffiths , World Business Council for Sustainable Development; Patrick ten Brink, Institute for European Environmental Policy; and William Evison, PricewaterhouseCoopers.

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This event was held to launch the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBSCD) report “Effective Biodiversity and Ecosystem Policy and Regulation—Business Input to the CBD” and to stimulate debate on its findings.

James Griffiths, WBCSD, highlighted six ways that companies can immediately tackle biodiversity loss: measure, manage and mitigate risks and impacts; undertake corporate ecosystem valuations to quantify risks and opportunities; lead in the development of markets for ecosystem services; encourage suppliers and purchasers to adopt best practices; enter into creative partnerships; and support “smart” ecosystem regulation to reverse degradation and “level the playing field” for all stakeholders.

William Evison, PricewaterhouseCoopers, summarized the WBCSD report, including its conclusions in relation to 11 specific public policy and regulatory options identified by TEEB, the CBD and UNEP to reverse biodiversity loss. Emphasizing that business can play a major role in halting biodiversity loss, he also noted that governments can lead by example through state-owned enterprises.

Providing a keynote response to the WBCSD report, Patrick ten Brink, Institute for European Environmental Policy, welcomed the WBCSD’s vision of business playing a core role in tackling biodiversity loss. He questioned how far business is willing to go in relation to payments for ecosystem services and no net loss mechanisms.

Ravi Sharma, CBD Secretariat, stated that parties to the CBD are increasingly asking the Secretariat to engage the business community in the process. He highlighted progress in the current negotiations on a draft decision related to such an engagement, but noted the challenge of gaining buy-in from large developing countries, which are often more focused on climate change mitigation.

Eduardo Escobedo, UN Conference on Trade and Development, said: REDD+ provides a key opportunity to engage businesses in creating alternative economic opportunities and promoting sustainable use; economic incentives provide a good opportunity for fostering partnerships between the private sector and governments; and business can play a key role in supporting policy enforcement.

Joshua Bishop, IUCN, said business should be recognized for the significant action it has already undertaken. He then highlighted areas for improvement, including: identifying relevant and standardized metrics to enable comparison of commitments and achievements across businesses; reporting transparently on gains from subsidies; and reporting impacts and responses to biodiversity in annual reports.

Nicola Breier, German Ministry for the Environment, applauded the WBCSD report for supporting the TEEB principle that biodiversity and ecosystem values should be integrated more consistently and effectively into policy and regulation. She encouraged development of a global business declaration on the seven key action points for business laid out in the TEEB for Business report. Kazuaki Takahashi, Ministry of Environment of Japan, stressed the need to engage business in implementing the decisions that emerge from COP 10 and in achieving a post-2010 biodiversity target.

Participants discussed no net loss mechanisms, noting that: maintaining operating licenses, meeting financers’ and board members’ requirements, and meeting local stakeholders’ demands are incentives to bring businesses on board; companies need tools to measure their ecological footprint before engaging; and small- and medium-sized businesses need to know more about the mechanism.

James Griffiths, WBCSD, stressed that businesses both impact and depend on biodiversity and ecosystems services, and that ecosystem changes bring both risks and opportunities.

William Evison, PricewaterhouseCoopers, said that participation of businesses in attaining biodiversity targets requires that these targets be relevant for businesses.


Patrick ten Brink, Institute for European Environmental Policy

Joshua Bishop, IUCN

Eduardo Escobedo, UN Conference on Trade and Development



Related Links
CBD resources
*CBD website
*CBD COP 10 side event website
*CBD COP 10 website

IISD RS resources
*IISD RS coverage of CBD COP 9, 19-30 May 2008, Bonn, Germany
*IISD RS coverage of Selected Side Events at CBD COP 9, 19-30 May 2008, Bonn, Germany
*IISD RS coverage of CBD COP 8, 20-31 March 2006, Curitiba, Brazil
*IISD RS coverage of Selected Side Events at CBD COP 8, 20-31 March 2006, Curitiba, Brazil
*IISD RS biodiversity and wildlife page
*Biodiversity-L - A mailing list for news on biodiversity and wildlife policy
*SIDS Policy and Practice - A Knowledgebase on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States
*Linkages Update - Bi-weekly international environment and sustainable development news
*MEA Bulletin - Newsletter on key MEAs and their secretariats
*Climate Change Policy & Practice - News and information on the actions of international organizations in responding to the problem of global climate change
*African Regional Coverage
*Latin America and Caribbean Regional Coverage
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