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Photos from Biodiversity COP-3

Updated 14 November 1996

The President of Argentina and officials from other countries addressed COP-3 as the Ministerial Segment opened Wednesday. Photos of Menem and some of the ministers appear below.

Menem speaks Menem on rostrum

Presidential address: Argentine President Carlos Saul Menem spoke to COP-3 Wednesday. He joined CBD Executive Secretary Calestous Juma, COP-3 President Maria Julia Alsogaray, UNEP Executive Director Elizabeth Dowdeswell and others at the rostrum, and then spoke of the need to halt the destruction of our own habitat.

China Mexico
Germany Ministerial Segment: China's Minister of the Environmental Protection Agency Xie Zhenhua (above left) said funding of the Global Environment Facility is inadequate; Mexican Secretary of Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries Julia Cararbras Lillo (above right) said in situ conservation should not be hampered by intellectual property rights concerns; and Germany's environment minister (left) said agriculture must be made sustainable. UK Environment Minister John Gummer (below left) said the CBD should not be a poor relation to the Climate Convention and urged the US to ratify the CBD; Barbados Minister of Health and Environment Elizabeth Thompson emphasized marine conservation,, sustainable fisheries and land-based sources of marine pollution.
UK Barbados

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