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Late Breaking News from The Biodiversity Convention's COP-3

Updated 15 November 1996

Ministers and more: The second day of the Ministerial Session featured speeches from ministers, NGOs and others.
The Working Group on financial issues Thursday completed negotiations related to guidance to the financial mechanism, the review of the mechanism's effectiveness and the memorandum of understanding between the CBD and the Global Environment Facility. In the corridors, delegates discussed the implications of the group's work and the shift in focus that the negotiations represent.

The second day of the Ministerial Segment also concluded Thursday, after three three-hour sessions. Ministers, delegates, observer states and NGO representatives gave statements. Details of the day's discussions are in Friday's Earth Negotiations Bulletin. You can also download Thursday's Earth Negotiations Bulletin in either text or PDF format.

Today's issue and pages conclude our daily updates. We'll produce a summary issue early next week, and possibly more photos and sounds from the negotiations. For highlights of previous days' negotiations, check Late Breaking News for: