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14 September 1996




Third meeting

Buenos Aires, 4-15 November 1996

Item 20.2 of the provisional agenda


Note by the Executive Secretary


1. In paragraph 5 of decision II/20, the Conference of the Parties requested "the Executive Secretary in presenting a draft 1997 budget for consideration by the third meeting of the Conference of the Parties, to also provide the indicative budget for 1997, attached as annex I to decision II/20, revised so as to be based on Montreal costings". Accordingly, the Secretariat has prepared a comparison of the indicative budget for 1997 approved under decision II/20 based on Geneva costings with the costings of the same activities in Montreal. The comparative costings are attached as Annex I. Annex II presents the proposed budget for 1997 and the indicative budget for 1998. The expected income from contributions over the same period is contained in Annex III of the present note. Annex IV is the proposed organisational chart of the Secretariat.

2. At its second meeting the Conference of the Parties, in Decision II/18, adopted a medium-term programme of work for 1996-1998. Effective implementation of the programme, however, requires its correlation with the human and financial resources provided for in the budget. The proposed budget for 1997 and 1998 presents the first opportunity to assess the budgetary implications of the medium-term programme of work of the Conference of the Parties and of the establishment of the permanent Secretariat in Montreal, and to reflect them in monetary terms for consideration by the Conference of the Parties.

3. The proposed budget may need to be adjusted to reflect possible decisions to be taken by the Conference of the Parties on the work programme and modus operandi of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA). Furthermore, the budget may also need to be adjusted to reflect the costs associated with the full implementation of the Jakarta Mandate on Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity. The costs associated with the recommendation of the first meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Biosafety established by the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties under decision II/5 have also been reflected in this note.

4. The proposed budget follows the structure of the 1996 budget adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its second meeting. A 12% increase over the 1996 approved budget is proposed to provide for the required administrative support in the permanent Secretariat and to offset inflation and expected cost increases. This increase excludes the contributions of Canada as provided in its offer to the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties. Explanations for the proposed increase in human and financial resources are given in this note. The purpose of this note is to provide a clear presentation of the proposed budget, designed to address the increased demands arising from activities to support the implementation of the Convention.

5. One of the main issues that the Conference of the Parties may wish to consider is the need for a working capital reserve fund to ensure that the activities of the Secretariat can be carried out during periods when sufficient contributions have not been received. Such a fund might be based on the United Nations practice of 15% of annual budgets, or it might be linked to the contribution of the host country, or a combination of both.


6. Recognising the need to balance limited resources with the demands of a Convention with over one hundred and fifty Parties, and a substantial and multi-faceted programme of work, the proposed budget seeks to allow for strategic increases in human and financial resources. The proposed budget is based on a careful analysis of the requirements of the Secretariat in light of the decisions of the Conference of the Parties. Particular attention is given to the impact of the relocation of the Secretariat to Montreal on its activities, especially in light of the need to ensure that the Secretariat be able to count on well-qualified staff at a level sufficient to meet the demands and expectations of Parties.

7. Prior to its relocation to Montreal, the Secretariat enjoyed administrative support from the United Nations Office at Geneva and the UNEP Regional Office for Europe. The proposed budget includes additional staff to provide the necessary extra administrative capacity for tasks that now fall to the Secretariat to carry out. It is recommended that support for these functions be covered largely from the contribution of the host country. The Conference of the Parties may therefore wish to request the Secretariat to discuss with the host country the establishment of a "Montreal Fund", as well as the terms on which the resources available under such a fund might be used.

8. With respect to meetings to be convened under the Convention, the Conference of the Parties may wish to incorporate into the budget resources to finance the participation of least developed country Parties, in accordance with General Assembly Resolution A/49/98, 19 December 1994.

9. In light of the experience gained in 1996 and an analysis of the remaining activities under the medium-term programme of work, other budget increases, decreases and reallocations are proposed. These will be presented under the functional headings adopted for the 1996 budget, modified to reflect the operating experience of 1996. The modifications are also reflected in the organisational structure of the Secretariat.

10. In this proposal, the Conference of the Parties is invited to examine the overall level of the support requested, and to decide upon a budget and operational framework that will allow the Secretariat to carry out its functions in an efficient and flexible manner, in accordance with the Financial Rules for the Trust Fund and other rules pertaining to the management of the Trust Fund.


2.1.1 Executive Direction

11. After assessing the experience gained in 1996 and analysing the remainder of the programme of work and activities of the Secretariat, the proposed budget for Executive Direction and Management is $479,420 compared to the $648,000 approved for 1996. The proposed budget for the Office of the Executive Secretary includes the Special Assistant to the Executive Secretary (P-3) to assist the Executive Secretary (D-2) in reviewing relevant literature and identifying emerging issues of relevance to the Office and in preparing concept papers, aides memoire, memoranda and other documents necessary for the overall implementation of the work of the Secretariat.

12. In addition, the Office will also have a Junior Professional Officer (P-2) supported by the Government of Finland and a Senior Secretary (G-7). It may also be necessary to seek additional support through secondment for a senior officer to serve as a Policy and Planning Advisor (P-4) to the Executive Secretary. These functions are not intended to replace the activities of the relevant divisions under their respective Principal Officers, but to ensure the effective functioning of the Office of the Executive Secretary. The total budget for executive direction is $249,009, of which $60,000 is allocated to support activities and technical reviews. The approved budget for 1996 was $648,000. The 46.8% reduction is mainly due to differences in salary levels between Geneva and Montreal.

2.1.2 Fund Management and Administration

13. The establishment of the Secretariat in Montreal has resulted in the need to strengthen the administrative capacity of the Secretariat. A number of specific needs have arisen as a result of the relocation of the Secretariat to Montreal. The Unit is headed by a Fund Management and Administration Officer (P-4) provided by UNEP. The officer will be assisted by a Financial Assistant (G-7), a Personnel Assistant (G-7) an Administrative Assistant (G-6), a Travel Clerk (G-6) and a Secretary (G-4).

14. The Secretariat, as envisaged in the headquarters agreement between the Secretariat and Canada, will possess the legal capacity to enter into contracts, institute legal proceedings and own property. These activities will entail a number of transactions requiring considerable understanding of the local legal environment. The need for an additional Administrative Officer (P-3) has therefore been identified. It is proposed, however, that the post be filled by one of the staff members to be seconded by the Province of Quebec, as provided for in the offer of Canada to the Conference of the Parties.

15. Due to the increase in the volume of mail being handled in the Secretariat, it is proposed to create the post of Associate Administrative Officer (P-2) to coordinate all aspects of the management of mail. Additional staff needed include a Receptionist (G-4) and a Messenger (G-4).

16. The total budget proposed for this Unit is $230,411 compared to $180,000 approved for 1996, or an increase of nearly 21.9%.


2.2.1 Office of the Principal Officer

17. The division of Intergovernmental Process and Cooperative Affairs is responsible for the preparation of the meetings of the Conference of the Parties and the related preparatory activities. A total budget of $1,836,712 is proposed for the division of Intergovernmental Processes and Cooperative Affairs, compared to $1,750,000 approved for 1996. To enable the Principal Officer (D-1) to carry out his or her functions, an Associate Administrative Officer (P-2), an Administrative Assistant (G-6), and a Secretary (G-5)are proposed. The total budget suggested for this office is $230,886 compared to $476,000 approved for 1996.

2.2.2 Cooperative Affairs

18. One of the main themes of the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties was an emphasis on the need for cooperation with other biodiversity-related conventions, international organizations, bodies and processes as identified, for example, in decision II/13. The importance that Parties attach to developing such cooperation with other processes is reflected in the fact that it was decided to include this matter as a standing item on the agenda of the Conference of the Parties.

The Conference of the Parties requested that the Secretariat coordinate with the secretariats of relevant biodiversity-related conventions with a view to: facilitating exchange of information and experience; exploring the possibilities of recommending procedures for harmonising, to the extent desirable and practicable, the reporting requirements of Parties under those instruments and conventions; coordinating their respective programmes of work; and consulting on how such conventions and other international legal instruments can contribute to the implementation of the provisions of the Convention. The Secretariat has already entered into cooperative agreements with other biodiversity-related conventions and is in the process of translating these agreements into joint activities.

The workload implied by these activities has led to the proposal to establish a unit on cooperative affairs dealing with intergovernmental and non-governmental affairs and processes. A Programme Officer (P-4) for intergovernmental affairs, a Programme Officer (P-3) for non-governmental affairs, and a Research Assistant (G-7) are proposed to support this unit. The proposed budget for this unit is $221,429.

2.2.3 Legal Affairs

A Legal Affairs Unit is provided for in this division with a Programme Officer (P-4) and a Research Assistant (G-7). The Conference of the Parties may wish to note that the legal expertise needed by the Secretariat is now being mainstreamed into the work of other divisions and is not restricted to the current legal unit. It is therefore suggested that the process of mainstreaming legal expertise be pursued as appropriate.

The total budget proposed for this unit is $134,396 compared to $172,000 approved for 1996.

2.2.4 Servicing the meeting of the Conference of the Parties

The proposed budget for servicing the Conference of the Parties and four regional preparatory meetings is $1,250,000. The approved budget for servicing the Conference of the Parties 1996 was $930,000. This did not include regional meetings. In light of the experiences gained in 1996, the needs of servicing regional preparatory meetings (costed at $250,000) for meetings of the Conference of the Parties may need to be included in the overall budget for servicing the meetings of the Conference of the Parties.

In accordance with the General Assembly resolution noted above, the travel expenses of representatives of least developed countries and small island developing states to meetings of the Conference of the Parties have been included in the proposed budget. These figures will need to be adjusted, in accordance with any decisions taken on the venue of the meetings. The budget for 1996 has proved insufficient to meet the demands created by the heavy agenda of the third meeting of the Conference of the Parties and the need for consultations within and outside the United Nations.


2.3.1 Office of the Principal Officer

25. The proposed budget for 1997 for this division is $1,177,904, compared to $1,833,000 for 1996. The principal roles of this division are to provide support for the work of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and to provide intellectual support to the other divisions within the Secretariat. In order to be in a position to provide such support, it is proposed that the Principal Officer (D-1) be assisted in carrying out his or her functions by an Administrative Assistant (G-6) and a Secretary (G-5).

The division will rely heavily on the mobilization of expertise from other institutions through short-term and long-term partnerships. The total support needed for the Office of the Principal Officer is $196,596, compared to $626,000 approved for 1996. The 1996 budget, however, included $492,000 for servicing the first meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Biosafety. For 1997, biosafety activities are budgeted under a separate unit.

2.3.2 Scientific, Technical and Technological Analysis

27. It is proposed to bring the programme staff in this division together into a single unit. The unit will be engaged in working with a wide range of partners around the world. Different research teams will be formed and collaborative arrangements established depending on arrangements identified to meet the needs of specific issues to be addressed under the work programmes of the SBSTTA or the Conference of the Parties.

The second meeting of the SBSTTA addressed issues related to the identification, monitoring and assessment of biological diversity, as will the third meeting of the Conference of the Parties. The Conference of the Parties will, inter alia, consider the recommendations for SBSTTA and addressing these complex issues, essential to the implementation of the Convention, will involve considerable support from the Secretariat. The lack of a Programme Officer to deal with biodiversity monitoring and assessment affects the ability of the of the Secretariat to support this work properly. It is therefore proposed that the post of Programme Officer (P-4) for identification, monitoring and assessment of biological diversity be established.

29. The second meeting of the Conference of the Parties accepted the offer of Australia to support the position of Programme Officer (P-3) for indigenous knowledge. Consideration of the implementation of Article 8(j) and other provisions of the Convention relating to traditional knowledge will be considered by the Conference of the Parties this year and will arise when matters relating to benefit-sharing are considered at the fourth meeting in 1997. In order to address these issues adequately it is proposed that this position be maintained through the regular budget of the Secretariat. The Conference of the Parties may also wish to consider ways by which this post could be occupied by staff from different parts of the world over time.

30. The first and second meetings of the Conference of the Parties considered a number of issues related to technological and technical matters. The third meeting of the Conference of the Parties will consider issues related to the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the sustainable use of components of biological diversity. To address these issues effectively, the Conference of the Parties may wish to consider establishing the position of Programme Officer (P-4) for partnerships and the private sector. Such a post would meet this need and complement the work of the Programme Officer (P-4) for economics. Currently activities related to these issues are supported through voluntary contributions from the Government of Canada, as well as by secondment from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (UK).

31. The third meeting of the Conference of the Parties will consider agricultural biological diversity. To enable the Secretariat to effectively implement the follow up, the Conference of the Parties may wish to consider allowing for further proposed secondments to provide the necessary additional capacity. The position of Programme Officer (P-4) for genetic resources could be established to complement the work to carried out by the Programme Officer seconded from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), who is expected to join the Secretariat in 1996 to work on agrobiodiversity. The Conference of the Parties may wish to consider such proposed arrangements. It is proposed that the work of this unit be supported by three Research Assistants (G-7).The total budget for this unit is $501,312 compared to $302,000 approved for 1996.

2.3.3 Servicing SBSTTA meetings and activities

32. The proposed budget for servicing SBSTTA-related meetings and activities is $480,000. This includes $350,000 for servicing SBSTTA meetings, $80,000 for SBSTTA activities and $50,000 for the Bureau of the SBSTTA. The figure approved for 1996 was $413,000. In accordance with the General Assembly resolution noted above, the travel expenses of representatives of least developed countries and small island developing states to meetings of the SBSTTA have been included in the proposed budget. These figures may need to be adjusted, in accordance with any decisions taken on the venue of the meetings. The budget was insufficient to meet the demands created by the heavy SBSTTA agenda and the need for broad consultations with institutions within and outside the United Nations.


2.4 1 Office of the Principal Officer

33. In Decision II/5, the Conference of the Parties affirmed that international action on biosafety should offer an efficient and effective framework for the development of international cooperation aimed at ensuring safety in biotechnology through risk assessment and risk management for the transfer, handling and use of any living modified organisms (LMO) resulting from modern biotechnology that may have adverse environmental impacts that could affect the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, taking into account the risks to human health, and taking also into account Articles 8(g) and 19, paragraph 4, of the Convention.

34. The Conference of the Parties decided to seek solutions to the above-mentioned concerns through a negotiation process to develop, in the field of the safe transfer, handling and use of living modified organisms, a protocol on biosafety, specifically focusing on transboundary movement, of any living modified organism resulting from modern biotechnology that may have adverse effect on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, setting out for consideration, in particular, appropriate procedure for advance informed agreement.

35. To initiate the process, the Conference of the Parties established the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working on Biosafety which held its first meeting in Denmark in July 1996. In response to the needs of the Parties, the Secretariat proposes the establishment of a division deal with biosafety matters and proposes a budget of $1,093,765 for the activities of the division in 1997.

36. The anticipated programme of work implied by activities arising from Decision II/5 of the Conference of the Parties and the need for a senior officer to assist the negotiating process suggests the need for a Principal Officer to support the negotiating process. It is recommended that the current position of Senior Programme Officer - Biotechnology (P-5) be upgraded to the position of Principal Officer (D-1). It is proposed that this position be supported by a Unit comprising: a Legal Officer (P-4); a Programme Officer (P-3) in genetics; a Junior Programme Officer (P-2); an Associate Administrative Officer (P-2); and a Research Assistant (G-7). The proposed budget for 1997 for this office is $393,764.

2.4.2 Servicing of Biosafety Protocol Meetings

37. The first meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Biosafety recommended that two meetings of the group be convened in 1997. The current budget has provided for these meetings. The budget may be adjusted depending on the decision of the Conference of the Parties. The current budget proposal has not provided for any meetings of the Bureau of the Ad Hoc Working Group and the Conference of the Parties may wish to adjust the budget to reflect any decision on this matter. The cost of servicing the meetings envisaged in 1997 is $700,000.


2.5 1. Office of the Principal Officer

38. The second meeting of the Conference of the Parties adopted a number of decisions that shifted the operations of the Secretariat towards a greater emphasis on the national implementation of the Convention. The key decisions cover the clearing-house mechanism (II/3), identification of additional financial resources (II/6), consideration of Articles 6 and 8 (II/7), the adoption of the Jakarta Mandate on Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity (II/10) and preparation of national reports (II/17). These activities will form a division whose proposed 1997 budget is $1,277,110, compared to $1,094,000 approved for 1996.

39. To manage the division, it is recommended that the current position of Senior Programme Officer (P-5) be upgraded to Principal Officer (D-1). This position would be assisted by an Administrative Officer (G-6) and a Secretary (G-5). The budget proposed for the Office of the Principal Officer is $176,540.

2.5.2 Clearing-house Mechanism

40. In light of Decision II/3 of the Conference of the Parties, a number of related activities in the Secretariat have been rationalized and brought under the clearing-house mechanism. These include those functions related to library services, information dissemination, database management and documentation control. These activities will be supported by the positions of Programme Officer (P-4) for the clearing-house mechanism (who will be assisted by a Programme Officer seconded by the Province of Quebec), a Librarian/Documentalist (P-3), an Associate Programme Officer (P-2) for database management, and a Database Clerk (G-5).

41. One of the least advanced aspects of the work of the Secretariat has been the limited resources allocated to public education and awareness. This is in part due to the fact that the Conference of the Parties has not yet considered this issue. Article 13 calls upon Contracting Parties to "[p]romote and encourage understanding of the importance of, and the measures required for, the conservation of biological diversity, as well as its propagation through media, and the inclusion of these topics in educational programmes." It further provides for Parties to "[c]ooperate, as appropriate, with other States and international organizations in developing educational and public awareness programmes, with respect to conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity."

42. The third meeting of the SBSTTA will consider this issue and the Conference of the Parties may wish to anticipate an increase in activities related to education and public awareness. To start addressing these needs, the current position of Associate Programme Officer (P-2) for information should be upgraded to Programme Officer (P-3), and be supported by an Associate Programme Officer (P-2) for documentation control and a Clerk (G-4) for handling publications. The total budget proposed for this unit is $604,658.

2. 5.3 Financial Resources and Mechanism

43. The post of Programme Officer (Financial Resources and Instruments) deals with issues related to the financial mechanism and to other issues related to financial resources for the implementation of the Convention. Paragraph 9 of decision II/6 requested the Executive Secretary to (a) further explore possibilities to identify additional financial resources to more supportive of the Convention support the objectives of the Convention; (b) continue to monitor the availability of additional financial resources and further identify where and how country Parties might gain access to these resources; and (c) study characteristics specific to biodiversity activities to allow the Conference of the Parties to make suggestions to funding institutions on how to make their activities in the area of biodiversity supportive of the objectives of the Convention.

44. The work under this unit is carried out by a Programme Officer (P-4) and a Research Assistant who is currently shared with the Legal Affairs Unit. It is recommended that this unit be strengthened with its own Research Assistant (G-7) and two Junior Professional Officers (P-2). The proposed level of staffing will still not be adequate to cover the needs of the unit or to respond to the workload generated by the Global Environment Facility and the Implementing Agencies. For example, in 1996 the Secretariat convened a number of meetings related to the Financial Mechanism which had not been budget for or anticipated. This being the case, the Conference of the Parties may wish to consider providing additional staff for this unit through secondments or the creation of further new positions. The total budget proposed for this unit is $144,396.

2.5.2 Jakarta Mandate for Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity

45. Decision II/10 of the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties adopted the Jakarta Mandate on Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity. The second meeting of the SBSTTA recommended that the Secretariat take a series of actions towards implementing decision II/10. To support the work under the Jakarta Mandate, it is proposed that the Programme Officer (P-4) for conservation ecology be supported by the Programme Officer - Marine Ecology (P-4) to be seconded by UNESCO, by a Programme Officer (P-3) and by a Junior Programme Officer (P-2) to be seconded by Italy. The total budget proposed for this unit is $207,067.

2.5.5. National Reports and Reviews

46. It is recommended that the position of Programme Officer (P-3) for Reports be renamed Programme Officer - National Reports and Reviews and be upgraded to a P-4 position. This proposal is based on the view that the first national reports prepared in accordance with Article 26 of the Convention and Decision II/17 of the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties will be submitted starting in June 1997 and will entail a considerable increase in administrative and organizational tasks related to the work.

47. The Programme Officer for this unit will also be responsible for coordinating the preparation of the Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO). In addition to the Programme Officer, it is proposed that a Junior Programme Officer (P-2) and a Research Assistant (G-7) be recruited to strengthen the unit. The Conference of the Parties may wish to anticipate further expansion in these unit on the basis of experiences in other conventions and give the requisite financial flexibility. The total budget proposed for this unit is $144,396.


48. The 1996 budget provided $210,000 for travel of staff. Experience in 1996 revealed that this sum is not sufficient to cover the travel expenses of Secretariat staff to meetings of importance to the implementation of the Convention. The proposed budget for 1997 has therefore increased provision by $470,000. The revised figure reflects the overall increase in travel resulting from additional staff and the increasing demand on the Secretariat to assist with the implementation of the Convention at various levels. In addition, the proposed increase reflects the rising cost of travel. The Conference of the Parties may also wish to discuss the status of travel costs associated with non-Secretariat officials of the Convention.


49. The 1996 budget contained one line for equipment and provided $50,000. To more accurately reflect the Secretariat's needs, the proposed budget for 1997 and 1998 divides this category into expendable equipment (supplies and material) and non-expendable equipment (furniture, computers, photocopiers, etc.). The proposed budget for non-expendable equipment is $50,000, which will provide for office furniture, computers and printers for new staff members and for high-volume reproduction machinery to save the cost of reproduction outside the Secretariat. The proposed budget contains $70,000 for expendable equipment (supplies and material) and includes stationery, computer software etc.


50. The proposed budget contains $100,000 for utilities. This is an increase of $30,000 from the 1996 budget and represents the true costs for utilities under the present circumstances. To accommodate increased staff numbers, the offices of the permanent secretariat have expanded and more equipment is in use. This is reflected in an increased provision for insurance of $15,000 more than the 1996 budget figure.


51. The 1996 budget provided for $98,000 in temporary assistance and overtime expenses. The amount was sufficient to meet the demands of the workload. The most cost-effective way of addressing critical periods, for example when documents need to be rapidly reproduced and dispatched, is to hire temporary assistance. With the purchase or lease of high-capacity reproduction machinery, the expectation is that reproduction will be done in-house, thus increasing the need to occasionally engage temporary assistance. In addition, the heavy workload often requires overtime from the general service staff. To adequately address these needs, the 1997 budget proposes $100,000 for this item, a net increase of $2,000 from 1996.

52. The 1996 budget contains $170,000 for communications (fax, phone, e-mail). The proposed budget for 1997 includes $300,000 for this item. The net increase of $130,000 provides the resources to respond to the expanding interest in the Convention, which includes increased activities related to the formulation of a biosafety protocol, the growing number of processes of relevance to its implementation and the increasing number of Parties.

53. The 1996 budget includes $30,000 for recruitment costs and travel to interviews. The proposed budget for 1997 includes $60,000 a net increase of $30,000. It is expected that the basic structure of the Secretariat will be completed by August 1997, therefore intensive recruitment activity is expected in 1996 and 1997.

54. Any mid-course revision of the medium-term programme of work will influence the final budget figures. Decisions taken during the course of the third and fourth meetings of the Conference of the Parties with financial implications, in particular regarding the venue of the Convention's major meetings, ways to implement the clearing-house mechanism, the programme and means for carrying out the work of the SBSTTA and the way to proceed under Article 19(3), will need to be incorporated in a revision to the budget proposal presented here. In addition, the location of the Secretariat has also affected the costs reflected in the proposed budget as adjustments are necessary at the time of any relocation.


55. The proposed budget for 1997 and 1998 assesses the financial implications of the successful follow-up to decisions made at the first and the second meetings of the Conference of the Parties, in particular its medium-term programme of work (MTPW). It attempts to strike a balance between the reality of scarce resources, the new environment of the permanent Secretariat and a heavy work programme. Just as any revision to the MTPW should be reflected in the final budget figures, a revision in the budget figures should not be considered in isolation from its effect on the successful delivery of the work programme. To enable the Conference of the Parties to make informed decisions about its budget, this note and proposed budget clearly identify all proposed changes from the 1996 budget and link them to the MTPW and decisions of the Conference of the Parties.

56. In considering this budget, the Conference of the Parties may consider establishing a working capital reserve fund. The fund could be established on the basis of United Nations practices at the value of 15% of the annual expenditures or be linked to the contributions of the host country or a combination of a proportion of a percentage of annual expenditures and host country contributions.




INPUTS GenevaMontreal
Executive Direction
Executive Secretary (D-2) 200 000 95 432
Special Assistant to the Executive Secretary (P-3) 125 000 68 124
Senior Secretary (G-5) 88 000 21 340
Support activities and technical reviews 79 000 60 000
Fund Management and Administration
Fund Management/Administrative Officer (P-4) (UNEP) 0 0
Administrative Assistant (G-6) 110 000 23 302
Clerk (G-3) 79 000 17 327
subtotal 1 681 000 282 525
Intergovernmental processes
Principal Officer (D-1) 185 000 91 948
Associate Administrative Officer (P-2) 101 000 54 296
Research Assistant (G-5) 88 000 21 340
Secretary, (G-4) 84 000 19 535
Support activities and technical reviews 42 000 40 000
Financial resources and instruments
Programme Officer (P-4) 149 000 78 943
Support activities and technical reviews 32 000 40 000
Legal advice and support
Programme Officer (P-4) 149 000 78 943
Support activities and technical reviews 32 000 30 000
Servicing the Conference of the Parties
Servicing COP 977 000 950 000
subtotal 2 1 839 0001 405 005

INPUTS GenevaMontreal
Office of the Principal Officer
Principal Officer (D-1) 185 000 91 948
Programme Officer - Economist (P-4) 149 000 78 943
Research Assistant (G-5) 88 000 21 340
Research Assistant (G-5) 88 000 21 340
Secretary (G-4) 84 000 19 535
Support activities and technical reviews 63 000 60 000
Conservation Ecology
Programme Officer, Conservation Ecology (P-4) 149 000 78 943
Genetic Resources/Agrobiodiversity
Programme Officer (P-4) (FAO) 0 0
Senior Programme Officer (P-5) 168 000 87 852
Marine Ecology
Programme Officer (P-4) (UNESCO) 0 0
Indigenous Knowledge
Programme Officer (P-3) 125 000 68 124
Servicing of SBSTTA Meetings
Servicing of SBSTTA Meetings 368 000 350 000
Servicing of SBSTTA Panel 24 000 50 000
Servicing and communication of SBSTTA liaison group 21 000 21 000
Servicing of Open-ended working group on Biosafety 517 000 700 000
Servicing Panel meeting on marine and coastal areas 21 000 60 000
subtotal 3 2 050 0001 709 025

INPUTS GenevaMontreal
Office of the Senior Programme Officer
Senior Programme Officer (P-5) 168 000 87 852
Research Assistant (G-5) 88 000 21 340
Secretary (G-4) 84 000 19 535
Support activities and technical reviews 42 000 40 000
Clearing House Mechanism
Programme Officer (P-4) 149 000 78 943
Database Operator (P-2) 101 000 54 296
Equipment, supplies and material 63 000 53 000
Training Workshops 0 0
Programme Officer (P-3) 125 000 68 124
Library and Documentation Services
Librarian/documentalist (P-3) 125 000 68 124
Clerk (G-3) 79 000 17 327
Library acquisitions 53 000 50 000
Programme Officer- Communication (P-2) (UNEP) 0 54 296
Promotion, awareness raising and publications 145 000 150 000
GBO Publication 0 0
subtotal 4 1 222 000 762 837
Travel of staff
Travel on official missions 147 000 400 000
Travel to service meetings 74 000 70 000
subtotal 5 221 000 470 000
Equipment (office furniture, pcs, photocopy/printer) 0 50 000
Supplies and material 53 000 70 000
subtotal 6 53 000 120 000
Rent 0 0
Security services 0 0
Building maintenance 0 0
Utilities (gas, electricity, cleaning, etc.) 0 100 000
Insurance 0 20 000
subtotal 7 0 120 000
Temporary assistance and overtime 103 000 100 000
Communications (telephone, fax, mail, e-mail, etc.) 179 000 300 000
Recruitment costs/travel on interviews 30 000 60 000
Relocation of staff and removal expenses 0 0
Hospitality 21 000 50 000
Other 5 000 5 000
subtotal 8 338 000 515 000
subtotal 1 to 8 6 404 0004 872 392
9.CONTINGENCIES (2% - subtotal 1 to 8) 128 080 97 448
subtotal 1 to 9 6 532 0804 969 840
10.ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT CHARGE (13 %) 849 160 646 079
11.TOTAL 7 381 240 5 615 919
13.BUDGET TO BE SHARED BY PARTIES 6 991 672 4 615 919

1/. This annex demonstrates comparative costings between Geneva and Montreal and does not reflect proposed changes in the organisational structure of the Secretariat, upgrading or rearrangements of posts, or proposed new positions. These are shown in Annex II.





INPUTS 19971998
Executive Direction
Executive Secretary (D-2) 95 432100 203
Special Assistant to the Executive Secretary (P-3) 68 12471 531
Planning and Policy Advisor (Quebec) (P-4) 00
Junior Programme Officer (Finland) (P-2) 00
Senior Secretary (G-7) 25 45326 726
Support activities and technical reviews 60 00060 000
Fund Management and Administration
Fund Management/Administrative Officer (P-4) (UNEP) 00
Administrative Officer (P-3) (Quebec) 00
Associate Administrative Officer - Correspondence (P-2) 54 29657 011
Financial Assistant (G-7) 25 45326 726
Personnel Assistant (G-7) 25 45326 726
Administrative Assistant (G-6) 23 30224 467
Travel Clerk (G-6) 23 30224 467
Secretary (G-4) 19 53520 512
Receptionist (G-4) 19 53520 512
Messenger (G-4) 19 53520 512
Support activities 20 00020 000
Subtotal 1 479 420499 391

INPUTS 19971998
Office of the Principal Officer
Principal Officer (D-1) 91 94896 546
Associate Administrative Officer (P-2) 54 29657 011
Administrative Assistant (G-6) 23 30224 467
Secretary (G-5) 21 34022 407
Support activities 40 00040 000
Cooperative Affairs
Programme Officer - Intergovernmental Affairs (P-4) 87 85292 244
Programme Officer - Non-governmental Affairs (P-3) 68 12471 531
Research Assistant (G-7) 25 45326 726
Support activities 40 00040 000
Legal Affairs
Programme Officer (P-4) 78 94382 891
Research Assistant (G-7) 25 45326 726
Support activities 30 00030 000
Servicing the Conference of the Parties
Servicing COP 950 0001 000 000
Meeting of Bureau of COP 50 00050 000
Servicing COP regional preparatory meetings 250 000250 000
Subtotal 2 1 836 7121 910 547

INPUTS 19971998
Office of the Principal Officer
Principal Officer (D-1) 91 94896 546
Administrative Assistant (G-6) 23 30224 467
Secretary (G-5) 21 34022 407
Support activities and technical reviews 60 00060 000
Scientific, Technical and Technological Analysis
Programme Officer, Identification, Monitoring and Assessment (P-4) 78 94382 891
Programme Officer, Economics (P-4) 78 94382 891
Programme Officer, Partnerships and Private Sector (P-4) 78 94382 891
Programme Officer, Indigenous Knowledge (P-3) 68 12471 531
Programme Officer, Agrobiodiversity (FAO) 00
Programme Officer, Genetic Resources 00
Research Assistant (G-7) 25 45326 726
Research Assistant (G-7) 25 45326 726
Research Assistant (G-7) 25 45326 726
Support activities and technical reviews 120 000120 000
Servicing of SBSTTA Meetings
Servicing of SBSTTA Meetings 350 000360 000
Servicing of SBSTTA activities 80 00080 000
Meeting of SBSTTA Bureau 50 00050 000
Subtotal 3 1 177 9041 213 799
Office of the Principal Officer
Principal Officer (D-1) 91 94896 546
Programme Officer, Law (P-4) 78 94382 891
Programme Officer, Genetics (P-3) 68 12471 531
Associate Administrative Officer (P-2) 54 29657 011
Junior Programme Officer (P-2) 00
Research Assistant (G-7) 25 45326 726
Support activities and technical reviews 75 00075 000
Servicing of Biosafety Protocol Meetings
Servicing meetings of Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Biosafety 700 000700 000
Subtotal 4 1 093 7651 109 703

INPUTS 19971998
Office of the Principal Officer
Principal Officer (D-1) 91 94896 546
Administrative Assistant (G-6) 23 30224 467
Secretary (G-5) 21 34022 407
Support activities and technical reviews 40 00040 000
Clearing House Mechanism
Programme Officer - Clearing House Mechanism (P-4) 78 94382 891
Programme Officer (Quebec) 00
Librarian/documentalist (P-3) 68 12471 531
Programme Officer - Information (P-3) 68 12471 531
Associate Programme Officer - Database Management (P-2) 54 29657 011
Associate Programme Officer - Documentation Control (P-2) 54 29657 011
Database Clerk (G-5) 21 34022 407
Clerk - Publications (G-4) 19 53520 512
Support activities 40 00040 000
Library acquisitions 50 00050 000
Promotion, awareness raising and publications 150 000150 000
Jakarta Mandate on Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity
Programme Officer, Conservation Ecology (P-4) 78 94382 891
Programme Officer, Marine Ecology (UNESCO) 00
Programme Officer (P-3) 68 12471 531
Junior Programme Officer (P-2) 00
Support activities and technical reviews 60 00060 000
Financial Resources and Instruments
Programme Officer - Financial Resources and Instruments (P-4) 78 94382 891
Junior Programme Officer (P-2) 00
Junior Programme Officer (P-2) 00
Research Assistant (G-7) 25 45326 726
Support activities and technical reviews 40 00040 000
National Reports and Reviews
Programme Officer (P-4) 78 94382 891
Junior Programme Officer (P-2) 00
Research Assistant (G-7) 25 45326 726
Support activities and technical reviews 40 00040 000
Subtotal 5 1 277 1101 319 965

INPUTS 19971998
Travel on official missions 400 000400 000
Travel to service meetings 70 00070 000
Subtotal 6 470 000470 000
Expendable equipment (supplies and material) 70 00070 000
Non-expendable equipment (furniture, computers, photocopiers, etc) 50 00050 000
Subtotal 7 120 000120 000
Rent 00
Utilities (gas, electricity, cleaning, etc.) 100 000100 000
Insurance 20 00020 000
Subtotal 8 120 000120 000
Temporary assistance and overtime 100 000100 000
Communications (telephone, fax, mail, e-mail, etc.) 300 000300 000
Recruitment costs/costs on interviews 60 00020 000
Hospitality 50 00050 000
Other 5 0005 000
Subtotal 9 515 000475 000
Subtotal 1 to 9 7 089 9107 238 406
10.CONTINGENCIES (8.5% - subtotal 1 to 9) 602 642615 264
Subtotal 1 to 10 7 692 5537 853 670
10.ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT CHARGE (13 %) 1 000 0321 020 977
11.TOTAL 8 692 5848 874 647
13.BUDGET TO BE SHARED BY PARTIES 7 692 5847 874 647
Percentage increase over previous year (based on budget to be shared by Parties) 122



United Nations scale of assessments 1997 * Scale for the Trust Fund with 25% ceiling and no least developed country Party paying more than 0.01 per cent Contributions as per 1 January 1997 Indicative contributions as per 1 January 1998
(per cent) (per cent)(US dollars) (US dollars)
1Albania 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
2Algeria 0,160,21 16 517 16 908
3Antigua & Barbuda 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
4Argentina 0,480,64 49 552 50 725
5Armenia 0,050,07 5 162 5 284
6Australia 1,481,99 152 786 156 402
7Austria 0,871,17 89 813 91 939
8Bahamas 0,020,03 2 065 2 114
9Bangladesh 0,010,01 769 787
10Barbados 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
11Belarus 0,280,38 28 905 29 590
12Belize 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
13Benin 0,010,01 769 787
14Bhutan 0,010,01 769 787
15Bolivia 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
16Botswana 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
17Brazil 1,622,17 167 239 171 197
18Bulgaria 0,080,11 8 259 8 454
19Burkina Faso 0,010,01 769 787
20Cambodia 0,010,01 769 787
21Cameroon 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
22Canada 3,114,17 321 057 328 656
23Cape Verde 0,010,01 769 787
24Central African Republic 0,010,01 769 787
25Chad 0,010,01 769 787
26Chile 0,080,11 8 259 8 454
27China 0,740,99 76 393 78 201
28Colombia 0,100,13 10 323 10 568
29Comoros 0,010,01 769 787
30Congo 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
31Cook Islands 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
32Costa Rica 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
33Cote d'Ivoire 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
34Cuba 0,050,07 5 162 5 284
35Cyprus 0,030,04 3 097 3 170
36Czech Republic 0,250,34 25 808 26 419
37Democratic People's Republic of Korea 0,050,07 5 162 5 284
38Denmark 0,720,97 74 328 76 088
39Djibouti 0,010,01 769 787
40Dominica 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
41Ecuador 0,020,03 2 065 2 114
42Egypt 0,080,11 8 259 8 454
43El Salvador 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
44Equatorial Guinea 0,010,01 769 787
45Eritrea 0,010,01 769 787
46Estonia 0,040,05 4 129 4 227
47Ethiopia 0,010,01 769 787
48Fiji 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
49Finland 0,620,83 64 005 65 520
50France 6,428,62 662 762 678 447
51Gambia 0,010,01 769 787
52Georgia 0,110,15 11 356 11 624
53Germany 9,0612,16 935 299 957 435
54Ghana 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
55Greece 0,380,51 39 229 40 157
56Grenada 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
57Guatemala 0,020,03 2 065 2 114
58Guinea 0,010,01 769 787
59Guinea-Bissau 0,010,01 769 787
60Guyana 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
61Honduras 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
62Hungary 0,140,19 14 453 14 795
63Iceland 0,030,04 3 097 3 170
64India 0,310,42 32 003 32 760
65Indonesia 0,140,19 14 453 14 795
66Iran (Islamic Republic of) 0,450,60 46 455 47 555
67Ireland 0,210,28 21 679 22 192
68Israel 0,270,36 27 873 28 533
69Italy 5,257,05 541 978 554 805
70Jamaica 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
71Japan 15,6521,00 1 615 611 1 653 848
72Jordan 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
73Kazakhstan 0,190,25 19 614 20 079
74Kenya 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
75Kiribati 0,010,01 769 787
76Kyrgyztan 0,030,04 3 097 3 170
77Latvia 0,080,11 8 259 8 454
78Lebanon 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
79Lesotho 0,010,01 769 787
80Lithuania 0,080,11 8 259 8 454
81Luxembourg 0,070,09 7 226 7 397
82Madagascar 0,010,01 769 787
83Malawi 0,010,01 769 787
84Malaysia 0,140,19 14 453 14 795
85Maldives 0,010,01 769 787
86Mali 0,010,01 769 787
87Marshall Islands 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
88Mauritania 0,010,01 769 787
89Mauritius 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
90Mexico 0,791,06 81 555 83 485
91Micronesia (Federated States of) 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
92Monaco 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
93Mongolia 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
94Morocco 0,030,04 3 097 3 170
95Mozambique 0,010,01 769 787
96Myanmar 0,010,01 769 787
97Nauru 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
98Nepal 0,010,01 769 787
99Netherlands 1,592,13 164 142 168 027
100New Zealand 0,240,32 24 776 25 363
101Nicaragua 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
102Niger 0,010,01 769 787
103Nigeria 0,110,15 11 356 11 624
104Niue 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
105Norway 0,560,75 57 811 59 179
106Oman 0,040,05 4 129 4 227
107Pakistan 0,060,08 6 194 6 341
108Panama 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
109Papua New Guinea 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
110Paraguay 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
111Peru 0,060,08 6 194 6 341
112Philippines 0,060,08 6 194 6 341
113Poland 0,330,44 34 067 34 873
114Portugal 0,280,38 28 905 29 590
115Qatar 0,040,05 4 129 4 227
116Republic of Korea 0,821,10 84 652 86 655
117Republic of Moldova 0,080,11 8 259 8 454
118Romania 0,150,20 15 485 15 852
119Russian Federation 4,275,73 440 809 451 242
120Rwanda 0,010,01 769 787
121Saint Kitts and Nevis 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
122Saint Lucia 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
123Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
124Samoa 0,010,01 769 787
125San Marino 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
126Senegal 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
127Seychelles 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
128Sierra Leone 0,010,01 769 787
129Singapore 0,140,19 14 453 14 795
130Slovakia 0,080,11 8 259 8 454
131Slovenia 0,070,09 7 226 7 397
132Solomon Islands 0,010,01 769 787
133South Africa 0,320,43 33 035 33 817
134Spain 2,383,19 245 697 251 512
135Sri Lanka 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
136Sudan 0,010,01 769 787
137Suriname 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
138Swaziland 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
139Sweden 1,231,65 126 978 129 983
140Switzerland 1,211,62 124 913 127 869
141Syrian Arabic Republic 0,050,07 5 162 5 284
142Togo 0,010,01 769 787
143Trinidad and Tobago 0,030,04 3 097 3 170
144Tunisia 0,030,04 3 097 3 170
145Uganda 0,010,01 769 787
146Ukraine 1,091,46 112 525 115 188
147United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 5,327,14 549 204 562 203
148United Republic of Tanzania 0,010,01 769 787
149Uruguay 0,040,05 4 129 4 227
150Uzbekistan 0,130,17 13 420 13 738
151Vanuatu 0,010,01 769 787
152Venezuela 0,330,44 34 067 34 873
153Viet Nam 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
154Yemen 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
155Zaire 0,010,01 769 787
156Zambia 0,010,01 769 787
157Zimbabwe 0,010,01 1 032 1 057
158European Community 0,002,50 192 315 196 866
72,75 100,00 7 692 584 7 874 647
*General Assembly Resolution 49/19. Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations.




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