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Photos from Biodiversity COP-3

Updated 15 November 1996

The Ministerial Segment segued from ministers into delegates, NGOs and non-Parties in its second and final day. Some of their photos appear below.

Mauritius E-Ds
US Ministers and others: Mauritius (above left), the first country to become a Party to the CBD, questioned the fact that non-parties such as the US (left) preceded parties during the second day of the Ministerial Segment. UNEP Executive Director Elizabeth Dowdeswell and Executive Secretary Calestous Juma (above right) listened to the proceedings.

Spain Indigenous rep
Doing real work Spain (above left) endorsed an UNCTAD valuation programme; a representative of the Indigenous Peoples' Group (above right) said called for a moratorium on bioprospecting and expressed dissatisfaction with the decision on indigenous and local communities; delegates from Senegal (left) took advantage of the relatively quiet session to work in the plenary hall.

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