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9 February 

10 February 

11 February 

12 February 

13 February 

16 February 

17 February 

18 February 

19 February 

20 February 


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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 9-20 February 2004

Daily Web Coverage |Mon 9| |Tue 10| |Wed 11| |Thu 12| |Fri 13|

|Mon 16| |Tue 17| |Wed 18| |Thu 19| |Fri 20|

Highlights for Thursday 12 February 2004

COP-7 delegates met throughout the day in two Working Groups (WGs). WG-I considered the Strategic Plan, and progress reports on thematic work programmes. WG-II discussed Article 8(j) (traditional knowledge), and scientific and technical coopera­tion and the Clearing-house Mechanism (CHM). A brief daily Plenary was held in the afternoon. Contact groups on access and benefit-sharing (ABS), the programme budget for the biennium 2005-2006, and protected areas (PAs) also convened. 

Above photo: Working Group II session in one of the elaborately decorated rooms of the Putra World Trade Center, where COP-7 is taking place.

Working Group I: Strategic Plan 

Ireland, on behalf of the EU and Acceding Countries, Bulgaria and Romania (EU), proposed establishing an expert liaison group to develop trial indicators. Above photo L-R: Noel Foley and Deírdre Lynn delegates from (Ireland)

said the proposed targets are insufficiently developed.  Above photo: Sigurdur Thráinsson (Iceland)

Saudi Arabia, on behalf of the ARAB GROUP, underlined the linkages between the different thematic work programmes. 
Above photo: Mohammad Al-Sakhan (Saudi Arabia)

France stressed the need for criteria and indica­tors for sustainable forest management (SFM). Above photo: Jean-Pierre Le Danff (France)



India, on behalf of the ASIA AND THE PACIFIC GROUP, recommended country-driven implementation and inter-regional capacity building. Above photo L-R: L. Kannan and Sas. Biswas (India)


Cameroon stressed the need to build government capacity. Above photo: Mary Fosi Mbantenkhu (Cameroon)

Dry and Sub Humid- Lands:

CANADA called for synergies between the relevant conventions, the GEF and the CCD's Global Mechanism while respecting their different mandates. Above photo: Karen Brown (Canada)

The UNCCD urged for joint efforts to support sustainable livelihoods. Above photo: Douglas Pattie (UNCCD)

Working Group II: Article 8 (j)


The IIFB delivered the opening statement stressing the inherent rights of indigenous peoples to PIC and sui generis systems for the protection of traditional knowledge, while opposing mainstream intellectual property rights and GURTs. Above photo: Lucy Mulenkei (IIFB)

Namibia supported a voluntary funding mechanism for indigenous participation. Above photo: Sem Shikongo (Namibia)  

Austria called for the respect of territorial rights of indigenous peoples necessary to maintain traditional knowledge and also integral to sui generis systems for the protection of traditional knowledge Above photo: Andrea Nouak (Austria) 

WIPO reported on its efforts to add categories for traditional knowledge and medicine to the international patent classification system. Above photo: Shakeel Bahti (WIPO)
Plenary: Statements

The FAO said the ITPGR covers essential parts of agricultural biodiversity, urging Parties to ratify it. Above photo: Jose Esquinas-Alcazar (FAO)

The UN FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE said its Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice has encouraged Parties to use the report of the AHTEG on Biodiversity and Climate Change as a source of information. Above photo: Rocio Lichte (UNFCCC)

Contact Group: Protected Areas

Above photos: Regarding the goals and targets of the draft work programme on protected areas (PAs), delegates debated language on indigenous involvement in PA establishment and management. Friends of the Chair groups were established to address targets on securing resources to meet PA costs and monitoring systems. 

Contact Group: ABS

The ABS contact group met in afternoon and evening sessions. Participants initiated discussions on the heavily bracketed terms of reference for the ABS Working Group, which will negotiate an international ABS regime. Informal drafting groups were formed on the process and scope of the regime. Left photo L-R: Dais of the Contact Group on Acess and Benefit-Sharing .
Side Event: Workshop on Management Tool for Genetic Resources Access and Benefit Sharing Activities

This workshop gave participants the opportunity to discuss the approaches to, and challenges involved with, developing a management tool to help guide the implementation of the Bonn Guidelines.  The management tool is targeted at non-State actors, and seeks to facilitate the establishment of collaborative relationships between providers and users of genetic resources (GR).  Discussion focused on the potential value of such a tool as a way to obtain more experience in implementing the Bonn Guidelines.  It was suggested that the Bonn Guidelines are more detailed in the information provided to States, and that there is a need for additional guidance to non-State actors involved with and effected by ABS activities.  


Some of the specific comments included:

  • Many users of GR are not familiar with their obligations under the CBD;
  • There is a need for a practical tool – not limited by what can be negotiated;
  • A management tool might help build experience with implementing ABS;
  • A management tool could help to address some key challenges, including:
    • The lack of market information during PIC and MAT negotiations;
    • The need to 'level the playing field';
    • The transfer of GR to or through third parties;
    • Monitoring and tracking implementation of PIC and benefit-sharing agreements; and
    • The lack of a framework for entering negotiations.
  • Participants also highlighted some sensitive issues that would need to be considered, including:
    • Giving customary users and indigenous peoples a formal role;
    • Addressing the stock of ex situ material already in use;
    • The link between PIC and IPRs; and
    • The relationship between the State and other users.

For more information please see: or contact Tom Rotherham (IISD) or George Greene (Stratos)


GEF Small Grants Programme: Asia-Pacific Coordinators Workshop

Above photo L-R: Angie Cunanan (GEF SGP Philippines) sharing experiences learned from GEF SGP Philippine projects; Delfin Ganapin Jr. Global Manager (GEF SGP)


ENB Coverage and Summary (HTML, PDF, TEXT) of CBD COP-6
ENB Coverage and Summary (HTML, PDF, TEXT) of ICCP-3
ENB archives of CBD meetings
CBD web site
CBD COP-7 official meeting documents 
ENB Coverage and Summary (HTML, PDF, TEXT) of SBSTTA-9
ENB Coverage and Summary (HTML, PDF, TEXT) of ABS-WG2  
ENB Coverage and Summary (HTML, PDF, TEXT) of Article 8(j)-WG3
Global Biodiversity Forum web site