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9 February 

10 February 

11 February 

12 February 

13 February 

16 February 

17 February 

18 February 

19 February 

20 February 


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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 9-20 February 2004

Daily Web Coverage |Mon 9| |Tue 10| |Wed 11| |Thu 12| |Fri 13|

|Mon 16| |Tue 17| |Wed 18| |Thu 19| |Fri 20|

Highlights for Monday 16 February 2004

COP-7 delegates met throughout the day in two Working Groups (WGs). WG-I discussed monitoring and indicators, biodiversity and climate change, the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI), the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), the ecosystem approach, and sustainable use. WG-II addressed liability and redress, incentive measures, and cooperation with other conventions, and also considered conference room papers (CRPs) on technology transfer and on scientific and technical cooperation and the Clearing-house Mechanism (CHM). A brief Plenary was held in the afternoon. Contact groups on the budget, access and benefit-sharing (ABS) and protected areas (PAs) convened. 

Above photo L-R: Birthe Ivars (Norway), Anne Daniel (Canada), Grethe Evjen (Norway), Eduardo Velez (Brazil) and Maria Mbengashe (South Africa) in a huddle during the contact group on ABS. 

Working Group I:  Biodiversity and Climate-Change 

Russell Nari (Vanuatu) (above) called for redressing the balance between research on mitigation and adaptation on the one hand and addressing the root causes of climate change on the other hand.         

The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) presented the outcomes of UNFCCC COP-9, including decisions on natural greenhouse gas inventories and procedures for afforestation and reforestation under the Clean Development Mechanism. Above photo: Rocio Lichte (UNFCCC)

Stas Burgiel
(Defenders of Wildlife) urged incorporating traditional knowledge in relevant climate change activities, and expressed regret regarding UNFCCC's support to the use of genetically modified organisms in afforestation and reforestation activities under the Clean Development Mechanism. 

Above photo L-R: William Carroll Muffett and Stas Burgiel (Defenders of Wildlife)

WETLANDS INTERNATIONAL stressed the need to minimize degradation of areas that have sequestration capacities. Above photo: Faizal Parish (Wetlands International)



Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI): 

SAUDI ARABIA stressed the role of scientific information and monitoring. Above photo: Abdulaziz Abu-Zinada      (Saudi Arabia) with members of the Saudi Arabian delegation and children from Greenpeace 

GHANA called for technology transfer and financial support. Above photo: Alfred Yeboah (Ghana)

Ecosystem Approach:

The NETHERLANDS  stressed multi-stakeholder and private sector involvement. 

Left photo: Herbert  Prins (the Netherlands)

Working Group II: 
Liability and Redress


Tanzania urged Parties that want to establish a regime for liability and redress to provide financial support for the group of experts.

Above photo: Rawson Yonazi (United Republic of Tanzania)

Argentina reaffirmed its appeal to provide funding for holding a meeting of legal and technical experts on liability and redress.

bove photo L-R: Diego Malpede and Victoria Liechtschein (Argentina)

Incentive Measures: 

South Africa suggested identifying specific targets and funding sources. Above photo: Gert Willemse and Alf Wills (South Africa) 

Above photo L-R: Peter Heyward (Australia), Diego Malpede (Argentina), and Maria Angelica Ikeda (Brazil) suggested that SBSTTA further consider incentive measures. The EU favored informal consultations to enable the COP to adopt a decision. Discussion was deferred until delegates consult on the basis of text submitted by Argentina.

Senegal called for studying and reinforcing traditional practices with positive impacts on biodiversity.
Above photo: Samuel Dieme (Senegal) 

Finland described its efforts in economic valuation of biodiversity, suggesting that such information should be included in national reports on incentive measures.

Above photo: Jukka-Pekka Jäppinen (Finland)

Technology Transfer: 

The Philippines suggested gathering information on obstacles that impede technology transfer to developing countries. Above photo: Elpidio Peria (front) and Beth Roxas (Philippines)

Egypt, on behalf of the African Group, requested that references to the adoption and diffusion of technology be made in accordance with the Rio Declaration and the WSSD Plan of Implementation. Above photo: Osama Mohamed el Tayeb (Egypt) (right) with Girma Balcha (Ethiopia)
Cooperation with other Conventions:

Regarding the global biodiversity initiative, Mexico requested to clarify UNEP's role. She also suggested that the COP reiterate the CBD's request for observer status at the WTO.

Above photo: Mariana Bellot Roxas (Mexico)

NIGERIA asked for a clear definition of the scope and mandate of the global partnership on biodiversity.

Above photo: Osita Anaedu (Nigeria)


From left: Listen to the report of Working Group I Chaired by Hans Hoogeveen (the Netherlands), Working Group II Chaired by Desh Deepak Verma (India) and by the Contact Group on Budget Chaired by John Ashe (Antigua and Barbuda) 

The ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER COMMISSION called for indigenous involvement in CBD processes and in PA establishment, and for a sui generis system for traditional knowledge protection based on customary law.  

Left photo: Rodney Dillon (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission)

Contact Group: Access and Benefit Sharing 

The contact group on ABS discussed preambular references and elements. Left photo L-R: ABS Contact Group Chairs David Hafashimana (Uganda) and François Pythoud with Valerie Normande and Dan Ogolla from the CBD.

Protected Areas: 
Delegates in the contact group on protected areas reached agreement on a definition for "global PA network," and started considering activities regarding planning and management of protected area systems and sites. 

Right photo: Delegates in an informal consultation huddle. 



ENB Coverage and Summary (HTML, PDF, TEXT) of CBD COP-6
ENB Coverage and Summary (HTML, PDF, TEXT) of ICCP-3
ENB archives of CBD meetings
CBD web site
CBD COP-7 official meeting documents 
ENB Coverage and Summary (HTML, PDF, TEXT) of SBSTTA-9
ENB Coverage and Summary (HTML, PDF, TEXT) of ABS-WG2  
ENB Coverage and Summary (HTML, PDF, TEXT) of Article 8(j)-WG3
Global Biodiversity Forum web site