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    Second Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the 
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (ICCP-2)


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More photos @ ENB ICCP-2 SNAPSHOTS:

Update for Friday, 5 October 2001

The second Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (ICCP) was held at UNEP Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, from 1-5 October 2001. Approximately 349 participants from 117 countries and 47 intergovernmental, non-governmental and industry organizations attended. Delegates met in Plenary and two Working Groups to discuss agenda items from ICCP-1 as well as a number of new issues. Working Group I (WG-I) addressed: information sharing; handling, transport, packaging and identification; monitoring and reporting; and consideration of other issues necessary for the Protocol's implementation. Working Group II (WG-II) addressed: capacity building; the roster of experts; guidance to the financial mechanism; decision-making procedures; liability and redress; and compliance. The Plenary addressed: the Secretariat, rules of procedure; the agenda of the first Conference of the Parties (COP) serving as the Meeting of the Parties (MOP-1); cooperation with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) under other matters; and preparatory work for MOP-1. Above photo: The dias during the closing plenary





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Delegates expressed their satisfaction with progress made during the meeting, while noting its predominant focus on process over substance. The meeting highlighted continued concerns regarding capacity building and information sharing as essential elements for the Protocol's ratification and implementation at the national level. Discussions on the documentation of living modified organisms for food, feed or processing (LMO-FFPs), liability and redress, and compliance underscored tensions dating back to the Protocol's negotiations, while focusing on the exact nature of future processes to address them.

ICCP-2 developed recommendations on its agenda items, which will be forwarded to MOP-1 for consideration. In the event that the Protocol does not enter into force by 8 January 2002, ICCP-2 proposed that a third Intergovernmental Committee meeting be convened to maintain momentum on preparations for the Protocol's effective implementation at the time of its entry into force.



Chair Yang (left) opened the closing Plenary and introduced discussion on the Secretariat, rules of procedure, MOP-1's draft provisional agenda and a new recommendation under discussion of other matters on cooperation with the IPPC, which were adopted after some discussion. (See relevant sections above for substantive comments.) 

Real Audio of Ambassador Yang's closing plenary address

Chair Pythoud (left) introduced the report of WG-I, UNEP/CBD/ICCP/2/L.13 and L.13/Corr.1 and its recommendations, noting that they contain bracketed text. The US requested that his reservations be reflected along with Australia's regarding a paragraph on the recommendation for handling, packaging, transport and identification. Brazil requested her support be added to Argentina's statement in the report on a paragraph noting the need for financial assistance in implementing Articles 18.2(b) and (c). Chair Yang preferred that the reservations and bracketed text in these recommendations stand to reflect areas of difficulty, and the WG-I report and its recommendations were adopted.  

to follow

Chair Salamat (right) introduced the report of WG-II (UNEP/CBD/ICCP/2/L.14) and it's recommendations. He noted some editorial changes and inclusion of a footnote in the recommendation on compliance, stating that dates may be extended or altered by the Executive Secretary if the MOP does not occur in April 2002. After discussion clarifying that experts' meeting reports annexed to the recommendations were not considered as negotiated or adopted texts, the report and recommendations of WG-II were adopted. 

to follow

Rapporteur Gutiérrez Rosati presented ICCP-2's draft report (UNEP/CBD/ICCP/2/L.1), which was adopted with several editorial modifications. The Plenary then discussed recommendations on preparatory work for MOP-1, which was adopted after some discussion (see relevant section above).

Chair Yang then noted ICCP-2's continuation of the "Montreal Spirit" and noted that the ICCP-2's results show that all countries are committed to the Protocol's early entry into force and effective implementation. He highlighted upcoming consultations between the Bureaus of the ICCP and COP-6, and expressed his gratitude to the Netherlands hosting ICCP-3 or MOP-1 in conjunction with CBD COP-6 in April 2002. Chair Yang thanked the participants, Working Group and contact group chairs, ICCP Bureau, CBD Secretariat, UNEP, UNON conference services, translators and government and people of Kenya.  

Ethiopia on behalf of the G-77/China, Belgium on behalf of the European Community and its Member States, India on behalf of the Asian Group, Mexico on behalf of GRULAC, Jamaica on behalf of AOSIS, Hungary on behalf of the CEE, and Cameroon on behalf African Group also expressed their thanks and best wishes (above photos). Australia requested that the Bureau, in its consideration of an agenda for ICCP-3, focus on priority issues within the ICCP's mandate, particularly requirements in the first sentence of Article 18.2(a) on "may contain," BCH, capacity building and budgetary matters. Kenya thanked participants for choosing Nairobi, Kenya as the meeting's site. Morocco noted ties between climate change and biodiversity and its role as host of the upcoming COP-7 of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

A statement on behalf of a number of NGOs, inter alia: congratulated the six countries that have ratified the Protocol; called for a ban on LMOs in centers of origin and diversity; and supported interim measures and a fund on liability and redress. Hamdallah Zedan, CBD Executive Secretary stressed that countries ratifying the Protocol need to represent the diversity of the global community, including developing and developed and importing and exporting countries.  

Real Audio of Hamdallah Zedan's (CBD Executive Secretary) closing plenary address

Chair Yang officially adjourned the meeting at 2:30 pm.

More photos @ ENB ICCP-2 SNAPSHOTS:

ICCP-2 meeting website  with official documents and information for participants (PDF or DOC)
CBD Secretariat web site 
Biosafety Clearing-House
ENB Summary of ICCP-1(HTML, PDF and TXT)
ENB daily website coverage, photos, RealAudio files and daily reports from ICCP-1
IISD analysis of the Cartagena Protocol
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