<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"> International Institute for Sustainable Development - Reporting Services (IISD RS) @ Second Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Protected Area; 11 February - 15 February; Second Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Protected Areas; FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy

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Daily Web coverage
 Fri 22 & Summary 


Thirteenth Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 13)  

18 February - 22 February 2008 | Rome, Italy

Highlights from Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Delegates met in working group sessions in the morning and a session with the Committee of the Whole convening in the afternoon and evening. Working Group I addressed biodiversity of inland water ecosystems; Working Group II considered mutually supportive activities addressing climate change under the three Rio conventions; and the Committee of the Whole considered a conference room paper (CRP) on the review of the work programme on agricultural biodiversity. A contact group on agricultural biodiversity met in the evening.


The Committee of the Whole
Delegates considered a CRP on the in-depth review of the work programme on agricultural biodiversity. Noting the large number of countries wishing to intervene, Chair Hesiquio Benitez-Diaz suggested that delegates restrict themselves to making proposals without attempting to negotiate the text.

Hesiquio Benitez-Diaz, COW Chair, Jo Mulongoy, CBD Secretariat and David Cooper, CBD Secretariat
Hesiquio Benitez-Diaz, COW Chair

Janet Lowe, New Zealand, suggested specifying that cultivated systems, in providing food, feed, fiber and fuel, can often “affect” other ecosystem services. Robert Lamb, Switzerland, requested further elaboration of operational guidelines for the Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for the sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity.

Brad Fraleigh, Canada, proposed an additional paragraph recognizing the contributions of scientists, farmers, livestock keepers and breeders, international agencies, governments and other stakeholders.


Viviana Figueroa, International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity
Dalia Salabarria Fernández, Cuba

José Luis Sutera, Argentina, proposed deleting a request to the Executive Secretary to gather and disseminate information on links between climate change, agriculture and biodiversity.
Stefan Leiner, European Community, suggested new text urging parties and others to establish and apply sound policy frameworks which ensure the sustainable production and consumption of bioenergy.

Soumayila Bance, Burkina Faso
David Cooper, CBD Secretariat
Fernando Gast Garders, Colombia

Patrick Mulvany, Practical Action, underscored the need to reference associated ecosystem functions.

Working Group I: Inland Water Biodiversity
Delegates considered UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/13/5 on biological diversity of inland water ecosystems, including a joint work plan between the CBD and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands for 2007-2010.

WG I Chair Gabriele Obermayr

Krista Blackburow, Canada, proposed deleting a reference to transboundary collaboration.
Arild Lindgaard, Norway, suggested “inviting” rather than “urging” parties to ratify the UN Convention of the Law on Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses and the UN Economic Commission for Europe Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes.

Saulo Ceolin, Brazil

Branka Tavbez, Slovenia

Maharaj K. Muthoo, Roman Forum and Parviz Koohafkan, FAO, Land and Water Development Division
Ben Turtur Donnie, Liberia, Daouda Kouakon, Côte d'Ivoire and Rawson P. Yonazi, Tanzania

Gordana Beltram, Slovenia

Victor Canton, Uruguay

FAO stated that conservation and sustainable use of inland aquatic waters should be further developed using the ecosystem approach.

Working Group II: Biodiversity and Climate Change
Delegates continued responding to UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/13/7 on options for mutually supportive actions addressing climate change within the three Rio conventions.

Linus Spencer Thomas chaired WG II deliberations on climate change and biodiversity.

Ole Hendrickson, Canada, warned against encroaching upon the mandates of the respective conventions.
Lesbia Sevilla, Costa Rica, underlining that synergies should address both mitigation and adaptation issues.
Ghanim Abdulla Mohammed, Qatar, drew attention to the need to address difficulties faced by developing countries, including those countries whose economies are dependent on the production, export and consumption of fossil fuels.


Colombia highlighted the application of the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities when developing synergies.
Brazil cautioned against prejudging the outcome of the Bali Action Plan in regard to reducing emissions from deforestation.
Bahamas, for SIDS, emphasized biodiversity conservation as a low cost solution for adaptation.

Claudine Ramiarison, Madagascar, for the African Group, observed that many African countries have developed self-assessment capacity for identifying additional capacity building needs for implementation.
Hakim Aulaiah, Yemen, called for the establishment of an ad hoc technical expert group to develop biodiversity guidance relevant to the Bali Action Plan.



Contact Group: Agricultural Biodiversity
Delegates continued to address a CRP on the review of the programme of work on agricultural biodiversity in an evening contact group. Delegates considered text on inter alia: welcoming progress made by the FAO in preparing the State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture; noting the significant contribution of agriculture to conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; and recognizing the important contributions of indigenous and local communities, and others. Discussions continued into the night.



Daily Web Coverage
Monday, 18 February - Tuesday, 19 February - Wednesday, 20 February - Thursday, 21 February - Friday, 22 February

Also follow our coverage of WGPA 2
Monday, 11 February - Tuesday, 12 February - Wednesday, 13 February - Thursday, 14 February - Friday, 15 February

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