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7th Meeting of the Subsidiary Bodies for Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) of the  Convention on Biodiversity (CBD)


Highlights for Wednesday, 14 November  2001

Delegates to the seventh meeting of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) continued to meet in two working groups during the day. Working Group I on forest biodiversity, discussed: conservation and sustainable use; assessment and monitoring; enabling environment; and bushmeat. Working Group II (WG-II) discussed incentive measures, indicators and environmental impact assessments (EIA) Photo above: WG I contact group chaired by Stefan Leiner, European Community (EC) met into the night drafting on forest biodiversity issues.


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Photo above L-R: Delegates filled the room to capacity during the contact group on forest biodiversity; delegates from GRULAC in a huddle during a break in the contact group.

WG-I Chair Paula Warren (New Zealand) (right) reported on the contact group, noting: agreement on examining goals, objectives and activities, as well as implementing actors, timelines and process targets; an emphasis on sustainable use; and consideration of benefit-sharing under enabling activities.

EL SALVADOR (right), NIGERIA and SENEGAL highlighted  use of the ecosystem approach in restoration of degraded forests and the need for guidelines. BRAZIL, with NIGERIA, called for reference to benefit-sharing.

BANGLADESH (right), with SUDAN and TUNISIA, suggested prioritizing capacity building.


The SEYCHELLES (far left) and CANADA questioned a new reference to international standards and protocols under national forest classification systems.

PORTUGAL expressed concern about the feasibility of developing a harmonized classification system.

BURKINA FASO (left) and CAMEROON supported regular forest inventories with adequate financial resources.


Regarding illegal logging, BRAZIL (below right) suggested including illegal exploitation, trade and consumption of timber, non-timber resources and genetic resources.

BOLIVIA (near right), noted that legal systems not ensuring sustainability would be of limited significance.

CAMEROON (left), said that for many countries certification is not feasible in the short term.


BELGIUM suggested broadening the focus to cover unsustainable hunting of forest animals

KENYA (left) called for collaboration with other relevant agreements and institutions.


CANADA (left) reviewed the workshop on incentives for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity (October 2001, Montreal), presented the workshop's proposals for design and implementation of incentives and suggested recommendations for further cooperation. Most delegates welcomed the proposals and recommendations.

SWITZERLAND (right) said specific institutions were needed for implementation.

The WORLD BANK and the ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (OECD) (left) noted ongoing work in regard to information exchange, capacity building and payments for environmental services.


BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL, FAO, OECD and UNEP/ WORLD CONSERVATION MONITORING CENTER (right) highlighted their work including databases, regional indicators and pilot projects.

ARGENTINA and MEXICO (right) called for financing  work on indicators.

The Secretariat introduced a document containing draft guidelines for incorporating biodiversity considerations into EIA and strategic environmental assessments (SEA).

The US suggested using COP language on environmental concerns and interrelated socioeco­nomic, cultural and human health aspects.

CANADA (left) called for involving indigenous people, incorporating traditional knowledge and forwarding the discussion's results to the Working Group on CBD Article 8(j).

Chair Rodriguez (right) said that she would prepare a new draft on guidelines and recommendations.

ENB Summary of  CBD SBSTTA-6 ( HTML or PDF )
CBD Secretariat web site with official documents and Information for participants (doc and pdf)
SBSTTA issues on: Forest Biological Diversity
Preparation of the Strategic Plan for the Convention
Managing Biodiversity in Agricultural Ecosystems
The second national reports
ENB's Introduction to CBD
German CHM COP Decisions Database

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