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Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions

4-15 May 2015 | Geneva, Switzerland

Highlights for Monday, 4 May 2015

ENB Meeting Coverage

Curtain Raiser
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Daily ENB CoverageAbout | 4 May | 5 May | 6 May | 7 May | 8 May | 9 May
11 May | 12 May | 13 May | 14 May | 15 May | Summary

The Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions began on 4 May 2015 at the Geneva International Conference Centre

BRS | BC COP-12 | RC COP-7 | SC COP-7 Basel Convention COP12, Rotterdam Convention COP7 and Stockholm Convention COP7 convened for its first day on Monday, 4 May 2015.

Welcoming participants in the morning, Rolph Payet, Executive Secretary of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm (BRS) Secretariat underscored the importance of these meetings, saying that chemicals can now be found everywhere, even in Antarctica and the body of every human being. Clayton Campanhola, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Co-Executive Director of the Rotterdam Convention (RC), drew attention to the two pesticides, namely methamidophos and trichlorfon, and two severely hazardous pesticide formulations to be considered for listing in the Rotterdam Convention at this meeting, namely paraquat and fenthion. Saying that 2015 is “not a year like any other,” UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Executive Director Achim Steiner highlighted the links between the BRS COPs and other processes, including the post-2015 development agenda and Financing for Development processes.

During the lunch break, delegates attended side events on the elimination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and how science, technology and innovation can tackle drivers of chemicals and waste, which focused on the lifecycle of plastic as a driver of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) pollution.

In the afternoon, delegates continued their consideration of wastes containing or contaminated with POPs and established a contact group on the issue. Delegates then turned to technical and financial assistance under all three conventions and established a joint contact group to address the issues.

Delegates celebrated a successful first day at a reception hosted by the Government of Switzerland.

IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, provided daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis from the Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (BRS COP), in HTML and PDF.

Opening Ceremony

The Sam Singers perform during the opening ceremony

Opening Statements

Jan Dusik, Acting Director, UNEP Regional Office for Europe

Rolph Payet, Executive Secretary, Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm (BRS) Conventions Secretariat

Clayton Campanhola, Executive Secretary of the Rotterdam Convention

Bruno Oberle, Director of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment

Naoko Ishii, CEO and Chairperson of the
Global Environment Facility (GEF)

UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner

Indonesia and Switzerland honor the six countries that have recently ratified the Ban Amendment to the Basel Convention

Delegates from Benin, Colombia, the Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Guatemala, and Peru are honored in a special ceremony for those countries that have recently ratified the Ban Amendment

Andrzej Jagusiewicz, Poland, Basel Convention COP12 President

Johanna Lissinger Peitz, Sweden, Stockholm Convention COP7 President

Mohammed Khashashneh, Jordan, Rotterdam Convention COP7 President

María Antonia Masana García, Peru, speaking on behalf of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (GRULAC)

Gordana Petković, Serbia, speaking on behalf of
Central and Eastern Europe

Vaitoti Tupa, Cook Islands, speaking on behalf of the Asia Pacific Group

Silvija Kalnins, speaking on behalf of
the European Union (EU)

Henry Williams, Liberia, on behalf of the African Group

Afternoon Session

View of the dais during the afternoon session

Satoshi Watanabe, Japan

Silje Johannessen, Norway

Luca Arnold, Switzerland

Sam Adu-Kumi, Ghana

Carlos Enriquez Montes, Mexico

Francis Kihumba, Kenya

Kyunghee Choi, Republic of Korea

Yaser Khalil Abu Shanab, Palestine

R.N. Jindal, India

Sunee Piyapanpong, Thailand

Reception hosted by the Swiss Federal Council, the State Council of the Republic and Canton of Geneva and the Executive Council of the City of Geneva

Luca Arnold, Switzerland, welcomes delegates to the reception





Around the Venue



Daily ENB CoverageAbout | 4 May | 5 May | 6 May | 7 May | 8 May | 9 May | 11 May | 12 May | 13 May | 14 May | 15 May | Summary