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First Meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Stockholm Convention
2-6 May 2005 | Punta del Este, Uruguay
Daily Web Coverage & Daily Reports (in English, French & Spanish):

Highlights from Wednesday, 4 May 2005

In the morning and afternoon, delegates met in a Committee of the Whole session, in a legal working group, and in contact groups on financial mechanisms and on Guidance on Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP). The legal working group and both contact groups also met in the evening.

Committee of the Whole
The committee of the Whole addressed the terms of reference of the POPs review committee, the Convention's effectiveness evaluation, DDT, national implementation plans (NIPS), reporting, technical assistance, and measures to reduce or eliminate releases from wastes.
From left to right: Chair of the Committee of the Whole (COW) Mark Hyman (Australia); John Buccini (Secretariat); David Ogden (Secretariat); Masa Nagai (Secretariat).
Anne Daniel (Canada) reported on progress in the legal and administrative working group. Patrick Finlay (Canada) reported on progress in the BAT/BEP contact group. Jozef Buys (European Community) reported on progress in the contact group on the financial mechanism.
Tabaré Bocalandro, Uruguay, supported using the six UN languages as the working languages of the POPs Review Committee (POPRC). Tarek Eid El Ruby, Egypt, stressed the importance of simultaneous translation at POPRC meetings. Colin Church, UK, on behalf of the EU, underscored the efficacy of discussing technical issues in a single working language.
David Atkinson, Australia, supported including text relevant to the Rotterdam Convention in the guidance on National Implementation Plans (NIPs). On NIPs, Fatoumata Jallow-Ndoye, The Gambia, noted her countries' work with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research. El Hadj Ouro-Djeri Essowè, Togo asked that issues requiring training include an effectiveness evaluation.
Yue Ruisheng, China, proposed the inclusion of a list of technologies to be transferred from developed countries. Rajae Chafil, Morocco, called for more in-depth study in various regions to supplement the feasibility study on regional centers. Matthew Gubb, Secretariat, introduced a report on technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of POPs wastes.

Contact Group on the Financial Mechanism

The contact group on the financial mechanism met throughout the day and late into the evening to finalize the revised versions of the draft guidance to the financial mechanism, the draft Memorandum of Understanding between the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Council and the COP, and the draft terms of reference for the review of the financial mechanism.

Co-Chair Luis Almagro, Uruguay. South Africa expressed concern at a number of provisions which he said presupposed that the GEF is the financial mechanism of the Convention
Linda Brown (UK) said the EU wanted GEF to be the financial mechanism on a permanent basis, but they now fully recognised it had an interim nature Co-Chair Jozef Buys, EC. Maria Cristina Cardenas, Secretariat.

Legal and Administrative Working Group

On Wednesday delegates met throughout the day, prepared draft decisions on budget and non-compliance, and finalized the rules of procedure and financial rules. On non-compliance, delegates agreed to convene an open-ended working group prior to COP-2 and to ask the Secretariat to prepare a draft for consideration by that group based on opinions from Parties and non-Parties and precedents from other relevant environmental agreements. On the rules of procedure, delegates reached agreement on all matters except voting. The financial rules are almost completed with a minor issue on the contribution by host governments outstanding.

John Buccini, Acting Executive Secretary, presented the proposed budget for 2006-07 and delegates agreed to use the UN scale of contributions and to convey concerns by developing countries to the United Nation’s General Assembly. Delegates agreed to a cap, requested by Japan, of 22%.
The EU delegation.
Japan requests clarifications from the Secretariat on the budget. Delegates seeking to find a formula to incorporate China's concerns on the notification of requests by observers to attend POPs meetings.

Contact group on guidelines for best available techniques (BAT) and best environmental practices (BEP)

The contact group on the guidelines on BAT/BEP considered a draft decision recognizing the guidelines and proposing the establishment and ToR of an expert group on BAT/BEP.

Zambia called for a reference to capacity building and awareness raising in the draft decision on the guidelines on BAT/BEP. Daniel Chacon, Mexico, for GRULAC, supported a POPRC structure for the Expert Group on BAT/BEP. Co-Chair Sergio Vives Pusch introduced the draft terms of reference for the Expert Group on BAP/BEP. Robert Donkers, European Commission, cautioned against tasking the Expert Group with developing a “library” of case studies, in light of their already heavy work load. Seungdo Kim, Korea, supported the inclusion of reference to case studies in the terms of reference of the Expert Group on BAT/BEP.
Participants to the Contact Group

Side Event: Effective Civil Society Participation in Stockholm Convention Enabling Activities
The lunch side event on "Effective Civil Society Participation in Stockholm Convention Enabling Activities was organized by UNIDO, UNEP and International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN).

Other photos
Luis Almago, Uruguay. Maria Cristina Cárdenas, Secretariat. Katrina Solien, Papua New Guinea.
Linda Brown, UK. Sergio Vives Pusch, Chile. Liudmila Mardumaeva, Republic of Moldova.
Ibrahima Sow, Senegal. Rachel A. Arungah, Kenya. Gamal Allozy, Ministry of Water and Evironment of Yemen.
Jarupong Boon-Long , Thailand. Marta Ligia Pérez, Colombia. Ricardo Tapia Cedeño, Ecuador.
Paul Whylie, UNEP Chemicals, Geneva. Henrik Hallgrim Eriksen, Norway. Patemo Muchieka, Kenya.
Nik Kiddle, New Zealand. Bill Cable, Samoa. Angelina E. A. Madete, Tanzania.
Ali S. Al-Omair, Kuwait Cama T. Tuiloma, Fiji, Julio Baena, Brazil.
Chabi Sékè Morakpaï, Benin. Leena Yla_Mononen, European Commission. S.R. Tabatabaei, Iran.
Patrick G. Finlay (left) and Barry Stemshorn (right), Environment Canada. Participants to the afternoon plenary.

Relevant Links

Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) website
Information about the meeting
Meeting Documents
ENB Summary report of the Rotterdam Convention  COP-1 and PIC INC-11 (HTML, PDF, TEXT)
ENB Summary report of the Seventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention (HTML, PDF, TEXT)
ENB Summary report of the Seventh Meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs INC-7): English (HTML, PDF, TEXT) French (HTML, PDF, TEXT)
ENB Coverage of meetings on Chemicals Management

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