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STAP/UNEP sponsored event on climate impact assessment and responses

Click for full-size image UNEP Executive Director Klaus Töpfer fields a question while Shuzo Nishioka (e-mail:, National Institute for Environmental Studies in Japan, and Robert Dixon (e-mail:, Director, US Country Studies Program, listen

Kalipada Chatterjee, Manager, Global Environmental Systems Group (e-mail:, Development Alternatives questions the panel.

NGO's and the CDM

In one of the conference's earliest Special Events, NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) shared their views on the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Under this proposal, joint emissions reduction projects between developed and developing countries would be encouraged. The meeting was hosted by the NGO 'Inforse', and its aim was to help set the agenda for discussion of the CDM, as well as to bring groups from both North and South together. Participants included representatives from NGOs, governments and business groups.

Click for full-size image Marcelo Alvarez and Roque Pedace lead an INFORSE (International Network for Sustainable Energy) sponsored side event on the NGO perspective on the Clean Development Mechanism


UNIDO, as the United Nations agency mandates to support industrialization and industrial development in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, has embraced the paradigm of sustainable industrial development as the key organizing principle in assisting its Member States to develop and promote a dynamic and competitive industrial sector.

UNIDO sees its role as essentially that of assisting its Member States to realize their aspirations for sustainable industrial development and economic and industrial growth in the context of their international obligations under the UNFCCC and the opportunities for cooperation with industrialized countries presented by the market-based mechanisms proposed by the Kyoto Protocol.

Ambassador Arizal Effendi, Indonesia, Guillermo Jimenero, UNIDO, and Juan Pablo Bonilla, National Industrial Association of Colombia, address new opportunities for sustainable industrial development and highlight existing partnerships.

UNIDO web site:
UNIDO e-mail:

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