Summary report, 6–7 November 2012

2012 Climate Investment Funds (CIF) Partnership Forum and Associated Events

The Climate Investment Funds (CIF) 2012 Partnership Forum convened on Tuesday and Wednesday, 6-7 November 2012, in Istanbul, Turkey, and was co-hosted by the CIF and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

Almost 500 participants attended the Forum, which provided an opportunity for governments, civil society, including indigenous peoples, the private sector, multilateral development banks (MDBs), UN agencies and others to contribute to a deepened understanding of the linkages between climate change and development, as they have been addressed within the CIF. As all CIF programs are now moving into implementation at the country level, the 2012 Partnership Forum aimed to emphasize on-the-ground implementation, knowledge building and lesson sharing.

The Forum included plenary sessions, panel discussions on creating the climate for change, Turkey’s clean energy initiative, civil society participation in the CIF, and hydrometeorological and climate services. Several breakout sessions also convened, intended to address the multiple interests of CIF stakeholders and enable open discussions to explore ways to maximize CIF effectiveness. Sessions addressed: innovations in engendering climate finance; sustainable energy for all (including on financing energy access for the poor, and on making big investments work in renewable energy); reporting from the Private Sector Forum; enabling private sector investment; sustainable cities; and landscape approaches to address adaptation, mitigation and poverty reduction; and measuring results and impacts in a meaningful and practical way.

Meetings that took place in the days prior to the Partnership Forum included the CIF Pilot Country Meetings, Sub-Committee and Trust Fund Committee meetings, a master class on wind and biodiversity issues, a Civil Society Forum, a Private Sector Forum, a meeting on the Dedicated Grant Mechanism for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, and a number of side events.


The CIF, formally approved by the World Bank’s Board of Directors on July 1, 2008, is a collaborative effort among the MDBs and countries to initiate transformational change towards climate-resilient, low-carbon development. The CIF was designed through consultations with various stakeholders and is governed by donor and recipient countries, with active observers from the UN, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), civil society, including indigenous peoples’ organizations, and the private sector. Thus far, donor countries have pledged approximately US$7.2 billion to the CIF.

Through two distinct funds, the Climate Technology Fund (CTF) and the Strategic Climate Fund (SCF), the CIF support developing countries’ efforts to mitigate and manage the challenges of climate change by providing grants, concessional loans and risk mitigation instruments, as well as through leveraging significant financing from the private sector, the MDBs and other sources. With CIF support, 48 developing countries are piloting low-emission and climate-resilient development, transformations in clean technology, sustainable forest management, and increased energy access through renewable energy. Thus far, donor countries have pledged approximately US$7.2 billion to the CIF, administered through country-led programs and investments, by the African Development Bank (AfDB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), EBRD, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and World Bank Group. Another approximately US$43 billion in co-financing from governments, the private sector, MDBs and other sources is expected to be leveraged.

The CTF and the SCF each have a specific scope and objective and their own governance structure, with each governed by a separate Trust Fund Committee with equal representation from contributor and recipient countries. The CTF Trust Fund Committee oversees the operation of the Fund, provides strategic direction, and approves and oversees its programming and projects. The SCF Trust Fund Committee approves the establishment of its three targeted programs and advises on strategic direction. The SCF targeted programs include the Forest Investment Program (FIP), Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR), and Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program in Low Income Countries (SREP), each of which is governed by its own Sub-Committee. Decisions of the Trust Fund Committees and Sub-Committees are taken by consensus. “Active” observers from the UN, GEF, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), civil society, indigenous peoples’ organizations and the private sector are invited to participate in Trust Fund Committee and Sub-Committee meetings.

The CTF provides developing and middle-income countries with positive incentives to scale up the demonstration, deployment and transfer of technologies with a high potential for long-term greenhouse gas emission reductions. It focuses on large-scale, country-initiated renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transport projects. Each CTF investment plan is tailored by the country to be integrated into national development objectives. To date, although half of CTF funding has been approved, progress on implementation has been uneven. Many countries are now revising their investment plans to reflect changing circumstances on the ground. Eighteen recipient countries are participating in the CTF, and around US$5 billion has been pledged thus far.

The SCF supports efforts in developing countries to achieve climate-resilient, low-carbon development. It operates, through its three targeted programs, with dedicated funding to pilot new approaches to climate action to initiate transformation with potential for scaling up climate resilience. Pledges for the three SCF programs total approximately US$2.2 billion.

The FIP provides financing to support efforts in developing countries to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and to promote conservation, sustainable forest management and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+). The FIP finances large-scale investments and leverages additional resources, including from the private sector, and complements other REDD+ financing mechanisms. The FIP aims to reduce the underlying threats to the world’s forests and to the communities that depend on them, addresses governance, and is active in eight pilot countries. Over US$635 million has been pledged to the FIP.

The PPCR: helps developing countries mainstream climate resilience into development planning; offers additional funding to support public and private sector investments; provides incentives for scaled-up action. and initiates a shift from “business as usual” to broad-based strategies for achieving climate resilience at the national and regional levels; and supports climate-smart investments to address priority vulnerabilities in highly vulnerable developing countries, including small island developing states. PPCR priority areas include agriculture and food security, water security, climate services and infrastructure. Thus far, there are nine PPCR pilot countries and two pilot regions, and approximately US$1.2 billion has been pledged.

The SREP aims to: scale up the deployment of renewable energy technologies and expand renewable markets in the world’s poorest countries to increase energy access; build capacity; and pilot and demonstrate the economic, social, and environmental viability of low-carbon development pathways in the energy sectors of low-income countries. The program finances solar, wind, bio-energy, geothermal and small hydro technologies. To date, seven countries have joined the SREP as pilot countries, and more than US$360 million has been pledged to the program. The SREP Sub-Committee has endorsed investment plans from five countries, another country submitted its plan for endorsement at the November 2012 Sub-Committee meeting, and the seventh country has yet to submit its plan. The preparation of projects identified in the investment plans is also underway. In addition to the seven pilot countries, another four countries and one regional program have been identified, and funding has been made available for them to prepare their investment plans. Over US$360 million has been pledged to the SREP.


As governments and institutions began designing the CIF, it became apparent that lessons and experiences would have to be shared for the CIF to contribute to an effective global solution to climate change. The CIF Partnership Forum was introduced to help ensure effective lesson sharing and the full engagement of all stakeholders in the CIF process in an inclusive, transparent and strategic manner.

Thus, a Partnership Forum was incorporated into the CIF process to serve as a regular venue in which all stakeholders could share CIF-related ideas and experiences, and engage in dialogue on the CIF’s strategic directions, results and impacts. Stakeholders involved in the process include: representatives of donor and recipient countries, MDBs, UN agencies, the GEF, the UNFCCC, the Adaptation Fund, bilateral development agencies, NGOs, civil society organizations (CSOs), including indigenous peoples’ organizations, private sector entities, and scientific and technical experts. At the Partnership Forum, donor and recipient countries select, within their respective constituencies, members to serve on the CIF Trust Fund Committees and Sub-Committees.

In October 2008, an initial CIF Partnership Forum was held at World Bank Headquarters in Washington, DC, to begin the Forum process, as the structure of the CIF was still being refined. This first Forum served as an early opportunity to explore how best to promote dialogue and open exchange on various aspects of the CIF and set the stage for convening the Forum on a regular basis.

2010 CIF PARTNERSHIP FORUM: The 2010 CIF Partnership Forum, held from 18-19 March 2010 at ADB Headquarters in Manila, the Philippines, brought together 400 participants, representing more than 70 countries, nearly 80 NGOs and CSOs, including indigenous peoples’ organizations, MDBs, UN agencies and the private sector. The 2010 Forum provided a platform for stakeholders to reflect on the first year of CIF operations, engage in dialogue on knowledge gained to date, and extract useful lessons learned to inform further CIF implementation. The Forum enabled participants to share lessons learned from the CIF design process and early implementation of CIF-funded programs, in particular, from country-level activities of the CTF and the PPCR, which had both advanced to the implementation stage.

2011 CIF PARTNERSHIP FORUM: The 2011 CIF Partnership Forum convened from 24-25 June 2011 in Cape Town, South Africa. The Forum was preceded by: Trust Fund and Sub-Committee meetings; CSO consultations; and CIF Pilot Country Meetings, which provided an opportunity for pilot countries in the SCF programs and CTF to provide updates on their progress and experiences with the CIF, as well discuss challenges and lessons learned.

The Forum was organized by the AfDB and the World Bank, in consultation with other MDB partners, and had approximately 450 participants in attendance. The Forum included: plenary sessions featuring stakeholder perspectives, experiences and reflections on CIF strategic directions, results and impacts; panel discussions on ways to maximize CIF impacts at the country and sectoral levels; messages from the Pilot Country Meetings; and presentations on lessons learned. Participants also convened in a CSO Panel and eight breakout sessions on issues related to, inter alia: private sector engagement in adaptation; climate-smart mobility; promoting clean technology manufacturing; innovative partnerships; financing transformation; and wind energy.

The Forum provided an opportunity for CIF stakeholders to: explain how the CIF is working in their respective countries; discuss what is most effective and how the CIF can be expanded or improved; share on-the-ground achievements, challenges and knowledge; and help other CIF stakeholders apply lessons learned. The 2011 CIF Partnership Forum also aimed to: raise awareness of the CIF and country selection process; provide feedback to CIF governing bodies; and identify opportunities for further stakeholder participation.



Moderator Jonathan Charles, Communications Director, EBRD, opened the Forum on Tuesday morning, 6 November. Via videolink, Ali Babacan, Deputy Prime Minister, Turkey, welcomed participants and said the Forum provides an open and transparent platform that brings all parties together to share experiences and best practices on climate-smart development.

Hans Peter Lankes, Managing Director, EBRD, stressed the CIF’s key role in scaling up climate investment globally, and highlighted the Bank’s focus on implementing private sector solutions in middle-income countries.

Cevdet Yilmaz, Minister of Development, Turkey, said the CIF exemplifies the development and scaling up of climate financing. Noting Turkey’s rapid economic growth and increasing population, he said the government is oriented towards sustainable development and has adopted national goals for enhancing renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Cavit Dağdaş, Deputy Undersecretary of Treasury, Turkey, and Diane Barclay, Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), were elected Forum Co-Chairs.


This session convened after the opening plenary session on Tuesday morning and was moderated by Jonathan Charles, EBRD. Paddy Padmanathan, ACWA Power, said governments can make the most impact by accounting for real direct costs that enable technological choices. As an example, he said fossil fuel subsidies make it uneconomic to use perfectly viable technologies that have a lower carbon footprint.

Michael Liebreich, Bloomberg New Energy Finance (NEF), said that many clean energy programs are under stress, but costs are decreasing. He stressed that clean energy is the least expensive option, but all spending must be done upfront.

Wilbur Ottichilo, Member of Parliament, Kenya, encouraged inexpensive solar schemes for the poor and local solutions in general, highlighting differences in developed and developing country situations, and calling on developing countries to make their own budgetary provisions to address climate issues.

Myrna Cunningham, UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, stressed recognition of indigenous rights and participation in decisions affecting communities, such as the siting of wind farms.

Stewart Maginnis, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), emphasized the value of partnerships and flexible learning frameworks, cautioning against standardized indicators.

In the ensuing discussion, Liebreich suggested that top-down efforts to achieve an international climate agreement may be counterproductive, and stressed that “the best thing the CIF can do is to be extremely profitable” to attract private sector investment. Cunningham and Ottichilo stressed the importance of recognizing rights and coordinating efforts internationally, through framework agreements. Maginnis stated negotiations had produced REDD+, and that “the future is local” regarding developing solutions.

In a question-and-answer session, panelists highlighted the increased role of renewables in the energy mix and in country planning. On the profit motive, Padmanathan highlighted that sourcing local suppliers helps make renewables affordable, and called on governments to set appropriate policies and enforcement mechanisms to stimulate and steer private investment. Cunningham said indigenous peoples are not against profits, emphasizing benefit sharing and participation. Liebreich said global-local and public-private dichotomies are “false tensions” and that institutions must find their own way forward, based on experiences of what works. Maginnis called for an emphasis on monitoring and learning from the CIF.


The ten session topics to be discussed during the Forum were presented to participants.


This session was moderated by Yusuf Yazar, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Turkey, who discussed progress on energy efficiency and renewable energy in Turkey, noting that the aim is to achieve a self-sufficient energy sector. He also highlighted the crucial role the financial institutions play in the process.

Elvan Ongun, Deputy Director General, Treasury Undersecretariat, described Turkey’s “wholesale approach” of using international financial institution (IFI) loans for a credit-line mechanism for domestic banks to lend to clean energy projects, which has helped overcome market barriers.

Josué Tanaka, EBRD, highlighted that half of EBRD’s US$3 billion portfolio is in renewables, including large wind farms, and energy efficiency. He credited timing, policy frameworks, and participation of Turkey’s main banks for rapid expansion of investment in clean energy in the country.

Emre Hatem, Garanti Bank, stressed that Turkey will require hundreds of billions of dollars in energy investment in the future, which should be supported by both local and international banks. He underlined the potential of alternative financing, like Eurobonds, and of local pension funds, and said Turkish Lira financing is increasing.

Özlenen Aydin, Enerjisa Power Generation Company, highlighted a liberalized environment as key to meeting the fast-growing demand for energy in Turkey, and noted her company invests significant funds in renewable energy, including wind energy.


INNOVATIONS IN ENGENDERING CLIMATE FINANCE: Lucy Wanjiru, UN Development Programme (UNDP), moderated this session on Tuesday afternoon.

In a keynote address, Lorena Aguilar, IUCN, presented on the CIF-commissioned Gender Impact Assessment Review. She noted a positive trend to mainstream gender in Investment Plans, and recommended: establishing a CIF gender focal point; gender-sensitive monitoring and evaluation; and recognizing gender as a driver for transformational change.

Panelists then made comments, including on the main findings and recommendations of the review. Yvonne Ochoa Rosellini, Fundación Hogares, discussed a project that trains women as plumbers to install water and energy saving devices in homes. She said the pilot has been scaled up to 15,000 households in Mexico and aims to eventually reach one million homes.

Nathalie Eddy, Global Gender and Climate Alliance, urged for bringing examples of innovation and women’s leadership to the forefront of mitigation discussions, and addressed how to incentivize policymakers to incorporate gender considerations into policies.

Jeannette Gurung, Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management, emphasized the need to talk about women as entrepreneurs and agents of change, not as “vulnerable” and “marginalized.” She said she took inspiration from indigenous peoples’ groups who identify themselves as “rights holders.”

Tracy Cull, Kulima Integrated Development Solutions, urged: improving outreach to community groups; incorporating indigenous knowledge; and gender-sensitive training and workshops. She said adaptation can be as innovative and entrepreneurial as mitigation.

During a question-and-answer session, participants discussed, inter alia: how to emphasize the role of women in complex infrastructure projects; setting aside small grants for access by communities; focusing on qualitative data; recognizing and rewarding women’s contributions to mitigation; and showing that adaptation can be profitable.

Michelle Kaminski, Canadian International Development Agency, discussed the contributor country perspective and supported, inter alia: hiring a dedicated gender specialist in the CIF; and developing a roster of experts on gender and climate change. She suggested a sub-working group that includes specialists and representatives from contributor countries.

TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR ALL − FINANCING ENERGY ACCESS FOR THE POOR: David McCauley, ADB, moderated this session on Tuesday afternoon. Govind Raj Pokharel, Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology, Nepal, highlighted the need to enhance livelihoods, as well as energy access, including through government incentives for private-sector financing, which he termed a “quality-ensuring discount,” rather than a subsidy.

Herta von Stiegel, Ariya Capital, emphasized population growth and business opportunities in Africa, and projected increased demand for energy services similar to that seen in telecommunications.

Henry Kimber, Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy, Liberia, described the vast energy needs of 3.8 million Liberians, noting the national grid serves just 57,600 people, and welcomed investment.

Kyosuke Inada, Japan International Cooperation Agency, said his agency has not successfully involved the private sector in its rural electrification projects, and noted the minimal impact of such projects in reducing carbon emissions.

On the relationship between energy access and reducing emissions, Pokharel highlighted domestic biogas, which reduces pollution and enhances health. Von Stiegel said renewables compare favorably with kerosene and diesel fuel in costs and emission reductions.

On public and private sector roles, speakers supported partnerships, hybrid approaches and aggregation of small projects to attract financing.

During the discussion, participants addressed: indigenous participation as actors, as well as beneficiaries; knowledge transfer on successful small to medium business strategies, for example, on the collection of utility payments using mobile phone banking; the need for CIF leadership to serve off-grid populations; and intellectual property rights affecting access to energy technology.

On the carbon market, speakers expressed optimism for the long-term, with Inada cautioning against using carbon market revenue streams to fund sustainable energy for all due to unstable and low prices. Von Stiegel noted new ideas are needed on how to subsidize sustainable energy for all given the collapse of the carbon market.

The audience then underlined the importance of local ownership of projects, community consultations, raising awareness, considering the cost of corruption in countries, and long-term project viability. Kimber stressed more strategizing is needed, including through defining who is poor.

REPORTING FROM THE PRIVATE SECTOR FORUM: INNOVATE, INTEGRATE, TRANSFORM: During this session on Tuesday afternoon, Susan Kish, Cross Platform Initiatives, Bloomberg, updated participants on the previous day’s Private Sector Forum, mentioning: the challenge of raising clean energy financing to the trillion-dollar level; business perceptions and practice on adaptation to climate change; and case examples of IFI funds in Morocco’s concentrated solar power project, and in Denizbank’s intermediary lending. Kish then invited panel members to offer their main “takeaways” from the previous day.

Pasha Bakhtiar, Willow Impact, UAE, noted that small and medium enterprises that require fast access to capital, compared to large-scale projects that have much longer lead times and return periods, are “parallel universes,” in which success is defined differently.

Roberto Dumas Damas, Itau BBA, Brazil, proposed that governments offer incentives and measures to make clean energy investments attractive to investors; and suggested banks adopt common frameworks, such as the Equator Principles, for investment analysis.

Regina Mead, Mb4, US, noted that investors pull back from clean energy due to political risk and lack of returns. She proposed assisting borrowers to package their financial needs, with support from policymakers to enable investors to realize lower yields over the longer term.

Josué Tanaka, EBRD, recommended: aggregating similar projects to limit risk parameters and enable simpler due diligence requirements; simplicity and replication in project financing; and attracting increased domestic financing.

During the discussion, panelists: agreed securitization of loans would not be helpful; and highlighted the need to manage currency risk, including through denomination of IFI loans in local currencies.

Landscape Approaches: Addressing Mitigation, Adaptation and Poverty Reduction in One Go: This session convened on Tuesday afternoon. Moderator Alistair Clark, EBRD, said the landscape approach is a holistic approach linking mitigation and adaptation with developmental challenges.

Gürsel Küsek, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Turkey, presented on: zoning of agri-ecological lands; a related subsidy system; and a comprehensive land consolidation project.

Stewart Maginnis, IUCN, said the landscape approach is not just about tree planting, but also about social and economic resilience, and needs to accommodate various types of land use and concerns of social groups to deliver a range of goods and services. At the same time, he said no blueprint exists and the approach must be designed according to specific conditions.

José Carlos Fernandez-Ugalde, National Forestry Commission, Mexico, described their efforts to bridge the central and local levels through: a public lending agency; a non-governmental, cross-sectoral technical agent; and a platform for public participation.

Sarafat Khan, Ministry of Water Resources, Bangladesh, presented on a program of establishing special zones suitable for agriculture in coastal areas, but stressed the challenge of taking frequent cyclone events into account.

In the ensuing discussion, Küsek noted the need for data, planning and local knowledge for the landscape approach to deliver results. On financing the landscape approach, Maginnis highlighted the public sector’s role in the majority of examples, and Fernandez-Ugalde noted they are exploring new instruments like credit lines. Participants also discussed: driving factors for the landscape approaches; limitations and barriers to them; and the need for integrated services and for considering multiple institutions.

Toward Sustainable Energy for All: Making Big Investments Work in Renewable Energy: This session took place on Wednesday morning. Moderator Josué Tanaka, EBRD, noted commitments on sustainable energy for all as one of the important outcomes of Rio+20.

Jan Martin Witte, KfW, presented on the GET FiT East Africa Program, which aims to incentivize smaller scale renewable energy development in Uganda. He said the Program has three elements: a premium payment mechanism; World Bank/Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency guarantees; and a private debt/equity facility. Witte said the Program is experimental and will cover 10-15 projects.

Eugene Howard, European Investment Bank, elaborated on the Bank’s initiatives to support sustainable energy for all, which are: the Africa Energy Guarantee Fund covering Sub-Saharan Africa and aiming to guarantee smaller energy projects; the Sustainable Energy Facility focusing on East Africa; the Renewable Energy Performance Platform; and the Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund, which invests in regional funds. He said the EU has allocated €400 million for these initiatives.

During the panel discussion, Sherife AbdelMessih, Future Energy Corporation, said the perception that renewable energy is expensive and requires subsidies is outdated. He said his company sees returns in different regions, including the Middle East and Africa.

Nat Bullard, Bloomberg NEF, underlined the economic fundamentals and technology analyses for the development of renewables. He noted the dynamic and expanding nature of the sector and emphasized a hierarchy of needs, stressing that clean energy is not a goal, but access to it is.

Govind Raj Pokharel, Nepal, said the focus should not only be on access to electricity, but also on access to energy for cooking, which is a critical challenge in the Asian context.

To Tanaka’s question on the impact of energy prices, AbdelMessih said relative price differences are more important. Witte stressed that in other countries, such as some in Africa, coal is still cheaper even without subsidies and, hence, financial support is needed for developing renewables. Howard agreed many opportunities are not yet being taken advantage of, and said technology prices will not always be going down. Pokharel said renewables should be designed in the context of access to energy, noting a graduation of energy needs: electricity, cooking, television and radio, and SMEs.

Enabling private sector investments: Mafalda Duarte, AfDB, moderated this session, which convened on Wednesday morning.

Andrea Bacher, International Chamber of Commerce, highlighted the Chamber’s guidelines for cross-border investors and its current work with the ADB on infrastructure project preparation and public-private partnerships, also mentioning the need for practical risk-sharing mechanisms.

Kaushik Roy, Trinity International LLP, said private-sector stakeholders, interviewed in Trinity’s UN-commissioned survey on climate-friendly investment, observed that lack of seed capital and the political risk inherent in long-term financing were the main barriers to transactions. He recommended: political risk insurance; “joined-up thinking” in government; “pathfinder projects” that enable stakeholders to learn from experience; and guaranteeing low-cost connections to the grid.

Timothy Irwin, International Monetary Fund, cautioned that while public-private partnerships are useful, they can create debt-like obligations for governments, which escape normal budgetary controls and are not reported as debt.

Karen Breytenbach, National Treasury, South Africa, briefed participants on her country’s “bid window” arrangements to procure 4 gigawatts of renewable energy from power producers, representing investments of around US$6.5 billion. She described: requirements for bidders to involve banks and provide assurance of financing; development bank support for engaging international transaction advisors; and precautions to eliminate external interference in evaluating bids.

Nintira Abhisinha, Bangkok Petroleum PLC, presented Thailand’s current energy mix and renewables targets, including on rooftop solar and biofuels. She described the ADB’s support for the company’s solar projects and a carbon emission tracking system in its operations.

Caleb Indiatsi, Georthermal Development Co. Ltd., Kenya, discussed the different phases of developing a geothermal project in his country: resource exploration; resource assessment; and power plant development and operations. He described the multiple sources of financing, including the SREP, and said project completion was expected by 2016.

A private sector representative raised the issue of having independent power producers manage resources and risk. Replying to a question from the World Bank on government procurement and the role of public-private partnerships in South Africa’s renewable energy program and whether the utility company Eskom is going to be an “offtaker,” Breytenbach responded by saying the program is still in its inception.

Sustainable Cities: INVESTING IN ENERGY EFFICIENT AND CLIMATE RESILIENT URBAN DEVELOPMENT – gLOBAL PERSPECTIVE: This session convened on Wednesday morning. Setting the context for the panel, Moderator Lin O’Grady, EBRD, stressed that half the world’s population, or around 3.5 billion, lives in cities, which poses challenges of clean water access, climate resilience, sustainable transport and emissions reductions. She highlighted EBRD municipal projects on water, urban transportation, district heating, and solid waste, in particular water rehabilitation projects in Turkey and Moldova.

Alex Nickson, Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Leader at the Greater London Authority, UK, said London aims to reduce its emissions by 60% by 2025 compared to 1990 levels through, inter alia: decentralizing the energy supply; improving home energy and water efficiency; retrofitting public sector buildings; and shifting to CO2-efficient forms of transportation. He said cities need to be viewed as a safe investment, and adaptation and mitigation are more effective if undertaken together.

In the ensuring discussion, participants addressed overcoming political resistance to raising the water tariff, and metering and tariffs as a “powerful” combination. Responding to a question on the green economy, particularly in developing countries, and lack of agreement on its definition, Nickson said the concept must be defined more broadly to include adaptation.

During panel presentations, Dayo Mobereola, Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority, Nigeria, discussed the transport dimension of urban challenges in Lagos, which has over 20 million inhabitants. He said the first phase of a bus rapid transit (BRT) system is already up and running, and discussed scaling it up with CIF support. He identified as challenges: human capacity problems and lack of awareness; a cumbersome process for accessing CIF funds; and lack of standardization in measuring the impact of transport interventions on the environment. He said the proposed future nine BRT lines and seven rail lines in Lagos State will significantly reduce CO2 emissions and cost US$10 billion.

A representative from Nigeria asked about measuring BRT’s effectiveness in reducing CO2 emissions, and other modes of transport, such as water transport. He said the BRT was funded by the World Bank and baseline studies were required, and that a comprehensive transport plan for Lagos exists, including for rail, buses, ferries and cable cars, but that lack of resources is still a constraint.

Dorin Chirtoacă, Mayor of Chișinău, Moldova, said cities face similar problems, though they differ in dimension and level. He discussed cooperation with the EBRD, noting its support for a water rehabilitation network, and described obstacles that had to be overcome in the relationship. He described a 30-30-30 building insulation plan where the city, grants and apartment owners would contribute equally. He added that 16,000 trees are planted annually in Chișinău.

During the discussion, one participant proposed synergies between cities and monitoring, reporting and verification of emissions. Brazil said plans from cities were often more ambitious than those from national governments, and asked how MDBs are working with cities. O’Grady said the EBRD lends directly to cities and companies. In contrast, Mobereola noted MDB money in Nigeria goes through the national government, and, expressing frustration, said a mechanism must be established for banks to directly approach local and subnational authorities.

Measuring results and impacts in a meaningful and practical way: This session was held on Wednesday morning. Robert Kramer, American University, US, moderated the session. Guido Geissler, CIF Administrative Unit, stressed that monitoring and evaluation (M&E) should draw on countries’ practical experiences and their own “theory of change,” with the purpose of making better decisions based on evidence and providing internal and external accountability.

Meas Sophal, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia, described the establishment of a 10-member working group in August 2012 representing key ministries and agencies to build on existing national and sectoral M&E systems, and incorporate climate resilience in the national strategic development plan.

Xavier Agostinho Chavana, Ministry of Planning and Development, Mozambique, noted challenges, including data gaps, and the need to integrate sector-specific M&E in a national system for tracking climate-related actions. He proposed the use of results to target interventions in the country’s most vulnerable areas.

Govind Raj Pokharel, Nepal, commented that energy and climate indicators are weak in current frameworks, and that M&E could improve in focus, coordination, accuracy and clarity with regard to roles and responsibilities of different agencies. He proposed, inter alia: ensuring baselines and indicators are adequately defined; improving inter-ministerial coordination; building capacity; and developing a national learning and sharing platform.

Claudio Alatorre, IDB, presented the Ecocasa project implemented by Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal, Mexico, which provides intermediary loans to housing developers for energy-efficient housing. Alatorre described arrangements to estimate the emission reduction impacts of the project, highlighting many variables in inhabitants’ energy consumption and other practices.

Participants then discussed M&E issues with the panelists, in four roundtables, followed by a plenary discussion. They highlighted: efforts to maintain simplicity in CIF guidance, while encouraging countries to undertake more ambitious M&E relevant to their policy aims; involvement of CSOs in grassroots consultations; project implementation and assessing long-term impacts on institutions; and the need for capacity building.

In conclusion, Geissler urged participants to focus on evaluation aspects, besides monitoring, and proposed holding webinars to maintain engagement between pilot country meetings.

CIVIL SOCIETY PARTICIPATION IN THE CIF: This session, held on Wednesday afternoon, 7 November, was moderated by Clifford Polycarp, World Resources Institute. Sergio Sanchez, Clean Air Institute, Mexico, reported from the CSO Forum, which met on 4 November and proposed to: establish a structure to link observers at global and national levels; implement multi-stakeholder regional dialogues; develop and implement a stakeholder engagement strategy at the country level; and enhance transparency and public access to information at the national level.

Marion Verles, Nexus – Carbon for Development, Cambodia, stressed the importance of capacity building for civil society to provide quality feedback to the CIF, and the need for resources and M&E frameworks, and coordination among different stakeholders.

Mafalda Duarte, CIF Coordinator, AfDB, said the process of identifying observers to ensure representativeness needs to be refined. She said, at the project level, the MDBs already have procedures in place, and, for preparing investment plans, countries may not have the necessary mechanisms, resources and capacities for stakeholder involvement. She highlighted civil society engagement with the CIF is a learning process.

Artur Cardoso de Lacerda, Ministry of Finance, Brazil, urged use of existing networks and NGO communities to foster communication with civil society. He also highlighted the importance of translation for making the process transparent, noting they provide translation of CIF-related documents from English into Portuguese in Brazil.

Amal-Lee Amin, E3G, UK, said this session is a welcome innovation, and noted civil society has a voice on CIF Committees and Sub-Committees, which, although imperfect, is a transformative characteristic of the CIF compared to other international funds.

Abigail Demopulos, US Treasury, affirmed the role of the MDBs in consulting stakeholders and building on in-country processes.

Questions from participants focused on: civil society involvement in implementation, including through dedicated funding windows; concern over poor countries undertaking loan obligations; the CIF’s role vis-à-vis the Green Climate Fund (GCF); and representation of indigenous peoples in decision making and implementation.

During the responses by panelists, De Lacerda suggested a “permanent dialogue” between meetings to support participants’ understanding and engagement in discussions of proposals. Amin highlighted the Amazon Fund as a model of good governance and open participatory structure, including a funding window for civil society. She proposed regional dialogues to build civil society ownership and engagement.

Duarte stressed the need for the CIF to strengthen national systems for transparency, engagement and accountability, and not establish parallel systems. Demopulos emphasized the incipient stage of the GCF, noting 2013 will be an important year in its design. She highlighted a need for observers in Trust Fund committee meetings to “build bridges” and to make information accessible to local stakeholders.

HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL AND CLIMATE SERVICES: CAN SCIENCE HELP COUNTRIES DELIVER: Rose-May Guignard, Inter-Ministerial Committee for Land-Use Planning, Haiti, moderated this session on Wednesday afternoon.

In introductory remarks, Mustafa Yildirim, Turkish State Meteorological Service, described activities of his institution, which aims to invest more in observation and infrastructure in the near future. He discussed technologies for marine forecasting, dust transport, early warning systems and climate projections, such as web communications and warnings, web-based services for the agriculture sector, and monitoring systems for the Black and Mediterranean Seas. He said the Service had actively contributed to Turkey’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC.

In a keynote address, Jeremiah Lengoasa, Deputy Secretary General, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), highlighted that recent improvements in early warning capability have reduced fatalities in recent years. He presented a “revolution” in the application of climate science to services, including modeling and prediction, emphasizing the potential for user-driven decisions. He highlighted the WMO’s Global Framework for Climate Services, and the recent release of an atlas on climate and health, published with the World Health Organization.

During the presentations on addressing the needs of climate service users, Paulo Nobre, National Institute for Space Research, Brazil, said climate services in Brazil have developed at the institutional, programmatic and infrastructure levels. He stressed the need to translate scientific information to users and bridge conflicting stakeholder interests, and for sustained investment in research and observation, and capacity building.

Rishi Ram Sharma, Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Nepal, presented on the PPCR project on building resilience to climate-related hazards for 2013-2017, which will aim to: strengthen institutions; modernize observation networks and forecasting; enhance service delivery systems; and develop agriculture management information systems.

Tufa Dinku, International Research Institute for Climate and Society, Columbia University, presented on enhancing climate services in Ethiopia by: improving data availability through combining satellite and station data; enhancing access through providing online access to products; and user training and dialogue. He said the initiative has expanded to Tanzania and nine West African countries.

A representative of the Sustainable Business Institution and the UN Finance Initiative suggested complementing all the efforts to bring climate services to companies and the private sector. He proposed a joint research project to bridge the gap between those who have and those who need data, and asked those who have an interest in contributing brain power, financial support or time to come forward.

A participant from the Kenyan government asked Lengoasa how much support the WMO is providing to developing countries to develop capacity to acquire climate data in real time, particularly satellite-based data. In response, Lengoasa mentioned the Addis Ababa Declaration for implementing the Global Framework for Climate Services,

The Kenyan participant also asked Nobre what convinced the Brazilian government to invest so heavily in data collection, which is normally very difficult, particularly in developing countries, and how the programs were funded, particularly the design and launching of Brazil’s own satellite to obtain data. Nobre responded that the Brazilian government realized that weather and climate information was crucial to keep the economy running, and, with scientists, built its own prediction center and invested in data collection, with money from oil exploitation.

Lengoasa commended the CIF for being one of the few funds that finance projects with meteorological program components, and stressed the direct link between investments in hydrometeorological services and early warning systems. Participants also discussed: monitoring and predicting the impacts of climate change on biodiversity; and decision making from a social science perspective, as well as from a hydrometeorological perspective.

Participants also identified the need for: development of early warning systems; equal access to climate-related technology to build climate resilience; and clearly defining “resilience.”


CLOSING STATEMENTS: Josué Tanaka, EBRD, welcomed Taner Yildiz, Minister for Energy, Turkey, to the closing session, thanked the Government of Turkey for its participation and support of the meeting, and highlighted Turkey’s rapid development of clean energy and efforts in reducing emissions. He reiterated the shift in CIF activities, from program definition to on-the-ground implementation, and the unique nature of the CIF in sparking collaboration among the MDBs.

Minister Yildiz presented Turkey’s aim of implementing cost savings of US$15 billion through clean energy by 2023 to reduce dependence on imported fuels, and its growing cooperation with the private sector. He emphasized the potential for investors to realize rapid returns, and Turkey’s commitment to environmental protection and its global contribution to a better world for future generations.

REPORTS BACK FROM SESSIONS: Forum Co-Chair Diane Barclay invited one-minute summaries of key points from the Forum sessions.

On innovations in engendering climate finance, session moderator Lucy Wanjiru: highlighted that women should be seen as agents of change, and gender considerations can be used for transformational drivers for change in mitigation and adaptation; and recommended developing collaborative partnerships and sharing lessons learned that will promote the inclusion of gender in CIF programming and implementation.

On sustainable energy for all and financing energy access for the poor, David McCauley, ADB, reported that the panel discussed: how to provide energy access while remaining on a low-carbon path; financing opportunities; the role of the private and public sectors; and awareness raising.

Regarding the session on the CIF Private Sector Forum, Joumana Asso, CIF Administrative Unit, said the underlying themes were: the relationships and differences between public and private sectors in focus, style and definitions of success; the financing landscape and value chain; market transformation; and innovation.

On landscape approaches and addressing mitigation, adaptation and poverty reduction in one go,  Andrea Kutter, CIF Administrative Unit, said the panel concluded, inter alia, that landscape approaches: can provide multiple benefits; focus on peoples’ livelihoods; and need to link national and local levels.

On sustainable energy for all and making big investments work in renewable energy, Andreas Biermann, EBRD, said the session concluded, inter alia, that: the private sector does not always need subsidies; and there is a need for identifying clear objectives, opportunities, risks and gaps.

On enabling private sector investment, Mafalda Duarte, AfDB, reported discussions on: the importance of seed capital; availability of long-term debt; credit-worthiness of offtakers; fiscal risk in public-private partnerships; and case examples from South Africa, Kenya and Thailand.

On sustainable cities, Marta Simonetti, EBRD, said: all cities are facing challenges in mitigating the adverse effects of climate change, as well as in adapting to it, although the scale of the problem varies across regions; sustainable urbanization, optimal resource management and foresight in managing future events are important for resilient cities; both national and local level responses are required; and personal responsibility must be taken in choices and in managing available resources.

On measuring results in a meaningful way, Guido Geissler, CIF Administrative Unit, reported that presentations from Cambodia, Mozambique and Nepal offered both challenges and solutions, noting key messages that: M&E is not a “quick fix”; diversity should be embraced; building a reliable system takes time; and stakeholders can be involved in “participatory M&E.”

On civil society participation in the CIF, Clifford Polycarp, World Resources Institute, reported key messages regarding the need to: strengthen the link between observers’ roles and on-the-ground activities; and create structures to engage stakeholders in a manner representative of diversity, and enable their contributions.

On hydrometeorological and climate services, Rose-May Guignard, Haiti, highlighted the need for: equal access to climate-related technology; translation of data into meaningful information regarding agriculture, health, early warning and other sectors; improving access to climate information services through training and dialogue between users and providers; and partnerships between actors in science and service delivery.

WRAP UP: Co-Chair Barclay noted a refreshing aspect of the Partnership Forum was its focus on practical measures, quoting poet Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Good thoughts are no better than good dreams, unless they are executed.”

On behalf of Forum Co-Chair Cavit Dağdaş, Elvan Ongun, Treasury Undersecretariat, Turkey, expressed appreciation for sharing lessons and experiences, and urged participants to take home ideas from the Knowledge Bazaar that was held alongside the Partnership Forum. She thanked the CIF Administrative Unit and EBRD for their roles as co-hosts. Co-Chair Barclay then declared the meeting closed at 6 pm.


World Energy Outlook 2012 Launch: The International Energy Agency (IEA) will launch its flagship publication, the World Energy Outlook (WEO) 2012, on 12 November at IEA Headquarters in Paris, France. The WEO-2012 will include analysis and insights into global energy market trends and their meaning for energy security, environmental protection and economic development. It will also contain updated forecasts to 2035 of energy production and demand, investment, trade, and emissions, broken down by country, fuel and sector.  date: 12 November 2012  location: Paris (Ile-De-France), France contact: Paweł Olejarnik  phone: +33 1 40 57 67 57 email: www:  

43rd GEF Council Meeting: The GEF Council meets twice a year to approve new projects with global environmental benefits in the GEF’s focal areas, and provide guidance to the GEF Secretariat and implementing agencies. dates: 12-16 November 2012 location: Washington DC, US contact: GEF Secretariat  phone: +1 202 473 0508  fax: +1 202 522 3240  email:  www:

Bogotá Summit: Cities and Climate Change: Organized by the Mayor of Bogotá, with support from the Latin American Development Bank, the French Embassy, the French Development Agency, UN-HABITAT and others, this summit aims to bring together experts, finance organizations, international organizations and Latin American regional, national and municipal leaders to discuss concrete actions Latin American cities can take to mitigate and adapt to climate change and convert them into resilient, low-carbon cities. The conference will include a series of thematic debates and workshops on key issues, such as housing density, sustainable construction, energy efficiency, water services, risk management and mobility management.  dates: 19-21 November 2012   location: Bogotá, Colombia  contact: Eleonora Betancur, International Affairs, Office of the Mayor phone: : + 571 5408222  email:  www:  

Business for the Environment (B4E) Climate Summit: The B4E Climate Summit 2012, themed “Net Zero, Climate Positive,” will present growth strategies of leading global businesses committed to net zero carbon emissions and the most cutting edge innovations for climate positive impact. High-level working groups will bring together leaders from business, government and NGOs to commit to collective action within sectors and define the policy changes needed to enable industry-wide transformation. Outcomes of the Summit discussions will be delivered to the 18th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 18) to the UNFCCC in Doha, Qatar.  dates: 26-27 November 2012  location: London, UK  contact: Global Initiatives  phone: +65 6559 4221  fax: +65 6534 8690  email:  www

UNFCCC COP 18: The 18th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 18) to the UNFCCC and the eighth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 8), among other associated meetings, are scheduled to take place in Doha, Qatar.  dates: 26 November to 7 December 2012  location: Doha, Qatar  contact: UNFCCC Secretariat  phone: +49 228 815 1000  fax: +49 228 815 1999  email: www

World Climate Summit 2012: The third annual World Climate Summit, which is organized alongside UNFCCC COP 18, will bring together government leaders and representatives from the business and finance community to discuss issues related to a low-carbon economy and industrial, financial, political and innovation drivers to accelerate progress in mitigating and adapting to climate change. The meeting will focus specifically on Qatar and the Middle East. Topics of discussion include: public-private partnerships; renewable energy; agriculture and water; emission reductions; transportation; carbon pricing; and energy efficiency.  dates: 1-2 December 2012  location: Doha, Qatar contact: Michael Mathres  phone: +44 7427 30 77 30 email: www:

Doha Global Business Day 2012: Doha Global Business Day 2012 is jointly organized by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the International Chamber of Commerce, and will take place on 3 December 2012, at the Diplomatic Club in Doha, Qatar. The event will be held in parallel to COP 18, and will explore the business perspective of diversifying the energy mix by 2050 within a framework of global green growth. The afternoon will have a special focus on the opportunities for green growth in the Middle East.  date: 3 December 2012  location: Doha, Qatar  contact: Barbara Black, Manager, WBCSD  phone: +41 (0)22 839 31 05  fax: +41 (0)22 839 31 31 email: www:  

 19th Meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board: The Adaptation Fund Board supervises and manages the Adaptation Fund under the authority and guidance of the countries that are parties to the Kyoto Protocol.  dates: 11-14 December 2012  location: Bonn, Germany  contact: Jeannette Jin Yu Lee phone: +1 202 473 7499 fax:+1 202 522 2720 email: www:

Third IRENA General Assembly: The third session of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Assembly will take place on 13-14 January 2013, to finalize remaining institution-building issues, report on its progress to Member States, and renew its mandate on encouraging the global uptake renewable energy.  dates: 13-14 January 2013  location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates  phone: +971-2-4179001  email: www:  

Abu Dhabi International Renewable Energy Conference: The Conference brings together representatives from governments, the private sector and civil society to discuss the advancement of renewable energy. The fifth such conference will be jointly organized with the sixth edition of the United Arab Emirates’ World Future Energy Summit (WFES) and the International Water Summit 2013, and will follow the IRENA General Assembly meeting. Objectives of the conference are to analyze and highlight the achievements of the UN Secretary General’s Sustainable Energy for All initiative, which was launched at the WFES 2012, and discuss the contribution of renewable energy to economic development, energy security and mitigation of climate change. The event is part of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week.  dates: 15-17 January 2013  location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates  contact: Jonathan Skeen REN 21 Consultant  phone: +33 1 44 37 50 98  email:  www:  

Third Meeting of the Board of the GCF: This meeting is expected to discuss, inter alia, the decisions on the Fund taken by COP 18.  dates: 12-15 March 2013  location: Berlin, Germany  contact: GCF Interim Secretariat  phone: +49 228 815 1371 email: www:

Latin American and Caribbean Carbon Forum 2013: The Seventh Latin American and Caribbean Carbon Forum will discuss prospects for carbon projects in Latin America. The Forum is co-organized by the IDB, the Latin American Development Bank, the World Bank, the International Emissions Trading Association, the Latin American Energy Organization, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Risø Centre and the UNFCCC.  dates: 25-27 March 2013  venue: Centro de Convencões Sul America  location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil  contact: Miriam Hinostroza, UNEP Risø Centre  phone:+45 4677 5180  email:  www:

Fourth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) Meeting: The meeting will bring together ministers from more than 20 participating countries to discuss: progress by the 13 clean energy initiatives of CEM; enhancing cooperation between CEM governments; and the development of public-private partnerships to support clean energy development.  dates: 17-18 April 2013  location: New Delhi, India  contact: CEM Secretariat  www: 

Seventh International Conference on Community-based Adaptation (CBA7): The International Institute for Environment and Development’s CBA7 Conference aims to provide the latest thinking from climate scientists, policy makers and practitioners on the latest approaches for mainstreaming community-based adaptation into international, national and local planning and processes, and to share lessons learned. Three days of field visits to projects in Bangladesh will precede the three-day conference of plenary and interactive sessions in Dhaka. dates:18-25 April 2013  location: Dhaka, Bangladesh  phone: +88 02 8818124-27 fax: +88 02 9851417 email: www:

Clean Energy Financing Forum for Central America and the Caribbean: The Clean Energy Financing Forum for Central America and the Caribbean is sponsored by the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI), a multilateral initiative operating as an implementing agreement under the IEA, and the CTI’s Private Financing Advisory Network, the US Agency for International Development and the International Center for Environmental Technology Transfer. The Forum will seek to bring together screened clean technology proposals, which offer environmental and social benefits, with potential investors.  date: 26 April 2013  location: San Pedro Sula, Honduras  contact: Fernando Alvarado  email:  www:

CIF Trust Fund Committee and Sub-Committee meetings: The CTF and SCF Trust Fund Committee meetings, the Joint Trust Fund Committee meeting and SREP, PPCR and FIP Sub-Committee meetings will take place in May 2013. dates: 29 April-3May 2013  location: Washington DC, US  contact: CIF Administrative Unit phone: +1 202 458 1801  email: www

UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies Session: The 38th sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) will take place in Bonn.  dates: 3-14 June 2013 location: Bonn, Germany  contact: UNFCCC Secretariat  phone: +49 228 815 1000 fax: +49 228 815 1999  email:  www:  

44th GEF Council Meeting: The GEF Council meets twice per year to approve new projects with global environmental benefits in the GEF’s focal areas, and provide guidance to the GEF Secretariat and agencies. dates: 17-21 June 2013  venue: World Bank Headquarters  location: Washington DC, US  contact:  GEF Secretariat  phone: 1 202 473 0508 fax: +1 202 522 3240 email:  www:  

20th Meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board: The Adaptation Fund Board supervises and manages the Adaptation Fund under the authority and guidance of the countries that are parties to the Kyoto Protocol. dates: June 2013 (TBD)  location: Bonn, Germany (TBD)  contact: Jeannette Jin Yu Lee  phone: +1 202 473 7499  fax:+1 202 522 2720  email:  www:

PPCR Pilot County Meeting: This meeting is expected to convene in Tajikistan in the summer of 2013. The PPCR is a program under the SCF, one of two funds under the CIFs.  contact: CIF Administrative Unit  phone: +1 202 458 1801  email:  www

SREP Pilot County Meeting: This meeting is expected to convene in September, 2013. The SREP is a program under the SCF, one of two funds under the CIF.  contact: CIF Administrative Unit  phone: +1 202 458 1801  email:  www

FIP Pilot Country Meeting: This meeting is expected to convene in Indonesia in September, 2013. The FIP is a program under the SCF, one of two funds under the CIF.  contact: CIF Administrative Unit  phone: +1 202 458 1801 email:  www

CIF Trust Fund Committee and Sub-Committee meetings: The CTF and SCF Trust Fund Committee meetings, the Joint Trust Fund Committee meeting and SREP, PPCR and FIP Sub-Committee meetings will take place at the end of 2013.  dates: 28 October-5 November 2013  location: Washington DC, US  contact: CIF Administrative Unit  phone: +1 202 458 1801  email:  www

CIF 2014 Partnership Forum and Associated Meetings: This meeting will take place in Latin America in a location and on a date to be determined.  dates: TBD  location: TBD  contact: CIF Administrative Unit phone: +1 202 458 1801  email:  www

The CIF 2012 Partnership Forum is a publication of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) <>, publishers of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin © <>. This issue was written and edited by Leila Mead, Delia Paul and Yulia Yamineva, Ph.D. The Digital Editor is Francis Dejon. The Editor is Robynne Boyd <>. The Director of IISD Reporting Services is Langston James “Kimo” Goree VI <>. Funding for coverage of this meeting has been provided by the World Bank. IISD can be contacted at 161 Portage Avenue East, 6th Floor, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0Y4, Canada; tel: +1-204-958-7700; fax: +1-204-958-7710. The opinions expressed in the Bulletin are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of IISD. Excerpts from the Bulletin may be used in other publications with appropriate academic citation. Electronic versions of the Bulletin are sent to e-mail distribution lists (in HTML and PDF format) and can be found on the Linkages WWW-server at <>. For information on the Bulletin, including requests to provide reporting services, contact the Director of IISD Reporting Services at <>, +1-646-536-7556 or 300 East 56th St., 11D, New York, New York 10022, USA.


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United Arab Emirates
Negotiating blocs
European Union
Non-state coalitions
