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UNFCCC Workshops on Convention Article 4.8 and 4.9: adverse effects of climate change and the impact of implementation of response measures
Bonn, Germany, 9-15 March 2000

Two workshops on Article 4.8 and 4.9 of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) were held from 9-11 and 13-15 March 2000 at the Internationales Kongresszentrum Bundehaus in Bonn, Germany. The FCCC Secretariat and the Chairs of the FCCC subsidiary bodies organized these workshops. Approximately 85 participants attended each workshop, including representatives of governments, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and academic institutions. 

The first workshop was held from 9-11 March to consider initial actions to meet the specific needs and concerns of developing country Parties and the specific needs and special situations of the least developed countries (LDCs) arising from the adverse effects of climate change. Participants heard presentations and engaged in discussions on the adverse effects of climate change on food security, water resources, economic activities, coastal zones and human health. They also considered initial actions related to funding, insurance and the transfer of technology to meet the needs and circumstances of developing countries. Other issues addressed included actions to: enhance capacity for monitoring, systematic observation and vulnerability assessment in developing countries; build capacity in environmental management and integrated assessment; and identify adaptation options and facilitate appropriate adaptation. 

The second workshop was held from 13-15 March to consider the impact of the implementation of response measures to climate change. Participants heard presentations and engaged in discussions on methodological approaches and what actions are necessary under the FCCC relating to the impact of implementation of response measures on, inter alia, terms of trade, international capital flows and developmental efforts, in accordance with FCCC Article 4.8 and 4.9 and in the light of matters related to Kyoto Protocol Article 3.14 (adverse effects). Participants also considered the nature, content and sources of information required in relation to this issue, procedures and modalities for the provision of information, and what actions are needed, including those relating to funding, insurance and the transfer of technology. The specific needs and special situations of LDCs were considered. 

The outcome of these workshops will be a report from the Chairs of the FCCC subsidiary bodies that will provide an input for discussions on these issues at the twelfth and thirteenth sessions of the subsidiary bodies (SB-12 and SB-13), to be held in June and September 2000 respectively. Negotiations at SB-12 and SB-13 will lead to a decision at the Sixth Conference of the Parties to the FCCC (COP-6), to be held in The Hague in from 13-24 November 2000.

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin report, summarizing both workshops is now available in HTML, PDF and ASCII



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On Friday evening, 10 March, Hiro Kazuno, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, made a presentation on examples of Australia, Japan and the US supporting adaptation measures
On Saturday, 11 March, participants convened for a panel discussion to identify and reflect on the key issues and initial actions raised at this workshop. The panel consisted of delegates representing (left to right) Bangladesh, Jamaica, the Netherlands,  the European Commission, Uganda, and New Zealand
SBSTA Chair Harald Dovland (Norway) addresses workshop participants
Veteran Swedish negotiator Bo Kjellen (left) discusses adverse effects with his fellow delegates
ENB Writer Chris Spence (right) reflects on the outcome of the adverse effects workshop with Brett Orlando, IUCN
Participants at the Workshop on the Impact of Response Measures listen to a presentation on initial actions relating to response measures

On Wednesday, 15 March, participants convened for a panel discussion to identify and reflect on the key issues and initial actions raised at this workshop. The panel consisted of delegates representing (left to right)Canada, Bolivia, the UK, Nigeria, Japan, and Saudi Arabia

Funding for coverage of this meeting provided by the Government of The Netherlands

ENB Summary of COP-5
Linkages Climate Change page
Secretariat web site
ENB's "Introduction to the Climate Change Process"

Other Climate Change links (NGOs, research institutes, etc)
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