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>>ENB ENGLISH Version<<

>>Version française: BNT<<

Update for Thursday, 26 July 2001

Delegates to the resumed COP-6 met throughout the day to continue working on texts for draft decisions and conclusions to be considered by the COP. Participants convened in negotiating groups on finance, compliance, mechanisms, and land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF), as well as in several sub-groups and a number of informal consultations. 
Above photo: Chie Okumura presents UNFCCC Executive Secretary with drawings and messages of success from Japan

Extended Photo Coverage of COP-6bis  

UNFCCC Conference Live-COP-6bis 

In cooperation with the UNFCCC Secretariat, the ENB will also publish ENB on the side - a special daily report on selected side events from COP-6bis.   


ENB Daily Reports



BNT quotidiens états





MECHANISMS: The group met in the morning to consider the Co-Chairs' non-paper, which is a consolidation of the political decision, The Hague text, the Pronk text, and text agreed in the technical working groups. Co-Chair Chow  (right photo: left ) noted that two working groups were meeting on: mechanisms eligibility and verification procedures of track two of the JI projects, and the Article 6 project cycle; and the CDM. Right photo: Chair Chow and Estrada

Estrada (above right) noted that the decisions have been reformulated to reflect the earlier political agreements. A grouping of Annex I Parties said a mistake had been made in the decision on eligibility, which now included reference to the "legal" agreement on compliance. A number of other Annex I Parties urged consistency to reflect the political decision on compliance. Left photo: Delegates in discussion from the Mechanism group

FINANCE: The negotiating group on finance issues met in several sessions throughout Thursday to address outstanding text for draft decisions on UNFCCC Article 4.8 and 4.9 and Protocol Article 3.14 (adverse), technology transfer and funding. Above photo: The dias during the Finance group with  Leon Charles Co-Chairing (center)

Adverse Effects: In the morning, Co-Chair Tsering (left photo: center) introduced the most recent version of the informal paper on UNFCCC Article 4.8 and 4.9, which includes the changes made by the small drafting group on Wednesday evening, 25 July. Parties discussed at length the phrasing of a chapeau on financial support to activities addressing adverse effects, finally agreeing to text providing that activities can be funded by the special climate change fund "and/or" the adaptation fund, as well as other bilateral and multilateral sources.

Funding: Parties met in an informal group Thursday afternoon and evening to draft text for draft decisions on funding under the Protocol and funding under UNFCCC. The draft decisions were agreed in the evening, to be forwarded to the COP. mentation projects, noted that some disagreement remains, in particular on verification procedures.

Technology Transfer: The informal group concluded its work, clearing all remaining brackets in the negotiating text. The agreed draft decision will be forwarded to the COP Friday.

COMPLIANCE: During a morning meeting, Co-Chair Slade (Left photo: second from right) suggested that delegates proceed through the Co-Chairs' non-paper on procedures and mechanisms on compliance under the Protocol. On the draft COP decision, delegates discussed legal and political issues related to the paragraph whereby the COP adopts the procedures and mechanisms on compliance annexed thereto.

LULUCF: The negotiating group met in afternoon and evening sessions, with a smaller drafting group convening throughout the day. In the afternoon session, drafting group co-facilitators Thorgeirsson and Fischlin reported on progress. They said only sections where the political decision had been ambiguous required further consultation, and identified as such the question of whether this decision refers to eligibility of LULUCF activities under Protocol Article 12 (CDM) only in the first commitment period, or whether it also applies to future commitment periods. Other issues included the Russian Federation proposal for an amendment to its cap on forest management credits contained in Appendix Z, and additional concerns regarding Party caps.

Co-Chairs Dovland and Gwage noted that the issues identified that could not be resolved by the negotiation group would be presented to President Pronk for his guidance, and Appendix Z would not be opened at this time. Six requests with regard to Appendix Z would be referred to President Pronk, as well as the questions of the cap on credits to offset Article 3.3 debits, and the applicability of the decision on eligibility of LULUCF activities under Article 12 beyond the first commitment period.


COOPERATION WITH INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: Delegates met in the afternoon in a contact group to discuss and approve draft conclusions on cooperation with other international organizations, focusing on text regarding cooperation with other conventions. The group agreed to text on enhancing coordination and exchange of relevant information between the UNFCCC, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. Delegates also agreed to text requesting the Secretariat to invite other relevant instruments, including the IPCC, to participate in meetings of the liaison group.

CONSULTATIVE GROUP OF EXPERTS: Delegates convened in the afternoon for a Friends of the SBI Chair meeting to consider a information contained in preliminary report of the Consultative Group of Experts. Draft conclusions will be presented to the Parties by the SBI Friday.

Around COP6bis

Above photo: Japanese environmental NGOs present Michael Zammit Cutajar with drawings and a message of success from Japan

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The Bet  (left) is that individual Canadians can dramatically outperform the federal government by saving 50 percent of household greenhouse gas emissions over the course of a year. For more information, visit




Extended Photo Coverage of COP-6bis  

UNFCCC Conference Live-COP-6bis 

In cooperation with the UNFCCC Secretariat, the ENB will also publish ENB on the side - a special daily report on selected side events from COP-6bis.   

The official website for COP-6bis (Part 2). This site provides ready access to the Agenda and Daily Programme, Documents, and Press Corner for all press releases during the event. 
UNFCCC Secretariat's COP-6 web site  
Extended Photo Coverage of COP-6
UNFCCC Conference Live The Conference's Plenary and High Level Meetings will be broadcast live and on-demand on the Internet.
The Dutch Government website: The outreach website of the COP-6 host government
ENB coverage of SB-13 (Lyon), SB-12 (Bonn)COP-5 and COP-6
Linkages Climate page with links to recent coverage of UNFCCC-related Workshops and an introduction to the climate change process.
Other COP-6 Online resources
Other climate change-related links (NGOs, research institutes, news sites, etc)
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