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Seventh Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change 
Marrakesh, Morocco
29 October to 9 November 2001


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Highlights for Tuesday, 6 November  2001

Delegates to COP-7 met in SBSTA and SBI to adopt a number of draft decisions and conclusions. Negotiations also continued on mechanisms, compliance, and Protocol Articles 5 (methodological issues), 7 (communication of information) and 8 (review of infor­mation). A late evening Plenary was held to take stock of progress. Above photo: The dias during the late evening plenary.

SBSTA: The final meeting of SBSTA-15 was held in the afternoon, with the report of the session and the following conclusions being adopted without discussion: ongoing activities on reporting and GHG inventories from Annex I Parties; emissions resulting from bunker fuels; good practice guidance for LULUCF; emissions from forest harvesting and wood products; technology transfer; cooperation with relevant international organizations; education, training and public awareness; AIJ; and the special circumstances of Croatia.


  ENB (English)


Oct 29

Oct 30

Oct 31

Nov 1

Nov 2

Nov 3

Nov 5

Nov 6

Nov 7

Nov 8

Nov 9

   BNT (Français)


Oct 29

Oct 30

Oct 31

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Nov 7

Nov 8

Nov 9

SAUDI ARABIA (left), opposed by POLAND, SWITZERLAND, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC and CANADA, advocated deleting a para­graph inviting Parties to consider and submit their views on the workshop, and on further action to advance the work on P&Ms. Following discussion, the original conclusions were adopted, with the EU expressing reluctance in doing so.

Chair Dovland (third from left) expressed his thanks for the positive spirit he had enjoyed during his tenure as SBSTA Chair, and closed the meeting.

On matters referred to the SBI by the COP, delegates adopted the draft conclusions on the report of the GEF. The SBI then agreed to recommend to the COP a decision amending the Annex II list by removing Turkey and inviting Parties to recognize its special circumstances as an Annex I Party. Left photo: The SBI dias Chaired by John Ashe (ANTIGUA and BARBUDA)

Chair Ashe (right) noted that consideration of the report of the session, matters relating to LDCs and the CGE would be deferred to the next SBI meeting on Thursday.


PROTOCOL ARTICLES 5, 7 AND 8: The negotiating group on Articles 5, 7 and 8 met in the morning to work on outstanding issues. JAPAN highlighted its proposal on the review for reinstatement of mechanisms eligibility. Several Parties support the proposal, but suggested elaborating the issue at a subsequent SBSTA session.
COMPLIANCE: Delegates met during the morning in a series of regional and bilateral informal consultations. The drafting group then convened briefly at midday to take stock of progress and the Co-Chairs said they would prepare a comprehensive compliance non-paper. The negotiating group on compliance met in an evening session to consider the new Co-Chairs' non-paper on compliance, an "EU/Umbrella Group proposed compliance package," as well as new text for a draft COP decision.
Delegates agreed to the new Co-Chairs' non-paper on procedures and mechanisms, as amended. Everton Vargas (Brazil) then reported on consultations he facilitated on the draft COP decision and recommended that the group adopt his proposed draft decision, with an editorial amendment. Delegates agreed, thus successfully completing the work of the negotiating group.   

Delegates met in a brief morning session of the negotiating group. Co-Chair Estrada said the Co-Chairs intended to proceed to bilateral informal consultations with the regional groups in order to produce by early afternoon a new text on mechanisms that should be acceptable to all Parties.

In a late evening Plenary, COP-7 President Elyazghi invited the negotiating group chairs to report on progress made in the groups. Compliance Group Co-Chair Slade (right) reported that the text had been fully agreed and, with Co-Chair Dovland, thanked all delegations.

Mechanisms Group Co-Chairs Estrada and Chow reported progress, although some "controversial" issues from the three drafting groups remained in the text to be submitted to ministers. Left photo L-R: Chair Estrada (ARGENTINA), Mohammed Al-Sabban (SAUDI ARABIA) and Joannna Depledge of the Secretariat

On Articles 5, 7 and 8, Chair Dovland (right) highlighted two issues delegates had been unable to resolve, namely reporting of information relating to LULUCF activities, and review and consequences of failure to report on Article 3.14.

In cooperation with the UNFCCC Secretariat, the ENB will also publish ENB on the side - a special daily report on selected side events from COP-7.

ENB Summary of UNFCCC COP-6bis in PDF (English, Français)
The official website for COP-7. This site provides ready access to the Provisional Agenda , Annotated Provisional Agenda and Daily Programme, Documents, and Press Corner for all press releases during the event. 
UNFCCC Secretariat web site 
Linkages Climate page with links to recent coverage of UNFCCC-related Workshops and an introduction to the climate change process.
ENB coverage of SB-13 (Lyon), SB-12 (Bonn)COP-5, COP-6 and COP-6bis
Rio Policy Forum:State of GHG Market
Other COP-6 Online resources

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