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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Ninth Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
Milan, Italy, 1- 12 December, 2003 


Photo Highlights from Wednesday, 3 December
Archived Photos: 1December 2December

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Photo courtesy of IISD/ENB-Leila Mead

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Photo: Adam Bumpus, Programme Coordinator, Responding to Climate Change (RTCC) being interviewed in front of a mime portraying the Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa portrayed by a mime in the hallway of the Conference Center
Patricia Bliss-Guest, GEF, Janos Pasztor, Secretariat, Robert Myungi, Tanzania, and Patricia Bliss-Guest during a side event on GEF support for preparing NAPAs
The Mona Lisa Mime (left) and the Contact Group on LULUCF: definitions and modalities (right)
Terry Carrington (UK), Co-Chair of the Contact Group on development and transfer of technologies
Contact Group on National Communications: Chair Sok Appadu, Mauritius, with Matha Padermo, Graham Sem and Philip Weech, Secretariat (left) and Adam Bumpus, Responding to Climate Change (RTCC) , and Valentin Barta, Peru, and Sharon Taylor, during an event at the Climate Change Kiosk (right)
Side Event on GEF preparation of NAPAs (left) and Contact Group on national comunications
Janos Pastzor, Secretariat, and Robert Muyungi, Tanzania (left) and Ronald de la Cruz Rossi and Sharon Taylor at the Climate Change Kiosk
Youba Sokona (ENDA) (left) and a Malaysian delegate reads the daily ENB
Trigg Talley, US, speaks with Malaysia, who was speaking on behalf of the G-77/China during SBSTA, and China intervenes on LULUCF definitions
Delegates from the G-77/China discussing issues (left) and Stefan Raubenheimer, CEO, SouthSouthNorth, presents the book on Climate Change: Stories from the Devel.oping World, which documents the SSN project experience in four countries, Brazil, South Africa, Bangladesh and Indonesida
Fossil of the day award
Hans Jurgen Stehr, CDM Executive Board (left)
CDM Executive Board: Chair Hans Jürgen Stehr, Vice-Chair Franz Tattenbach, Eduardo Sanhueza, and Sushma Gera

Links to further information:  

*The UNFCCC COP-9 official site

*The UNFCCC Secretariat web site

*ENB coverage of SB-18 (Bonn)

*ENB summary of UNFCCC COP-8 (New Delhi)

*Linkage's Coverage (audio and photos) of UNFCCC COP-8


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