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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Ninth Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
Milan, Italy, 1- 12 Dec., 2003 

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Tuesday, 9 December

During the morning, COP-9 delegates convened in contact groups and informal consultations including: methodological work; LULUCF definitions and modalities for afforestation/reforestation activities; Special Climate Change Fund; national communications, among others.

In the afternoon, the SBSTA held its 5th meeting and the SBI held its 6th meeting. In the evening, the SBSTA held its 6th and final meeting, and the SBI held its 7th meeting - postponing its closing meeting until Wednesday , 10 December.

  • Click here to read a full text report on today's events

SBSTA Chair Halldór Thorgeirsson (Iceland)

(Coverage of UNFCCC COP-9 side events)

LULUCF good practice guidance contact group Co-Chair Margaret Mukahanana-Sangarwe (Zimbabwe)


During its 5th meeting, the SBSTA adopted conclusions on: good practice guidance and other information on land-use, land-use change and forestry; development and transfer of technologies; research and systematic observation; and cooperation with relevant international organizations. The SBSTA finalized its work this evening in its 6th meeting.

Delegates from Italy intervening during the afternoon SBSTA meeting

Delegates from Saudi Arabia and the US conversing before the evening SBSTA meeting

Trigg Talley (US) with US and Canadian delegates during this evening's Plenary



SBSTA Chair Halldór Thorgeirsson (Iceland) urges delegates to circle the SBSTA conclusions with a red pen so that they would remember to implement them upon returning home

Ian Fry, Tuvalu

The SBI panel and Plenary room


During its 6th meeting this afternoon, the SBI adopted conclusions on: capacity building; article 6 of the convention administrative and financial matters; interim financial performance for the biennium; and other matters.

During the its 7th meeting, it approved a draft decision on the programme budget for 2004-5 to be forwarded to the COP.


Jim Penman (UK)



SBI Chair Daniela Stoycheva (Bulgaria)

Raul Estrada (Argentina) with a delegate from Russia

Delegate from Japan intervening in this afternoon's SBI Plenary



Left to right: Michael Zammit Cutajar (Malta), Mohamed Mahmoud (Mauritania); Daniel Reifsnyder (US); John Ashe (Antigua and Barbuda)

Delegate from Gambia intervening in this afternoon's SBI Plenary



Contact group Co-Chair Thelma Krug conversing with delegates before the meeting



Contact Group on LULUCF: Definitions and Modalities for Including Afforestation/Reforestation Activities under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol

This group finalized their work shortly after 6pm today.


LULUCF Definitions Co-Chairs Thelma Krug (Brazil), and Karsten Sach (Germany), congratulate each other at the close of their final meeting

LULUCF Definitions panel members (left to right): Erik Haites (Secretariat); Co-Chair Thelma Krug (Brazil); Co-Chair Karsten Sach (Germany); Claudio Forner (Secretariat)


John Ashton (LEAD international) and Muriel Dube of South Africa



Andrea Albán (Colombia) conversing with John Ashe (Antigua and Barbuda)

Informal Consultation on the Special Climate Change Fund

Informal consultations in this group were held throughout the day and late into the night.

Contact Group on National Communications from Non-Annex 1 Parties to the Convention

Delegates in this group worked throughout the day trying to agree on final text to send to SBI.

Graham Sem (Secretariat) Sok Appadu (Mauritius), contact group Chair

Delegates from the EU

Presentation and Cocktail Reception: "Japan's Policies on Climate Change"

Delegates at Japan's presentation and cocktail reception

Yuriko Koike, Japan's Minister for the Environment

WWF Fashion Show (co-organized by UNEP, Greenpeace, and the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment)

The WWF staged a fashion show in the foyer at the Climate Change Kiosk from 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., with creations inspired by the International Climate Symbol.

Miklós Persányi, President of COP-9, sports a "save our climate" tie

Models sport creations inspired by the International Climate Symbol

This service was prepared in cooperation with the Climate Change Secretariat

Links to further information:  

*The UNFCCC COP-9 official site

*The UNFCCC Secretariat web site

*ENB coverage of SB-18 (Bonn)

*ENB summary of UNFCCC COP-8 (New Delhi)

*Linkage's Coverage (audio and photos) of UNFCCC COP-8


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