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Special Report on Selected Side Events at UNFCCC SB-13
published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
in co-operation with the UNFCCC Secretariat
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Issue #5 | SB - 13 | 09 - 15 September | Lyon, France.


Saturday 16 September 2000

Friday 15 September 2000    


Title: Indigenous peoples of the tropical rainforest and the CDM
Climate Alliance
Gotelind Alber <g.alber@klimabuendnis.org>

Kalimba Zephryin, APB (right) : They never asked for people's
 opinions, they never asked how it would change their lives.Representatives of indigenous peoples' organizations in South America, North America, the Pacific and Africa gathered at this event on the final day of the SB-13 negotiations to report on their lobbying activities at the Lyon meeting and exchange views on emerging climate-related issues. There was a particular focus on issues surrounding access to protected areas and anticipated problems linked to the development of CDM projects. The event was convened by Lioba Rossbach de Olmos of the Climate Alliance of European Cities.

Raymond A. De Chavez (photo below, seated centre), Tebtebba Foundation, reported a "degree of success" following his lobbying activities in Lyon, where he raised indigenous peoples' concerns about sinks issues, plantations, and protected areas that may be included in territories designated as carbon sinks. Johnson Cerda, Amazon Alliance, described how peoples inhabiting the Ecuadorian Amazon have been rendered invisible and denied access to their lands, as agencies pursue conservation plans but fail to manage the lands in consultation with the inhabitants. The indigenous peoples' parliament has decided not to recognize the designated protected areas. Turning to the possibility of similar issues related to the designation of lands for sequestration, he explained that indigenous peoples would seek early consultation and agreement. A Colombian speaker described similar experiences and invited NGOs to translate the complex language of the CDM to enhance community understanding and access. Alberto Yanosky, a biodiversity conservationist from Paraguay, described a successful protected area project and invited others to come and visit.

Jean Paul Gladu, National Aboriginal Forestry Association, Raymond A. De Chavez, Tebtebba Foundation, and Clark Peteru, Indigenous Peoples Biodiversity NetworkKalimba Zephryin (photo above, seated right), Association pour la Promotion des Batwa (APB) in Rwanda, described the expulsion of pigmy hunter gatherers' to accommodate a forestry project funded by the World Bank. Those who fled from the forest migrated to neighboring countries and ended up begging for a living. Clark Peteru (photo right, seated right), Indigenous Peoples' Biodiversity Network (Pacific) described the impact of climate change on 5 million Pacific islanders. On LULUCF, he described the uncertainties of sink projects and challenged the motivations of industrialized countries seeking CDM credits in order to continue producing greenhouse gases. On proposals to inject carbon into the oceans, he criticized utilitarian approaches.

Jean Paul Gladu (photo above, seated left), National Aboriginal Forestry Association, described the indications and impacts of climate change affecting the livelihoods of the Inuit people in the north and of those in the Boreal forests to the south. He urged governments to include indigenous peoples' representatives in their delegations to climate change negotiations, saying it was important that governments listen with open minds and open hearts.

Discussion: Simone Lovera, FoE, Paraguay, raised the risk of donor funding to forestry initiatives being side-tracked by CDM projects. Igino Emmer, FACE Foundation, Netherlands, suggested that certification could provide suitable standards for monitoring socio-economic impacts arising from projects. Clark Peteru agreed but emphasized that it is a question of opportunity cost and recommended that funds be channelled to reducing emissions in the North. Johnson Cerda, Amazon Alliance, confirmed that the second Indigenous Peoples' Forum would take place at COP-6, The Hague.

Relevant links:
National Aboriginal Forestry Association: http://www.nafaforestry.org
Fundación Moisés Bertoni: http://www.mbertoni.org.py
Climate Alliance of European Cities: http://climatealliance.org

More information:
Raymond Chavez: <tebtebba@skyinet.net>
Johnson Cerda: <johnson@amazonalliance.org>



Title: Agriculture's role in reducing greenhouse gases (GHG)
Sponsor: Canadian Delegation
Contact: Dr. Wayne Lindwall <lindwallw@em.agr.ca>
Website: http://www.agr.ca/policy/environment

Glen Hass, Soil Conservation Council of Canada, presented a farmers' view on the KP.Glen Hass (photo right), Soil Conservation Council of Canada, noted that the adoption of good farming practices to develop more productive and sustainable agriculture, also removes CO2 from the atmosphere. He argued for the inclusion of soil sink capacity in emissions reporting, noting that sufficient science is available to measure, monitor, and verify the effects.

Wayne Lindwall, Canadian Delegation : soil carbon is consistent with a range of other important benefits, and has important economic and social advantages.Dr. Wayne Lindwall (photo left), Canadian delegation, outlined technical details of soil carbon processes, and agriculture's potential role in reducing GHG. He noted that globally, agriculture is a major source of GHG, accounting for approximately 25% of CO 2 , 50% of CH 4 , and 70% of N2 O emissions. He stressed that the KP should consider all potential sinks, and supported the idea of including agricultural activities in the KP. He said that Canada's submission comprises a broad based accounting approach including land based activities, cropland and grazing land management. Noting ancillary benefits, he emphasized the positive relationship between soil carbon and increased wheat yields.

Discussion: Participants discussed the applicability of farming technologies in developing countries, the value of carbon sequestration for developing countries, and the socio-economic benefits of soil carbon in dry-lands versus humid climates.

More information: A brochure describing agricultural soil carbon sinks can be found at: http://www.agr.ca/policy/environment

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) on the side is a special publication of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) in cooperation with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat. The Editor of ENB on the side is Peter Doran Ph.D <peter@iisd.org>. This issue has been written by Emily Boyd <E.Boyd@uea.ac.uk>, Hernan Lopez LL.M. <hlopez@law.pace.edu> and Gerhard Mulder <gerhardmulder@hotmail.com >. The Digital Editor is Kenneth Tong <ken@iisd.org>. Photos by Leila Mead <leila@interport.net>. Funding for publication of ENB on the side at SB-13 is provided by the UNFCCC Secretariat. The opinions expressed in ENB on the side are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of IISD and other funders. Excerpts from ENB on the side may be used in non-commercial publications only and only with appropriate academic citation. For permission to use this material in commercial publications, contact the Managing Editor at <kimo@iisd.org>. Electronic versions of these issues of ENB on the side from SB-12 can be found on the Linkages WWW server at http://enb.iisd.org/climate/sb13/
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