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Daily Coverage:

Wednesday 5 Jun

Thursday 6 Jun

Friday 7 Jun

Friday 14 Jun

Monday 10 Jun

Tuesday 11 Jun

Wednesday 12 Jun

Thursday 13 Jun

Sixteenth Sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies

Bonn, Germany | 5-14 June 2002

ENB on the side - a special daily report on selected side events from UNFCCC SB-16.

ENB daily reports




5 June

6 June

7 June

10 June

11 June

12 June

13 June

14 June

Wednesday, 12 June
The SBI convened in the afternoon to consider the adoption of its agenda, a request from a group of countries from Central Asia and the Caucasus, Albania and Moldova (CACAM), and a proposal by Croatia on LULUCF.

Participants also met in contact groups throughout the day, to consider UNFCCC Article 6 (education, training and public awareness), UNFCCC Article 4.8 and 4.9 (adverse effects), policies and measures (P&Ms), Protocol Articles 5 (methodological issues), 7 (communication of information), and 8 (review of information), the IPCC TAR, and non-Annex I national communications.

Seth Ofaso, UNFCCC Secretariat, made a presentation on the request of the CACAM to to clearly define the term "Developing Countries"

ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS: Adoption of the Agenda: The US recalled his proposal from Monday, 10 June for an additional item to be included on the SBI agenda regarding transparency of the UNFCCC process, noting that the modified proposal was now entitled "effective participation in the UNFCCC process." SBI Chair Estrada said the Secretariat would prepare a document containing an analysis of the situation in other bodies and a description of possible solutions. He suggested postponing the discussion until SB-17

Listen to the US proposal regarding transparency

Listen to Chair Estrada's comments

The US and CANADA urged a preliminary exchange of views at the current session.

Listen to the US

Listen to Canada

Aram Gabrielyan, Ministry of Natural Protection, Armenia, presenting a request from a group of countries from Central Asia and the Caucasus, Albania and Moldova regarding their status under the Convention

VENEZUELA, for the G-77/CHINA, said little time remained for this discussion and preferred the Chair's suggestion. Adoption of the agenda was postponed.

CACAM REQUEST: ARMENIA, for the CACAM group of countries, said the group is seeking clarification on the definition of the term "developing countries," and on their status in the context of UNFCCC decisions, including those taken at COP-6.

Listen to Seth Ofaso, UNFCCC Secretariat, made a presentation on the request of the CACAM

Listen to Aram Gabrielyan, Ministry of Natural Protection, Armenia

The EU stressed that none of the CACAM countries are included in Annex I, and said they therefore belong in the group of non-Annex I Parties. He supported consideration of the issues, and said care should be taken when drafting conclusions, using the term "Parties not included in Annex I" that is employed in the UNFCCC.

SBI Chair Raul Estrada, Argentina (left), and former SBI Chair John Ashe, Antigua and Barbuda (right)

Listen to the EU

VENEZUELA, for the G-77/CHINA, said an examination of the term "developing countries" was not necessary. Chair Estrada said he would continue consultations and report on these at SB-17.

Listen to Venezuela

OTHER MATTERS: Croatian Proposal on LULUCF: On the proposal by Croatia on LULUCF to consider its forest management activities under Protocol Article 3.4 (additional activities), Chair Estrada noted that consultations on a related Croatian proposal on changing its base-year emissions were being undertaken by SBSTA.

ARTICLE 6: Co-Chair Jean-Pascal van Ypersele introduced revised draft conclusions and a draft decision on an Article 6 work programme. After extensive paragraph-by-paragraph discussion on the conclusions, Parties agreed to forward them to SBSTA for approval, and to defer discussion on the draft decision to SB-17.

Daniel Reifsnyder, US Department of State

ADVERSE EFFECTS: On implementing UNFCCC Article 4.8 and 4.9, Parties discussed Chair Daniela Stoytcheva's draft SBI conclusions.

POLICIES AND MEASURES (P&MS): Co-Chair Suk-Hoon Woo introduced draft revised conclusions, and Co-Chair Pierre Giroux explained that the text incorporated all elements of the relevant COP-7 decision (13/CP.7).

ARTICLES 5, 7, AND 8: Delegates agreed on a revised version of the draft COP-8 decision on demonstrable progress under Protocol Article 3.2. The draft COP-8 decision, including a new version of the guidelines for the expedited procedure for the review for the reinstatement of eligibility to use the mechanisms, was agreed.

Luis Herrera Marcano, Venezuela

Article 4.8 and 4.9 Contact Group Chair Daniela Stoytcheva, Bulgaria

Jim Penman, UK, and Philip Gwage, Uganda

Daniela Stoytcheva, Bulgaria

Article 6 Contact Group Co-Chair Sok Appadu, Mauritius, with ENB writer Michael Lisowski

Article 6 Contact Group Co-Chairs Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, Belgium (left), and Sok Appadu, Mauritius (right)

Joseph Buys and Jean -Pascal van Ypersele, Belgium

Vladimir Jelavic (left) and Jasenka Necak (right) of Croatia

ENB writers Emily Boyd and Lisa Schipper interview UNFCCC Executive Secretary Joke Waller-Hunter

A cluster of delegates

Tough security at the conference center


The UNFCCC Secretariats page for this meeting including the provisional agendas and documents

UNFCCC Secretariat web site

Linkages Climate page with links to recent coverage of UNFCCC-related Workshops and an introduction to the climate change process

ENB's coverage of the Consultative Group of Experts on Communications from Non-Annex I Parties and the

Expert Meeting on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments

ENB coverage of SB-13 (Lyon), SB-12 (Bonn) , COP-5, COP-6 , COP-6bis and COP-7

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