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Special Report on Selected Side Events at UNFCCC SB 18

04 - 13 June 2003, Bonn, Germany

published by IISD, the International Institute for Sustainable  Development
in cooperation with UNFCCC


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Events convened on Tuesday, 10 June 2003

Article 6 of the Convention - public participation and public access to information: The use of electronic tools

Presented by the UNFCCC

Sharon Taylor, UNFCCC, stresses the advantages of having information on a CD-ROM, including: off-line access to information; comprehensive information in all UN official languages; and a simplified search engine

Laurence Pollier, UNFCCC

Janos Pasztor, UNFCCC, summarized the history of UNFCCC Article 6 on education, training and public awareness and said the UNFCCC Secretariat was asked to design a clearinghouse mechanism and to provide better guidance to Parties on how to elaborate national communications in relation to Article 6. Laurence Pollier, UNFCCC, said the New Delhi Work Programme includes a list of activities to be developed by the UNFCCC to: enhance education and training programmes on climate change; increase availability and dissemination of information; and improve public understanding of, and participation in, climate change issues. Pollier stressed that the UNFCCC is working on developing an information network via a clearinghouse system to facilitate the provision of increased access to information and enhance partnerships and networking.

Ljiljana Stancic, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, overviewed the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters. She noted that the Aarhus Convention has important global significance because it elaborates on Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration and promotes environmental democracy. Stancic said the Aarhus Convention is a tool to enforce the right of the public to participate in environmental public policy and programmes.  She observed that the Convention uses a clearinghouse mechanism that provides linkages among intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), academic institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and government agencies.

Christoph Ritz, Forum for Climate and Global Change (ProClim), said ProClim seeks to facilitate both integrated research activities and collaboration among scientists, policy makers and the public. He explained that ProClim provides information to stakeholders via an internet clearinghouse. Maria Khovanskaia, Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, presented a number of innovative approaches in the use of electronic tools to implement the Aarhus Convention. She also reviewed priorities, challenges and case studies relating to electronic tools and highlighted the importance of liberalization of the telecommunication market and drew attention to the internet as a two-way communication medium.
Kevin Grose, UNFCCC, summarized how the UNFCCC is developing a new version of its website that targets governments, IGOs, NGOs and press and fulfills the UNFCCC's role of tailoring information in accordance with stakeholder needs and providing support for the negotiating process. Sharon Taylor, UNFCCC, introduced the new four-volume UNFCCC CD-ROM that contains information relating to the UNFCCC negotiation process, including official documents, national communications and in-depth reviews.

More information:

Janos Pasztor:
Laurence Pollier:
Ljiljana Stancic:
Christoph Ritz:
Maria Khovanskaia:
Kevin Grose:
Sharon Taylor:

EU GHG Monitoring Mechanism

Presented by the European Community (EC)

Lars Müller, EC, says additional measures will need to be implemented in order for the EC to meet its commitments under the Kyoto Protocol

 André Jol, European Environment Agency, describes past greenhouse gas emissions trends in EC Member States

Lars Müller, European Commission, reviewed the EC's existing greenhouse gas monitoring system, outlining its legal basis, activities, actors, timeframes, and institutional arrangements. He reviewed the burden-sharing agreed among Member States and summarized: greenhouse gas inventory institutional arrangements; the annual procedure for the EU progress assessment; inventory improvement initiatives; and the need to update the existing monitoring system in accordance with the requirements of the Marrakesh Accords.
André Jol, European Environment Agency, outlined recent EC greenhouse gas emission levels, noting that in 2001, emissions were 2.3% below 1990 levels. He presented graphs showing the changes in emissions from 1990 compared with targets for individual Member States and provided examples of German and UK progress in reducing emissions. Jol stated that the energy industry is the largest source of emissions in the EC and noted that there have been considerable increases in emissions in the transport sector since 1990.

Müller outlined projections for greenhouse gas emissions in Member States based on existing policies and measures and projections based on additional measures. Noting that national efforts may be insufficient to ensure that the EC meets its Kyoto Protocol commitments, Müller outlined the main components of the EC Climate Change Programme, stating that its objectives are to identify and develop the main elements of a strategy to cost effectively meet Kyoto Protocol targets and prepare the Commission to develop legislative and other proposals. He noted that new measures being prepared include EU emissions trading, revisions to the European Council's monitoring decision, use of renewable energy sources, and modal shifts in the transportation sector.

Discussion: Participants asked questions regarding, inter alia, cross-checking data, uncertainties in Member State emission inventories, the impact of EU expansion, and inclusion of aviation-related emissions in EC inventories.

Listen to Lars Müller

Listen to André Jol

More information:

Lars Müller:
André Jol:

MAGICC/SCENGEN: Interactive software for climate scenario development and quantification of uncertainties

Presented by the University of East Anglia

Tom Wigley, National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides a demonstration of the MAGICC/SCENGEN software

Tom Wigley, National Center for Atmospheric Research, provided an overview of the Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Induced Climate Change (MAGICC) and the Scenario Generator (SCENGEN). He explained that MAGICC/SCENGEN is user-friendly software for global climate model inter-comparisons, climate scenario development and uncertainty assessment. Wigley said the purpose of the software is to develop climate scenarios for expert and non-expert users, provide "hands on" education, and provide access to climate models and observed climate databases. He noted that MAGICC is a relatively simple climate model that can accurately simulate much more complicated models, and highlighted that it was used to project global mean temperatures for the IPCC's Third Assessment Report.

Wigley explained that SCENGEN uses the output from MAGICC to produce maps showing the regional details of future climatic changes, and noted that the gases considered in the model include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide, reactive gases and halocarbons. He said the primary inputs are a baseline emissions scenario and a policy emissions scenario, and secondary inputs include gas cycle and climate model parameters, and ocean-atmosphere general circulation models for regionalization. He noted that the outputs of MAGICC include gas concentrations, radiative forcing breakdown, global mean temperature, and sea-level rise, and that outputs from SCENGEN include baseline climate data, model validations results, information on changes in mean climate and variability, signal to noise ratios, and temperature and precipitation change probabilities. He highlighted that MAGICC/SCENGEN can answer questions regarding: how global mean temperatures will change for a given emissions scenario; uncertainties; the probability of an increase in precipitation at a given location; and what must be done to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations. He invited interested persons to contact him by email to receive a copy of the software.

More information:

Tom Wigley:

Capacity Development for the CDM

Presented by the UNEP-Collaborating Centre on Energy and Environment (UNCCEE)

John Christensen, UNCCEE, reviews the objectives, structure and progress of his organization's project to facilitate capacity building for CDM projects in developing countries

Njeri Wamukonya, UNCCEE, notes arrangements to establish a designated operational entity in Mozambique

John Christensen, UNCCEE, provided an overview of the Centre's project to assist capacity building for CDM activities, stating that the main tasks of the project are to: promote government support for CDM projects; develop policy maker's capacities; establish institutional frameworks; strengthen the capacities of the public and private sectors; develop technical skills; and stimulate investment.

Noting that the Netherlands is the major donor to the project, Marjan van Giezen, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, outlined the approaches her Government has taken to facilitate CDM projects and foster capacity building.

Njeri Wamukonya, UNCCEE, outlined the project's progress in the Sub-Saharan region, focusing on work in Mozambique. She described the development of Mozambique's national CDM workplan, including: designing a designated national authority (DNA); building capacity for project developers; analyzing a workplan development process; strengthening public and private sector capacities; securing financing for CDM projects; and increasing training initiatives.

Nguyen Khac Hieu, Vietnam's National Office for Climate Change and Ozone Protection, reviewed the current status of the project's work in his country. He noted problems relating to low awareness of the CDM among policy makers, lack of human resources, poor integration of the CDM in policy making, legal framework needs, and institutional development requirements.

Ali Agoumi, Morocco's Ministry of Land-use Management, Water and the Environment, outlined developments in his country, noting that a DNA was established in 2002 and that significant efforts have been made through capacity building workshops, portfolio diversification, and encouragement of investment. He said activities for 2003 include the formulation of a national CDM strategy, DNA operationalization, establishment of technical and financial procedures, CDM capacity building, and development of a Moroccan CDM portfolio of projects. Agoumi also presented a summary of the project's work in the Arab region, underlining the goal to maximize CDM opportunities to meet development needs.

Noting that each country is unique, Ogunlade Davidson, Energy and Development Research Centre, stressed the need to address: legal issues relating to the integration of the CDM in existing domestic legislation; the need to link State-specific sustainable development criteria to Millennium Development Goals and other processes; the importance of developing guidance materials such as CDM manuals; and the need to address financial and institutional issues.

More information:

John Christensen:
Marjan van Giezen
Njeri Wamukonya:
Nguyen Khac Hieu:
Ali Agoumi:
Ogunlade Davidson:

Prospects for the greenhouse gas market

Presented by the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)

Kenichiro Yamaguchi, MRI, predicts that Japan will be the largest buyer of credits under the Kyoto Protocol

Kristian Tangen, PointCarbon, explains the carbon market is fragmented and dynamic

Robert Dornau, IETA, outlined IETA's work, highlighting that the organization provides information relating to emission trading opportunities.

Kristian Tangen, PointCarbon, underlined PointCarbon's role in providing analysis and information on carbon markets and noted that it delivers forecasts, market reports, free newsletters, and databases. He said the carbon market is fragmented and dynamic and has different segments, commodities and prices.

Mark Akhurst, British Petroleum (BP), described BP's internal emission trading scheme (ETS), noting that its target to reduce emissions by 10% below 1990 levels was achieved two years ago. He said the lessons learned with BP's ETS include: the value of measuring, reporting, verification, and accurate baselines for reducing emissions; the efficiency of the grandfathering allocation approach; and the importance of being aware of the rules for inter-country taxation of emission exchanges. Akhurst noted that BP terminated its ETS two years ago and currently participates in the UK ETS.

Kenichiro Yamaguchi, Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI), noted that Japan faces challenges in achieving its Kyoto Protocol target because it is already highly energy efficient, has 60% of its area afforested, and has few non-energy related opportunities to mitigate emissions. Yamaguchi noted that Japan will rely heavily on the Kyoto flexible mechanisms to comply with its target. He outlined possible emission trading schemes that could be embraced by the Japanese Government and noted that his country will implement JI/CDM projects in Kazakhstan and Brazil.

Frank Joshua, Climate Initiative Partnership (CIP), introduced a new funding initiative under CIP that aims at providing upfront financing for greenhouse gas projects. He said CIP will also provide services, including loans, guarantees, and insurance, and outlined criteria for selecting greenhouse gas projects.

More information:

Robert Dornau:
Kristian Tangen:
Mark Akhurst:
Kenichiro Yamaguchi:
Frank Joshua:

Towards sustainable energy systems: New WBGU report

Presented by the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU)

Hartmut Graßl, WBGU, calls for increased energy productivity by a factor of three by 2050

Karsten Sach, Germany's Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, introduced the WBGU report "Towards sustainable energy systems," noting that many of the report's findings will be embraced by the German Government.

Providing an overview of the report, Hartmut Graßl, WBGU, underscored that access to modern energy is a condition for development for the two billion people that live in energy poverty, but he noted that meeting this energy demand will result in dangerous climatic change unless there is a change in energy systems. He outlined the "guard rails" for sustainable energy policy, where "guard rails" represent thresholds at which damages are deemed intolerable, including those relating to: climate change; sustainable land use; protection of rivers and their catchment areas; protection of marine ecosystems; prevention of atmospheric air pollution; access to advanced energy for all; and minimum macroeconomic development. He explained that a global transformation of energy systems over the next 100 years is technologically and economically feasible, and that the sustainable path entails: major reductions in fossil fuel use; nuclear energy phase out; substantial development and expansion of new renewable energy sources; and considerable improvement of energy productivity. He noted the need for: a rapid increase in solar and wind energy utilization; the conservative utilization of biomass, geothermal resources and hydropower; and enhanced carbon dioxide storage.

He recommended, inter alia: mobilizing financial resources for the global transformation of energy systems; efficient bridging technologies, such as natural gas and cogeneration; advancing research and development; and using model projects for strategic leverage. Noting the long lag time of atmospheric carbon dioxide, he underlined that the next 10-20 years are the decisive window of opportunity for transforming energy systems.
Jennifer Morgan, WWF International, underscored the need to phase out nuclear power, expand renewables, improve energy efficiency, and drastically reduce the use of fossil fuel energy. She agreed with the WBGU on the importance of wind and solar power, and the need to act within the 10-20 year window of opportunity, but disagreed about the viability of carbon sequestration. She called for a reduction of subsidies to the fossil fuel and nuclear power industries.

Axel Michaelowa, Hamburg Institute of International Economics, said the "guard rails" are too demanding, and the scenario used in the WBGU report is unrealistic. He noted that the cost of solar power has not diminished as much as expected, and suggested that the transformation of subsidies is risky because they are difficult to eliminate once they have fulfilled their original purpose.
Discussion: Participants discussed the choice of scenario for the WBGU report, the importance of subsidized energy for the poor, the need to consider oil and gas depletion, and whether a 2°C temperature increase is safe for all circumstances as it would entail substantial damages for many developing countries and ecosystems.

More information:

Hartmut Graßl:
Karsten Sach:
Jennifer Morgan:
Ursula Fuentes Hutfilter:
Axel Michaelowa:

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) on the side is a special publication of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) in cooperation with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat. This issue has been written by Fiona Koza < >, Karen Alvarenga de Oliveira
< > and Hugh Wilkins < >. The Digital Editor is David Fernau < > the photographers are David Fernau and Leila Mead < > and the online assistant is Diego Noguera <>. The Director of IISD Reporting Services is Langston James "Kimo" Goree VI < >. Funding for publication of ENB on the side at UNFCCC SB-18 is provided by the UNFCCC Secretariat. The opinions expressed in ENB on the side are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of IISD and funders. Excerpts from ENB on the side may be used in non-commercial publications only and only with appropriate academic citation. For permission to use this material in commercial publications, contact the Director of IISD Reporting Services at < >. Electronic versions of issues of ENB on the side from SB-18 can be found on the Linkages website at

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