Summary report, 26–27 March 2013

5th Meeting of the UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee (TEC)

The fifth meeting of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Technology Executive Committee (TEC) took place in Bonn, Germany, from 26-27 March 2013. The meeting was attended by members of the TEC, 14 UNFCCC party observers, five UN organizations, representatives from the Adaptation Committee and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group, as well as 21 international and non-governmental organizations.

At the meeting, TEC members discussed, inter alia: outcomes of COP 18 and implications for the work of the TEC; linkages between the TEC and the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) and other arrangements under and outside of the Convention; technology roadmaps; a new thematic dialogue on research development and demonstration; and work and support for activities relating to technology needs assessments. Plans were also made to begin work on at least three new technology briefs.

This meeting was directly preceded by the TEC Expert Meeting on Technology Roadmaps, held on 25 March 2013, which IISD Reporting Services also reported on. The summary of this meeting can be found at:


The TEC was established by the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties at its 16th session (COP 16) in Cancun, Mexico, as one of the two components of the new Technology Mechanism of the Convention.  The second component of the Technology Mechanism is a Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), also established at COP 16.

The TEC is comprised of 20 high-level expert members that are elected by the COP and serve in their personal capacities. It reports on its activities and the performance of its functions to the COP through the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI). The functions of the TEC include:

  • Providing an overview of technological needs, and analysis of policy and technical issues related to the development and transfer of technologies for mitigation and adaptation;
  • Recommending actions to promote technology development and transfer; 
  • Recommending guidance on policies and programme priorities related to technology development and transfer with special consideration given to least developed country (LDC) parties to the UNFCCC; 
  • Promoting and facilitating collaboration between governments, the private sector, non-profit organizations, and academic and research communities on the development and transfer of technologies for mitigation and adaptation; 
  • Recommending actions to address barriers to technology development and transfer to enable enhanced action on mitigation and adaptation; 
  • Cooperating with relevant international technology initiatives, stakeholders and organizations, and promoting coherence and cooperation across technology activities, both under and outside the Convention; and
  • Catalyzing the development and use of technology roadmaps or action plans at the international, regional and national levels via cooperation between stakeholders such as by developing best practice guidelines to facilitate the development of roadmaps or action plans.

First meeting of the TEC: The TEC’s first meeting took place in September 2011 in Bonn, Germany. The Committee addressed organizational matters and elaborated modalities and procedures for the TEC, which were subsequently adopted at COP 17.

Second meeting of the TEC: This meeting was held in February 2012 in Bonn, Germany, and saw the development of the TEC’s rolling workplan for 2012–2013. Work also began on modalities for linkages with other relevant institutional arrangements under and outside the Convention. Furthermore, the Committee discussed the engagement of stakeholders in its work.

Third meeting of the TEC: This meeting took place in May 2012 in Bonn, Germany, and included a thematic dialogue with stakeholders on enabling environments and barriers to technology development and transfer. The Committee also considered progress on the implementation of its 2012-2013 workplan and continued work on modalities for linkages with other relevant institutional arrangements under and outside the Convention.

Fourth meeting of the TEC: This meeting took place in September 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand, and continued the thematic dialogue which began at TEC 3 on enabling environments and barriers to technology development and transfer. The Committee also considered progress on the implementation of its workplan for 2012-2013, in relation to, inter alia: technology roadmaps; relevant work of other institutions under and outside the Convention; technology needs assessments (TNAs); and possible topics for technical papers. It also adopted key messages to forward to COP 18 in Doha, Qatar, on enabling environments and barriers to technology development and transfer, technology roadmaps, and TNAs.

At the meeting, the Committee also agreed to organize an expert meeting on technology roadmaps focusing on technologies for adaptation to climate change. The IISD Reporting Services summary of the fourth meeting of the TEC can be found at:

Expert meeting on Technology Roadmaps: This meeting took place on 25 March 2013, directly preceding the fifth meeting of the TEC. This meeting aimed to: share good practices and lessons learned from developing and using technology roadmaps (TRMs) for mitigation and adaptation; identify specific needs and actions that could assist parties in developing and using TRMs for adaptation; identify the potential role of the TEC and TRMs in supporting enhanced action on adaptation to climate change; and explore ideas on how the TEC and other UNFCCC bodies or processes could potentially catalyze development and use of TRMs to stimulate efforts on mitigation and adaptation. The IISD Reporting Services summary of this meeting can be found at:


The fifth meeting of the Technology Executive Committee (TEC5) opened on Tuesday morning, 26 March 2013.


ELECTION OF THE CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR OF THE TEC FOR 2013: TEC Chair Gabriel Blanco opened the meeting and began the procedure to elect the 2013 Chair and Vice-Chair of the TEC. The TEC elected Antonio Pflüger as Chair and Antonio Blanco as Vice-Chair.

ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA AND MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING: The TEC then adopted the agenda (TEC/2013/5/1). The Minutes of TEC4 (TEC/2013/5/2) were adopted after paragraph 66b was replaced with the language of document (SB/2012/2), paragraph 47b, stating the TEC would “Organize a workshop/expert meeting on barriers to and enabling factors for technologies for adaptation.”

INFORMATION ABOUT NEWLY APPOINTED MEMBERS: Chair Pflüger then introduced the following new TEC members: Seyed Mohammad, Shahed University, Iran; Timothy Sill, Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, Australia; and Griffin Thompson, Department of State, United States.  

ORGANIZATION OF THE WORK OF THE MEETING: The TEC took note of the organization of work and welcomed Klaus Radunsky, representing the Adaptation Committee, and Batu Krishna Uprety, Vice-Chair of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG).


TEC member Kunihiko Shimada reported on his participation in the Global Methane Initiative and the Climate and Clean Air Commission, noting that both have expressed interest in submitting non-formal requests to seek cooperation with the TEC.

TEC member Matthew Kennedy shared his recent participation in a meeting with the Strategic Analysis Center of the French Government, where he was invited to speak on behalf of the TEC on overcoming barriers to low-carbon technology transfer. He noted that the Center is interested in further interaction with the TEC.

 Chair Pflüger presented on his participation at a Green Climate Fund event and workshop hosted by the International Energy Agency, reporting positive cross-participation. 


Wanna Tanunchaiwatana, UNFCCC Secretariat, provided an overview of the background paper on the Doha Outcome (TEC/2013/5/3) and praised work undertaken by TEC members to promote linkages with other institutions. She also praised the success of the brochure published prior to COP 18 that summarized key TEC messages, explaining that it was often used as a reference by parties during COP negotiations. Tanunchaiwatana concluded by recalling the pending request by the work programme on long-term finance for input from the UNFCCC’s thematic and expert bodies on their views on long-term finance.

On promoting linkages with other bodies under the Convention, Shimada noted the value of physically attending meetings of other Committees under and outside of the Convention to maximize exchange.

TEC members proposed that the TEC should react to the request by the work programme on long-term finance intersessionally, with some cautioning that the TEC’s submission to the work programme should be framed broadly. Vice-Chair Blanco suggested coming back to the discussion with more concrete proposals at TEC6.


LINKAGES BETWEEN TEC AND CTCN: Interactive collaboration for the effective and coherent implementation of the Technology Mechanism - Update on the CTCN: Chair Pflüger provided the background to this session by recalling COP decisions 1/CP.16 and 14/CP.18 which respectively decided that the CTCN and the TEC shall relate to promote coherence and synergy, and that UNEP shall act as host and leader of the consortium of partner institutions of the CTCN.

Mark Radka, UNEP, provided an update on the status of the CTCN. He noted that the Memorandum of Understanding between the UNFCCC and UNEP formalizing UNEP’s role as host was signed at the 27th session of the UNEP Governing Council in February 2013. He explained that the CTCN will initially be housed in Copenhagen, Denmark, after a generous offer of a building and relocation cost remuneration from the Danish Government, but made the caveat that this will not necessarily be the permanent home for the CTCN.

Radka said the CTCN Advisory Board will hold its first meeting on 14-15 May 2013 in Copenhagen, and that it will be open to observers. He indicated that much care is being given to selecting the best national designated entities possible, which he said will bring visibility and legitimacy to the CTCN at the national level. On funding, Radka explained that the CTCN has received the following financial allocations: European Commission, US$6.5 million; Denmark, US$5.2 million; Canada, US$2.5 million; Japan, US$2.5 million; and USA, US$1 million.

Shimada noted that Japan’s contribution will be US$600,000 initially and then US$2.5 million per year thereafter, and said the CTCN Advisory Board has the authority to determine the CTCN’s membership and is not required to seek guidance from the COP on this matter. TEC member Timothy Sill suggested creating a one-page guideline document on what makes a good national designated entity, to streamline the CTCN’s search, agreeing that these individuals will be the core of the CTCN’s success. TEC member Jukka Uosukainen lamented that despite the COP noting twice that the Global Environment Facility (GEF) should finance the CTCN, this had not yet happened. Kennedy indicated hopes for a joint TEC-CTCN meeting this year.

Responding to questions, Radka said the Network is the least defined aspect of the CTCN in terms of COP guidance but has been described as the main CTCN mechanism by which developing countries can benefit. He noted that if the Network is made up mostly of developing country members who need assistance from it, their membership would make them “the teacher and the pupil at the same time.” He clarified that adaptation will receive equal if not more attention than mitigation at the CTCN, and that it will likely be a group of networks, rather than one enormous Network.

Zitouni Ould-Dada, UNEP, stressed the importance of regional dialogues to ensure inclusion of broad, context-relevant expertise, in helping to define the Network’s agenda. He invited continued dialogues with TEC members and all stakeholders on ideas for moving forward.

In closing, Vice-Chair Blanco clarified that while regional organizations can apply for Network membership, the COP decision makes no reference to regional centers for the CTCN.

 Procedures for preparing a joint annual report of the TEC and CTCN: Chair Pflüger introduced the issue, with Tanunchaiwatana explaining that this first report should be completed six weeks prior to COP 19 in November for translation.

Chair Pflüger suggested that the TEC and CTCN each draft their own sections of the review and that a third section on joint initiatives be completed together. TEC members agreed that this would be an acceptable way to move forward.

LINKAGES WITH OTHER RELEVANT INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS UNDER THE CONVENTION: Brief presentation by representatives of other thematic bodies on their relevant work and activities: Vice-Chair Blanco invited representatives from the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF), the Adaptation Committee and the LEG to make presentations.

Stefan Schwager, Co-Chair of the SCF, speaking via Skype, reported on SCF activities including: organizing a forum to dialogue with climate finance actors outside of negotiations; developing and maintaining linkages with other thematic bodies under the Convention; providing draft guidance to the operating entities of the Convention’s financial mechanism, GEF and the Green Climate Fund; and providing biennial assessments of climate finance flows. He expressed the SCF’s interest in playing a central role in improving the overall architecture of climate finance, working together with the TEC and Adaptation Committee.

Klaus Radunsky, Adaptation Committee member, highlighted specific areas of possible cooperation with the TEC such as: hosting workshops to facilitate implementation of adaptation; mapping regional institutions supporting adaptation; developing a list of adaptation experts; and preparing thematic reports. Underscoring the Adaptation Committee’s aim to empower communities, he reviewed areas of progress and proposed deliverables such as a thematic report on adaptation under the Convention and report on the first Annual Adaptation Forum.

Batu Uprety, Vice-Chair of the LEG, highlighted the LEG’s work in supporting technology in LDCs including: preparation of a technical paper on technologies to address vulnerability and adaptation in LDCs; documentation of good practices and lessons learned on adaptation technologies; and production of a list of technology themes in adaptation for water stress, disaster preparedness, heat, coastlines, risk transfer and public health. He explained that the LEG is shifting from its previous focus on supporting development and implementation of national adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs) to providing technical guidelines on preparation of national adaptation plans (NAPs). On the challenge of delivery of adaptation technologies, he welcomed advice or guidance from the TEC on how LDCs can address barriers to adaptation technology development and transfer, specifically regarding analysis of adaptation technologies, particularly technologies for agriculture and food security.

Discussion on the modalities on linkages with other relevant institutional arrangements under the Convention: Participants discussed a proposal from Vice-Chair Blanco to appoint a taskforce with two members from Annex I parties and two from non-Annex I parties to work with the Secretariat intersessionally to identify priority areas, and propose modalities and options for engagement with other bodies. Participants supported the proposal and the TEC appointed Thompson, Chair Pflüger, Seyed Mohammad Sadeghzadeh and Nagmeldin Goutbi Elhassan as members of the taskforce, requesting that their work be aligned with the outline of functions for the TEC. They will present the results of this work at TEC6.

In discussions on mechanisms to forge collaboration with the SCF, Adaptation Committee and LEG, TEC member Nagmeldin Goutbi proposed broadly defining areas of priority to coordinate work as a first step. TEC member Griffin Thompson suggested collaboration between the Adaptation Committee workstream on thematic reports with the TEC workstream on technical briefs. Radunsky invited engagement with the Adaptation Committee “the earlier the better.”

AREAS FOR FURTHER WORK AND COLLABORATION WITH OTHER RELEVANT ORGANIZATIONS OUTSIDE THE CONVENTION: Vice-Chair Blanco introduced document on “Identification of possible partner organizations for the Technology Executive Committee” (TEC/2013/5/4), stressing that the chart of the possible partner organizations was prepared only to facilitate discussion amongst the TEC, and that it is non-exhaustive and based only on organizations’ submissions to the TEC.

TEC members deliberated on, inter alia, the need for criteria for engaging in partnerships and defining work activities and topics, before defining possible partners.

Observer organizations then made comments to the TEC on: under-representation of developing country organizations in the current list of possible collaborators; the need for an open process to increase engagement; and proposals for a platform for improved exchange between the TEC and stakeholders, including information sessions and workshops. They also asked for clarification about the capacity in which the TEC wants to interact with observer organizations, whether through organizing workshops, consulting services, advisory services or such like.

Discussions on how to equitably proceed continued until the close of the meeting. Resuming TEC5 on the morning of Wednesday, 27 March, Vice-Chair Blanco reported that in a closed early morning session, TEC members agreed on a procedure to engage observers and deepen existing inputs. The topics and modalities of this will be published in an open invitation to observer organizations, aimed for release at TEC6.


REPORT OF THE TASKFORCE ON TECHNOLOGY ROADMAPS: TEC member Krzysztof Klincewicz presented outcomes of the work of the TRM taskforce found in the “Background paper on Technology Roadmaps” (document TEC 2013/5/5), which built an inventory of TRMs as a basis for further recommendations on best practices. He highlighted that out of this work emerged the broad definition of a TRM as a coherent document that is used to promote the development and transfer of technologies, developed jointly with stakeholders, and contains measurable objectives and concrete actions. Klincewicz stressed that both the TRM development process and its outcomes are valuable.

TEC members lauded the taskforce’s intersessional work, which they said can be regarded as a model for future TEC work. They then discussed: developing best practice guidelines to trigger implementation focused on adaptation and potentially basing these on existing IEA guidelines; engaging the CTCN in capacity building and training; and making the background paper on TRM public. Several members suggested that key messages of the background paper be drawn out and delivered in a further publication. One member noted the importance of recognizing that the study is limited in scope as it only looked at TRMs in the English language, and called for future analysis to improve efforts to include a wider range of TRMs.

OUTCOMES OF THE EXPERT MEETING ON TECHNOLOGY ROADMAPS: Chair Pflüger reported on outcomes from the expert meeting on TRMs held on 25 March 2013, noting the dominance of mitigation over adaptation technologies in existing TRMs. TEC members then discussed methods to: incorporate findings of the meeting into communications to the COP; encourage implementation and raise awareness of TRMs; promote TRM linkages with other planning tools such as TNAs and NAPs; and provide outreach and technical assistance to vulnerable countries and sectors in their development of TRMs.

POSSIBLE FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITIES: In discussions, TEC members stressed the need to address mandates from the COP, debating how to best deliver key messages and organize work on TRMs. Members suggested: preparing a technology brief and policy brief on TRMs; commencing work on general guidelines on TRMs; and considering modalities for interacting with the Adaptation Committee and potentially the CTCN on capacity building and training.

TEC members agreed to, for TEC6: make the background paper publicly available; prepare a summary report of the expert meeting; and discuss the opportunity to draft a technical brief on TRMs in the context of technical briefs. 


POSSIBLE FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITIES ON ENABLING ENVIRONMENTS FOR AND BARRIERS TO TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFER: Vice-Chair Blanco thanked observers for their submissions over the course of the thematic dialogue and opened the floor for discussion on moving forward.

TEC members and observers considered possible topics for new work, including on: intellectual property rights; solid waste; crosscutting issues for barriers and enabling environments; overarching guidance on barriers to technology; capacity building for development of proposals for financing; and research collaborations.  

Several members proposed that the TEC prioritize adaptation over mitigation technologies. Shimada formally offered, on behalf of the Japanese Government, access to data being collected by the Japanese “Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite “Ibuki” (GOSAT).

After lengthy deliberations on how to move forward, TEC members agreed to Vice-Chair Blanco’s proposal to request the Secretariat to prepare, and make available before TEC6, a compilation report based on TNA reports recently received by UNEP, with a focus on reviewing barriers and enabling environments for mitigation and adaptation technologies. TEC members agreed to consider this synthesis report along with previous submissions from observers, background papers prepared thus far and TEC recommendations delivered to COP18, as the basis of deliberations at TEC6 on follow-up activities.

AGENDA OF THE THEMATIC DIALOGUE ON RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT AND DEMONSTRATION: Bert van der Plas, UNFCCC Secretariat, presented the draft provisional agenda for the proposed thematic dialogue on research, development and demonstration of environmentally sound technologies (TEC/2013/5/6).

TEC members requested that a discussion on financing be included in the draft, including a speaker or speakers that can present on both concessional (public) and commercial financing. Another suggested emphasizing in the draft that the dialogue is specifically on research, development and demonstration for adaptation and mitigation technologies.

Vice-Chair Blanco indicated that a new draft agenda will be sent to TEC members for review in the coming weeks. No date for the meeting was established. 


UPDATE ON THE CURRENT SUPPORT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF TNAS BY UNEP/GEF: Mark Radka, UNEP, presented the global TNA project under the Poznán Strategic Programme on Technology Transfer which is supported by the GEF and implemented by UNEP. He indicated that 32 non-Annex I parties being assisted in conducting TNAs and TAPs will have completed their work by the end of April 2013. He shared that a dissemination workshop is scheduled tentatively for May or June 2013 and that an initial proposal for a second round of funding for 24 further countries was cleared by the GEF Secretariat in February 2013 for possible extension of the project. Radka reinforced the value of TNAs “as both a process and a product to place countries in a position to bargain on the international scene for what they need and why.”

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RESULTS OF TNAS INCLUDING SUCCESS STORIES: Vladimir Hecl, UNFCCC Secretariat, presented results from a study that surveyed the implementation rate of projects identified in the TNAs of countries that completed the first round of TNAs from 2000-2010 (TEC/2013/5/7). He noted that the study was non-exhaustive, but found commonalities of successful TNAs to be, inter alia: availability of domestic and international funding; ability to reach political and institutional consensus; and interest in national stakeholders or building capacity.

Hecl further highlighted the importance of pro-active and knowledgeable project champions, and strong signals from donors and/or investors regarding the availability of financing. He noted that high investment rates coupled with low rates of return hamper overall TNA attractiveness. Hecl concluded that a mechanism to deliver information about funding opportunities could be linked to prioritized technologies to support higher rates of successful implementation.

Many TEC members expressed their gratitude to the Secretariat for preparing the paper and supported the proposals in the study. Some suggested that it be the basis of workshops to provide training and capacity building on attracting funding, and on joining TNA practitioners with financiers. Others proposed that it be the basis of a technology brief to be delivered to the COP.

INTEGRATION OF TNAS WITH OTHER RELEVANT PROCESSES UNDER THE CONVENTION, INCLUDING NAMAS AND NAPS: Wytze van der Gaast, Joint Implementation Network, spoke about the background paper on interlinkages between TNAs and national and international climate policymaking processes (TEC/2013/5/8). He explained ways that TNAs can support nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs), NAPs and Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS), and how these can support TNA development and implementation. Van der Gaast further listed Low-Emission and Climate-Resilient Development Strategies (LECRDS), TRMs and green growth plans as other products and processes complementary to TNAs. He concluded by recommending harmonization of TNAs with other processes to: strengthen high-level political recognition of TNAs; streamline and rationalize work across processes; support mainstreaming of climate technologies in countries’ priorities; and translate TNA results into action with milestones and timelines.

Franck Jesus, GEF, stated that the GEF is very keen to support projects that link TNAs to other processes.


TOPICS AND PREPARATORY WORK FOR THE TECHNOLOGY BRIEFS: Chair Pflüger introduced the background paper on technology briefs (TEC/2013/5/9) and opened the floor for discussion.

Some TEC members expressed concern that the structure and format of the briefs need to be established before beginning work. Others discussed whether TEC members should compile the briefs themselves or whether this should be outsourced. Vice-Chair Blanco recalled that it was agreed at TEC4 that some technology briefs should be for adaptation technologies and that they be aimed at policymakers.

Janice Meier, Climate Action Network, suggested “technology assessments” as a topic for a future technology brief, noting that this term is more focused on the precautionary principle and possible unforeseen effects of technologies than TNAs.

POSSIBLE FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITIES: The TEC agreed to initiate work on three to four technology briefs, with a suggested structure and format to be presented at TEC6. It agreed that the existing roadmapping taskforce will draft one brief on how to move forward with TNAs, NAPs, NAMAs and TAPs as roadmaps, and that the newly established taskforce to identify potential areas of work between the Adaptation Committee, LEG, SCF, and TEC, will develop two topics for a second technology brief, with at least one on adaptation, to be presented for discussion at TEC6. The TEC then created another taskforce comprising Vice-Chair Blanco, Kunihiko Shimada, Timothy Sill and Wang Can, to consider the Secretariat’s paper on the results of TNAs (TEC/2013/5/7) and Wytze van der Gaast’s paper on interlinkages between TNAs and national and international climate policymaking processes (TEC/2013/5/8), in order to establish how one or both of them could also be turned into technology briefs.


Asher Lessels, UNFCCC Secretariat, presented the main features of the UNFCCC Technology Information Clearinghouse (TT:Clear) website that is under ongoing development to facilitate dissemination of the TEC’s outcomes and promote information exchange. He said the Secretariat is working on a new design to better meet the needs of potential users and now has a dedicated stakeholder engagement page.



The TEC agreed to reconvene in Bonn, Germany from 26 – 28 June 2013 for TEC6, and from 4-6 September 2013 for TEC7. Chair Pflüger adjourned the meaning at 8:12 pm.


B4E Global Summit 2013: Under the theme “Emerging Market Leadership for Global Green Growth,” the 7th annual Business for the Environment (B4E) Global Summit will examine the role of emerging markets in driving the world’s transition to a global green economy. dates: 15-16 April 2013 venue: The Ashok Hotel location: Delhi, India contact: Roshilah Atan e-mail: www:

Fourth Clean Energy Ministerial: The fourth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM4) will bring together ministers from more than 20 participating countries under the theme of “Technology and Business Innovation.” Topics that will be discussed include: progress by the 13 clean energy initiatives of CEM; enhancing cooperation between CEM governments; and the development of public-private partnerships to support clean energy development. dates: 17-18 April 2013 location: New Delhi, India contact: CEM Secretariat www:

RIMES Training Workshop on Iterative Risk Management for Climate Change Adaptation: The Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Africa and Asia (RIMES) is organizing a five-day Training Workshop on Iterative Risk Management (IRM) for Climate Change Adaptation. The training aims to build the capacity of participants to design and implement iterative and flexible risk management plans. The lectures will include a module each on: risk-based approaches to climate change adaptation; the IRM approach, including the IRM process and its application to development and disaster risk reduction (DRR); and IRM and the policy environment for climate change adaptation. During the planning workshop, participants will design IRM Plans for their organizations. dates: 22-26 April 2013 location: Bangkok, Thailand contact: RIMES fax: +662 516 5902 e-mail: www:

Clean Energy Financing Forum for Central America and the Caribbean: The Clean Energy Financing Forum for Central America and the Caribbean (CEFF-CAC) is sponsored by the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI). The Forum will seek to bring before potential investors, screened clean technology proposals from the region that offer environmental and social benefits. date: 26 April 2013 location: San Pedro Sula, Honduras contact: Fernando Alvarado e-mail: www:

CIF Trust Fund Committee and Sub-Committee Meetings: This meeting will include the meetings of: the Forest Investment Program (FIP) Sub-Committee; the Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program (SREP) Sub-Committee; the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) Sub-Committee; the Strategic Climate Fund (SCF) Trust Fund Committee; and the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) Trust Fund Committee. dates: 29 April to 3 May 2013 location: Washington, DC, USA, contact: Climate Investment Funds phone: +1-202-458-1801 e-mail: www:

Second Session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action: The second session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) will be held in Bonn, Germany, from 29 April to 3 May 2013. Workstream 1 discussions will continue to address the 2015 agreement, including its scope, structure and design, and the application of the UNFCCC principles. Workstream 2 will address the pre-2020 ambition. dates: 29 April to 3 May 2013 location: Bonn, Germany contact: UNFCCC Secretariat phone: +49 228 815 1000 fax: +49 228 815 1999 e-mail: www:

First meeting of the Advisory Board of the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN): The agenda for this meeting will include the election of a Chair and Vice-Chair, adoption of operational modalities and rules of procedure, and the setting of the agenda for the second Advisory Board meeting. The meeting will be open to observers. dates: 14-15 May 2013 location: Copenhagen, Denmark contact: UNFCCC Secretariat phone: +49-228-815-1000 fax: +49-228-815-1999 email: www:

UNGA Thematic Debate: Climate Change, Green Energy and Water Sustainability: The 67th Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) will host this thematic debate on Climate Change, Green Energy and Water Sustainability. date: 16 May 2013 location: New York, USA www:

UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies June 2013: The next session of the UNFCCC subsidiary bodies will take place in June 2013. dates: 3-14 June 2013 location: Bonn, Germany contact: UNFCCC Secretariat phone: +49-228-815-1000 fax: +49-228-815-1999 e-mail: www:

Sixth meeting of the TEC: The sixth meeting of the TEC will: discuss progress made on producing new technology briefs, enabling further engagement with arrangements under and outside of the Convention; present modalities for increasing engagement with stakeholders; and continue the Committee’s other work. dates: 26-28 June 2013 location: Bonn, Germany contact: UNFCCC Secretariat phone: +49-228-815-1000 fax: +49-228-815-1999 email: www:

Seventh meeting of the TEC: The seventh meeting of the TEC will be convened on 4-6 September in Bonn, Germany. dates: 4-6 September 2013 location: Bonn, Germany contact: UNFCCC Secretariat phone: +49-228-815-1000 fax: +49-228-815-1999 email: www:

IPCC 37: The 37th session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 37) will consider for approval, two methodology reports: the “2013 Supplement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Wetlands”; and the good practice guidance on estimating greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use, land use change and forestry  under the Kyoto Protocol. dates: 14-18 October 2013 location: Georgia [tentative] contact: IPCC Secretariat phone: +41-22-730-8208 fax: +41-22-730-8025 e-mail: www:

19th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC: The 19th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 19), the ninth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 9) and the subsidiary bodies will convene in Warsaw, Poland. dates: 11-22 November 2013 location: Warsaw, Poland contact: UNFCCC Secretariat phone: +49-228-815-1000 fax: +49-228-815-1999 e-mail: www:

Further information


National governments
Negotiating blocs
Least Developed Countries
