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Asian Regional Consultation of the Consultative Process Towards an International Mechanism of Scientific Expertise on Biodiversity (IMoSEB) 

24-25 September 2007 | Beijing, China

Summary Report
Daily highlights
Daily highlights:
Monday, 24 September - Tuesday, 25 September

Highlights for Monday, 24 September 2007

On Monday, 24 September, 2007, the Asian Regional Consultation Towards an IMoSEB opened in Beijing, China. After introductory statements in plenary, participants heard presentations, exchanged views and discussed options and needs for a possible IMoSEB during a round table discussion. On Monday afternoon, three working groups convened in parallel sessions to consider five points: potential users of an IMoSEB; options to best address user needs; specific needs for the Asian region; whether IMoSEB should be an intergovernmental mechanism; and the feasibility of locating IMoSEB within the CBD. The Asian consultation is scheduled to conclude on 25 September 2007 and is the fourth in a series of regional consultations.

Group photograph.
Abdul Zakri, United Nations University – Institute of Advanced Studies,  highlighted that the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment is a social process to bring  science to bear on decision making, focusing on the impact of human activities on ecosystems. He explained that the key design features are political legitimacy, scientific credibility and utility.

Alfred Oteng-Yeboah, Co-Chair of the Executive Committee of IMoSEB, noted that biodiversity issues have been overlooked and lacked a “mouth piece” like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He explained that the international consultative process aims to explore the common interface between expertise and decision making for biodiversity.

Vladimir Bocharnikov, RAIPON – Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, discussed the role of indigenous peoples within the CBD and how to integrate traditional knowledge into the wider political agenda and decision making. He noted IMoSEB as a good opportunity to connect science and traditional knowledge.

Anne Larigauderie, IMoSEB Executive Secretariat and Executive Director DIVERSITAS, welcomed participants to the fourth consultative process, explaining that the aim was to come up with recommendations from the Asian region, which would be presented to the final Steering Committee Meeting in November.

The Panel, L-R: Keping Ma; Le Kang; Alfred Oteng-Yeboah; and Didier Babin.

Working Group 1
Working Group 3
Working Group 2
Monday, 24 September - Tuesday, 25 September
Related Links

IMoSEB Resources
IMoSEB Asia Regional Consultation
IMoSEB Information Center and Documents
IMoSEB Background Information

IISD Reporting Services (IISD RS) Resources
IISD RS summary report of the European Regional Consultation of the Consultative Process Towards an IMoSEB, 26-28 April 2007, Geneva, Switzerland. (English: HTML - PDF) (Français: HTML - PDF)
IISD RS summary report of the African Regional Consultation of the Consultative Process Towards an IMoSEB, 1-3 March 2007, Yaoundé, Cameroon (English: HTML - PDF) (Français: HTML - PDF)
IISD RS summary report of the North American Regional Consultation of the Consultative Process Towards an IMoSEB, 30-31 January 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (English: HTML - PDF) (Français: HTML - PDF)
IISD RS coverage of the conference “Biodiversity in European Development Cooperation - supporting the sustainable development of partner countries” (the BEDC Conference), 19-21 September 2006, Paris, France
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