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Vth IUCN World Parks Congress

Durban, South Africa | 8-17 September 2003

Saturday, 13 September

Photo: Young environmental journalists from Reuters who are in training at the Congress; journalists are from India, Croatia, UAE, Brazil, Serbia, Uganda, Trinidad and Tobago, Lebanon, Sierra Leone, Zambia, Russia, and Malaysia

Saturday, 13 September Participants at the Vth IUCN World Parks Congress (WPC) met in workshop streams to address: linkages in the landscape and seascape; building broader support for protected areas (PAs); PA governance; developing the capacity to manage PAs; evaluating management effectiveness; building a secure financial future; and building comprehensive PA systems. Workshop streams met in break-out and plenary sessions to address their respective issues, synthesize outcomes, and approve WPC recommendations. Side meetings, special events and discussion groups on the WPC recommendations were held throughout the day. A special information session on the Durban Accord and the message to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was held in the evening.
Images from the World Parks Congress

Corli Pretorius, Global Communications Director, IUCN, addresses the group of Reuters journalist trainees (left), Boris Pavelic, Croatia and David Kaiza, Uganda (right)

Special Information Session on the Durban Accord (left to right): Peter Schei, Norway, Juan Mayr, Former Colombian Environment Minister, Crispin Oliver, South African Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Lee Thomas, IUCN, WCPA, and John Scanlon, IUCN

Juan Mayr, Former Colombian Environment Minister,

Lee Thomas, IUCN, WCPA


Closing Plenary: Building a Secure Financial Future: A participant asks a question regarding the recommendations (left); Finance Workshop lead Carlos E.Quintela (center and right) 

Linkages in the Landscape and Seascape Stream: Breakout group on benefits of MPA networks for fisheries and endangered species: experiences and innovation in scaling up to build networks (left) and crafts sold in the exhibition center (right)
Linkages in the landscape and seascape: David Lamb, University of Queensland - Brisbane (left) and Lead Peter Bridgewater (right-center)
Traditional Fijian Community Meeting "Kava Chat"
Integrating Development and Conservation side event sponsored by GTZ: Cultural Diversity: Indigenous' participation: Diversity vs. Uniformity
Effective Management Effectiveness (left to right): Geoff Vincent, Deputy CEO Parks Victoria, Australia, Pedro Rosabal, Protected Areas Programme, IUCN, Nik Lopoukhine, Director General, National Parks Directorate, Parks Canada, Leonardo Lacenrda, WWF International, Marija Zupancic-Vicar, Senior Advisor, WCPA, Mavuso Msimang, CEO South African National Parks, South Africa
Geoff Vincent, Deputy CEO Parks Victoria, Australia
Nik Lopoukhine, Director General, National Parks Directorate, Parks Canada, Leonardo Lacenrda, WWF International


Building Comprehensive Protected Area Systems: Gustavo Fonseca (CI-CABS), Thomas Brooks (CI-CABS), Miguel Araujo (Portugal), and Ana Rodriguez (CI-CABS)

World Parks Congress
Programme for the World Parks Congress
Workshop Streams and Cross-cutting Themes