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Late Breaking News from CSD-5

Updated 27 April 1997

The fifth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development came to a close on Friday, 25 April 1997. The Drafting Groups met in the morning and the Closing Plenary was convened at 4:00 pm. After the Drafting Group Chairs introduced the results of the negotiations, delegates then considered the negotiated text paragraph by paragraph and made corrections as necessary. Many expressed surprise at the large number of brackets that were removed during the final day of CSD-5.

Delegates also adopted two draft decisions: one on the CSD programme of work and one on modalities for the full and comprehensive reveiw of the Barbados Programme of Action adopted by the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States. CSD-5 adjoured at 9:45 pm.

The final summary issue of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin for CSD-5 summarizes the entire meeting, including the Closing Plenary. You can also download the Earth Negotiations Bulletin in either text or PDF format.

For highlights of previous days' negotiations, check Late Breaking News for: