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The fifth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) for the Convention to Combat Desertification

Geneva, Switzerland, 1-12 October 2001


Version française: BNT

Thursday, 11 October 2001
The Committee of the Whole (COW) met in the morning to consider agenda items relating to the Global Mechanism (GM), relationships with relevant conventions and organizations, and other outstanding issues. The contacts groups on the budget and on the committee for the review of implementation (CRIC) convened in the afternoon and evening to continue their negotiations. Informal discussions were also held on three draft decisions relating to the GEF, the WSSD, and relationships with relevant conventions and organizations, which had been submitted to the COW on Thursday morning


Global Mechanism:
COW Chair Mohammed Jabarri, Iran, opened the morning session to asked delegates to resume their discussions on the review of the report of the Secretariat and the GM on their role in facilitating consultative processes for negotiating and concluding partnerships agreements based on national, sub-regional and regional action programmes

Relationships with other Conventions and International Organizations:
Following its consideration of the GM, the COW took up the agenda item on review of activities for the promotion and strengthening of relationships with other relevant conventions and relevant international organizations, institutions and agencies

Rajeb Boulharouf, CCD Secretariat, introduced the issue, reporting on interactions with the Convention on Biological Diversity CBD), the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, and noting cooperation with a number of organizations and institutions, including UNEP


Fatiha Djehiche, Algeria, supported a budget increase for GM activities

Maria Urquiza Rodriguez, CUBA, and others called for the GM to be given the resources to fully carry out its funding mobilization role. SENEGAL highlighted the GM's role in facilitating partnerships for pilot projects

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The EU said the GM had demonstrated its effectiveness as a brokering institution, helping improve resource allocation for CCD implementation, and stated that it was important to enhance its response capacity. He proposed, however, that the question of enhancing the GM's response capacity should be taken up at COP-6 when more information will be available through the review of its policies and activities. He also said that the GM should prioritize use of existing resources to activities directly contributing to innovative approaches to cooperation and resource mobilization, adding that other activities, such as information dissemination and mainstreaming, should be priorities only where they contribute to such activities


Ahmed Salem ould Ahmed, Mauritania, said it had been dissatisfied when the GM was adopted as a financing instrument, as it had preferred a mechanism with its own resources. However, it expressed appreciation for the GM's "imaginative efforts and intelligence," which had compensated for the deficiencies in funding

Maria Mbengashe, South Africa, expressed appreciation for the GM's work in its subregion, and its role in mobilizing support for NAPs

Djiri Dakar, Burkina Faso, noted the important work of the GM in assisting developing countries to combat desertification at the local level

Stephen Muwaya, Uganda, noted financial constraints on the GM's work in his country and subregion, and said the GM is the instrument that should move the CCD from planning to implementation


GM Managing Director Per Rydén responded to delegates comments and concerns by noting, inter alia, that the GM: does not intend to duplicate the work of other organizations; is discussing the possibility of capacity-building support in accessing GEF funding; and is continuing its efforts to mobilize new resources for CCD implementation. He also underlined the necessity of increasing the GM's response capacity, particularly human resource capacity, and stressed the importance of voluntary contributions in effectively carrying of the GM's work

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Outstanding Items:
Consideration of Rule 47 of the rules of procedure: Delegates briefly considered Rule 47 of the rules of procedure, recalling that previous COPs had discussed Rule 47, and had not resolved the question of whether failure to reach consensus on a matter should be decided, as a last resort, by a "simple majority" or a "two-thirds majority" vote

Draft decision on collaboration with the GEF: The G-77/CHINA introduced a draft decision on the GEF for consideration by the COW. The proposed text includes decisions to: invite the next GEF Assembly in October 20002 to designate desertification as a GEF focal area; invite the GEF Assembly to identify the GEF as the principal financial mechanisms for CCD implementation; request the CCD's Executive Secretary to explore modalities for anticipating funding needs and defining the focal area with regards to the GEF replenishment; requests the Executive Secretary to liaise with the GM in consultations with the GEF Secretariat to develop a Memorandum of Understanding; and calls on the third replenishment of the GEF to take account of the need for "new adequate and additional financial resources" with regard to the new focal area

Draft decision on the WSSD: The G-77/CHINA then introduced a draft decision on the WSSD, which: welcomes the establishment of a Panel of Eminent Persons to consider the poverty-environment nexus and asks that the Panel's outcomes be submitted to the WSSD; requests the CCD's Executive Secretary to continue to participate actively in WSSD preparations to ensure that CCD goals are reflected in its outcome; invites the WSSD to address new challenges and opportunities relating to desertification and land degradation, with a view to renewing its political commitments; requests the Secretariat to produce comprehensive reports on CCD implementation for the WSSD Preparatory Committee; and invites developed countries to support CCD National Focal Points and NGOs participate in the WSSD process


The Southern African Development Community, Mali, Armenia, Cuba, the Philippines, and others called for the GM to be given the resources to fully carry out its funding mobilization role



The COW concluded its business early Thursday to enable regional groups to consult further on the two outstanding issues: the committee to review the implementation of the convention (CRIC), and the programme and budget. Negotiations on the CRIC are being negotiated in a small group chaired since Tuesday by Alain Tellier (Canada), following the early departure of its former chair, Franklin Moore (US)

ENB Coverage of previous CCD meetings
click to topSecretariat of the Convention to Combat Desertification
Fifth Session of the COP website
Provisional Agenda
Provisional list of Official Documents
Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group to COP5
Official Documents of COP4

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