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Clean Energy Ministerial 6 (CEM6)

27–28 May 2015 | Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico

Highlights for Thursday, 28 May 2015

ENB+ Meeting Coverage


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Daily Web CoverageAbout | 27 May | 28 May | Summary
A view of Mérida, Yucatán

Delegates during the second day of the Sixth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM6) in Mérida, Mexico

The Sixth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM6) continued in Mérida, Mexico, on Thursday, 28 May 2015. Ministers and senior officials met in a closed meeting to discuss: priority initiatives for ministerial focus at CEM7; new work streams; and the CEM 2.0 opportunity.

Delegates considered the CEM Global Lighting Challenge: a race to reach cumulative sales of 10 billion high-efficiency, high-quality, and affordable lighting products. 

Delegates also discussed the CEM Power System Challenge as way to increase efficiency, smart grid technologies and increase the use of renewable energy sources. The delegates considered additional support for the Scaled-Up Clean Energy Solution Center with Finance Portal. 

Delegates also discussed the challenge of integrating varied sources of energy in an efficient manner into the power system transformation, welcoming collaboration across sectors and regions.

Delegates recognized the role of IT in the clean energy transformation, identifying future work to value all the services required. Delegates referenced the abundance of business models that support the important need to stabilize power supply.

Delegates agreed to explore a new work stream on global sustainable cities and to take forward work on: market accessibility of clean energy products; ISO 50 001- the energy management standard; and CEM's Clean Energy Education and Empowerment (C3E) Women's Initiative.

Ernest Moniz, US, introduced a video of President Obama announcing that the US will host CEM7, which was followed by China's announcement it will host CEM8.

Moniz applauded the accomplishments of CEM6. Looking to the future, he highlighted efforts to scale up the Clean Energy Solutions Center, a possible energy productivity initiative, and further development of market accessibility to clean energy.

In closing, Joaquín emphasized actions on efficient lighting; low-carbon power systems; a clean energy finance portal; and the value of including the private sector and international agencies. He thanked the participants and the Government of Yucatán, wished all a safe journey home, and closed CEM6 at 12:25pm.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, provided a daily digital coverage, video coverage, and a summary report for the Clean Energy Ministerial 6 (CEM6). Our summary report of CEM6 is available in HTML and PDF formats.

Participants during ministerial discussions

Pedro Joaquín Coldwell, Secretary of Energy, Mexico

Ernest Moniz, Secretary of Energy, US

L-R: Jonathan Elkind (US); Ernest Moniz (US); and Pedro Joaquín Coldwell (Mexico)

Katrina Williams, United Kingdom

Moon Jae-do, Vice Minister, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Korea

Dominique Ristori, European Commission

Benoît Lebot, Executive Director, IPEEC

Federica Cattoi, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italy

Thorsten Herdan, Germany

Participants consulting during the break

Wolsey Barnard, Department of Energy, South Africa

Adnan Amin, Director-General, IRENA

President Obama announces the hosting of CEM7 by the US via video address

Participants listening to the announcement by President Obama

Toshihiko Fujii, Deputy Commissioner, Ministry of Economy ,Trade and Industry, Japan

Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology, China

Ajay Mathur, India

Suhail Mohammed Al Mazrouei, Minister of Energy, UAE

CEM Press Conference

ENB Writers L-R: Teya Penimman; Tasha Goldberg; and Asheline Appleton

Daily Web CoverageAbout | 27 May | 28 May | Summary
Funding for coverage of the Clean Energy Ministerial 6 (CEM6)
has been provided by the
CEM Secretariat
CEM Secretariat