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Linkages IFF-3


Geneva, 3-14 May 1999


Version française

Briefing for Monday, May 3. Opening Plenary

The third session of the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests (IFF-3) will open in Geneva on Monday, 3 May. At IFF-3, delegates will engage in substantive discussions and prepare draft conclusions and proposals for action on monitoring progress in implementation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests' (IPF) proposals for action, matters left pending from the IPF process on the need for financial resources, issues arising from the IPF process needing further clarification, and international arrangements and mechanisms to promote the management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests. Delegates will also receive information and updates on promoting and facilitating implementation, transfer of environmentally sound technologies (ESTs), trade and environment, and forest-related work of international and regional organizations. the intergovernmental forest policy dialogue.  

Photos and RealAudio from Monday, May 3

An interior courtyard at the Geneva UN.

Delegates arriving at IFF - 3.-

Nitin Desai, Under - Secretary - General of the UN, presents opening remarks via Video Networking

IFF Co-Chairs Bagher Asadi (Iran) and llkka Ristimäki (Finland) and Maritza Struyvenberg, IFF Secretariat, at the dais

IFF Co-Chairs opening remaks

IFF Co-Chairs Bagher Asadi (Iran) and llkka Ristimäki (Finland).

The German delegate presents an opening speech on behalf of the EU.

The EU's opening remarks


Guyana's representative speaks on behalf of G-77 / China

Tsuguo Ban, Deputy Director General, Forestry Agency, Delegation of Japan.
Lennert S. Ljungman, FAO on the issue of future supply and demand for wood and non-wood forest products.
Working Group 1 facilitators.
Three IFF - 3 ENB Team members hard at work.

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