Highlights and images for 13 December 2017



Mountain Partnership

The Fifth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership met for the final day on Wednesday to “gear up” the Partnership and consider how best to support the implementation of the Framework for Action. Organizers of the side events held on Tuesday reported on the respective outcomes of events on: promoting mountain products to improve local economies and livelihoods; education in mountains; the launch of the Mountain 2018 platform; understanding landscape and watershed management in mountains; science and research for evidence-informed policy and action on the ground; and the Andean Mechanism. Throughout the day, members focused on the internal governance of the Partnership by considering: the inclusion of Central Asia as an additional region; nomination, endorsement and election of Steering Committee members for the period 2017-2021; setting priorities and identifying the main areas of work for the next biennium, including advocacy, capacity development, joint action, communication, and setting regional and thematic topics; and considering the meeting outcomes and steps going forward.

During lunchtime, participants took part in a speed-geeking session, engaging with different challenges and experiences related to sustainable management of mountain ecosystems and ways to engage with mountain people.

During the final session, the donor countries of Italy and Switzerland, FAO as host of the Secretariat, and the outgoing Chair and Coordinator provided concluding remarks. The meeting closed at 5:06 pm, after which the newly-elected Steering Committee met to consider its work for the next biennium.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web updates and a summary report from the 5th Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership in HTML and PDF.

Photos by FAO | Roberto Cenciarelli

Reports from Side Events

Michele Freppaz, University of Turin, reported on the event on education in mountains. ©FAO

Giorgio Grussu, FAO, reported on the event on promoting mountain products to improve local economies and livelihoods. ©FAO

Election of the Steering Committee

The Mountain Partnership Looks Ahead

Panel (L-R): Thomas Hofer, Mountain Partnership Secretariat Coordinator; Sam Kanyamibwa, Executive Director, Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS); and Andrew Taber, Steering Committee Chair ©FAO

Chile described successful communication strategies applied in her country. ©FAO

Central Asia recommended engaging with the private sector on tourism and mountain products. ©FAO

Dominican Republic emphasized the need to use community-based approaches. ©FAO

The Philippines urged partnering with international tourism organizations to communicate the mountain message. ©FAO


Discussion and Conclusions

Panel (L-R): Grammenos Mastrojeni, Assistant Director-General, Coordinator for the Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy; Hiroto Mitsugi, Assistant Director-General, Forestry Department, FAO; François Pythoud, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to FAO, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and World Food Programme (WFP), Switzerland; Thomas Hofer, Coordinator, Mountain Partnership Secretariat; Andrey Kushlin, Deputy Director, Forest Policy and Resources Division, Forestry Department, FAO; and Andrew Taber, Chair, Mountain Partnership Steering Committee ©FAO

Grammenos Mastrojeni, Assistant Director-General, Coordinator for the Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy ©FAO

François Pythoud, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to FAO, IFAD and WFP, Switzerland ©FAO

Hiroto Mitsugi, Assistant Director-General, Forestry Department, FAO ©FAO

Session moderator Andrey Kushlin gavelled the meeting to a close. ©FAO

Applause for the members of the Mountain Partnership Secretariat

Daily Web Coverage
| 11 Dec
| 12 Dec
| 13 Dec
| Summary

Specific funding for coverage of the 5th Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership, has been provided by FAO

Resources for the 5th Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership

IISD ENB/ENB+ Meeting Coverage

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