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International Conference: Antarctica Today and Tomorrow

29 June 2017 | Paris, France

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Photo courtesy of Rémi Parmentier

Antarctica Today and Tomorrow ‘Antarctica Today and Tomorrow’ was held in Paris, France, on Thursday, 29 June 2017, organized by the Varda Group, on behalf of the Antarctica and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC). Participants addressed the environmental challenges facing Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, and discussed the opportunity presented by the creation of an East Antarctic Marine Protected Area.

The event featured three roundtables titled: thirty years on – from the Wellington Convention to the Madrid Protocol; the Antarctic and Southern Ocean in a changing environment; and marine protected areas in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean. The one-day event concluded with a closing ceremony.

The meeting was convened in partnership between the Oceanographic Institute/Albert I Prince of Monaco Foundation, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, The Pew Charitable Trusts, and the ASOC.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, provided a summary report from the International Conference: Antarctica Today and Tomorrow, which is available in HTML and PDF format.

Rober Calcagno, CEO, Oceanographic Institute – Prince Albert I of Monaco Foundation
Stephen Brady, Australian Ambassador to France
Remi Parmentier, Co-Director, The Varda Group, and Anne-Catherine Ohlmann, CEO, Fondation Université Grenoble Alpes, ICE Memory Project
Round-table one discussion
(L-R) Rémi Parmentier, Co-Director, The Varda Group; Anne-Catherine Ohlmann, CEO, Fondation Université Grenoble Alpes, ICE Memory Project; Françoise Gaill, Scientific Director, Ocean & Climate Platform; and Thomas Stocker, University of Bern, Co-Chair IPCC Working Group I
(L-R) Claire Nouvian, CEO, BLOOM Association; Jim Barnes, Founder, ASOC; Kelly Rigg, Greenpeace Antarctica Campaign Coordinator (1984-1992), Co-Director, The Varda Group; and Brice Lalonde, President of the French Académie de l’Eau, Former Environment Minister in Michel Rocard’s Government (1988-1991)
(L-R) Uta Bellion, Director, European Marine Programme, The Pew Charitable Trusts; Ryan Dolan, The Pew Charitable Trusts; Anne-Gaëlle Verdier, Deputy Director for the Environment, TAAF, France; and Philippe Koubbi, Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris
Jean-Louis Étienne, Polar Explorer
Nicole Aussedat, on behalf of ASOC/Antarctic Ocean Alliance
Funding for coverage of the International Conference: Antarctica Today and Tomorrow, has been provided by the
Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC)