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Sixteenth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

22-26 November, 2004
| Prague, Czech Republic

 Earth Negotiations Bulletin - ENB
 Web English   French
 Thu 25
Thu 26 &
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Highlights from Thursday, 25 November

MOP-16's high-level segment began Thursday morning, with the election of officers, adoption of the agenda, and speeches from senior officials and heads of delegation. The preparatory segment also reconvened with the aim of completing its work on draft decisions covering various substantive issues, including methyl bromide, essential-use nominations for non-Article 5 Parties, trade in products treated with methyl bromide, and financial assistance to the MBTOC. Various contact groups and informal consultations convened to facilitate progress on these issues.
Photo: UNEP Executive Director Klaus Topfer with Czech Prime Minister Stanislav Gross

High-Level Segment

Prime Minister Stanislav Gross, UNEP Executive Director Klaus Topfer and Ozone Executive Secretary Marco Gonzalez

In his welcoming address to the MOP, Prime Minister Stanislav Gross praised the ambitious targets set by the Protocol and spoke of the Czech Republic's achievements in phasing out ODS and readiness to assist other countries in their implementation of the Protocol's provisions


A Czech band performs for the delegates


UNEP Executive Director Klaus Topfer (left) and with Ozone Executive Marco Gonzalez Stressing that the ozone regime is a success story and a model for other environmental instruments, Klaus Töpfer, Executive Director of UNEP, urged Parties to send a clear signal of their commitment to phase out methyl bromide as soon as possible, and to deal with, inter alia, pre-shipment and quarantine uses, process agents uses, and compliance.

Outgoing MOP President and Czech Environment Minister Libor Ambrozek

Newly elected MOP President Alan Flores (Costa Rica) arrives at the dais

Abdul H.M. Fowzie, Sri Lanka, Michael Graber, outgoing Ozone Deputy Executive Secretary, was praised for his dedication to the process over the years as he retires, and Libor Ambrozek, outgoing MOP President and Czech Environment Minister


Ayite-Lo Ajavon (Togo) (left) made a presentation on the status of the Scientific Assessment Panel's 2006 Scientific Assessment; TEAP Co-Chairs Steve Anderson and Lambert Kuijpers


David Catchpole (UK), Co-Chair for the Technical Options Committee for Halons, Zhang Shique (center) reported on Basic Domestic Needs, and Janet Bornman, Co-Chair of the Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (right) presented the panel's 2004 progress report on the environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interaction with climate change.

Rjendra Shende, Energy and OzoneAction Branch, Division of Technology, Industry and Economics, UNEP (left), outlined the main activities of UNEP Ozone Action Branch, including: the regional delivery of assistance; direct actions at the country level; and early warning systems. Michelle Marcotte (Canada), Ian Porter (Australia) and Nahum Mendoza (Canada) were elected Co-Chairs for the Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee (right).

Jonathan Banks, outgoing Co-Chair of the MBTOC (left)

Noting that UNDP has a portfolio of CFC-reducing activities in 92 countries, Suely Carvalho, UNDP (center), stressed the importance of developing synergies, national ownership, and enforcement of legislation in achieving the successful phase out of CFCs.

Steve Gorman, World Bank (right), stressed the role of his institution in enabling Article 5 Parties to meet their obligations in reducing the consumption and production of CFCs in a sustainable manner.

Preparatory Committee Meeting
Michael Graber, Deputy Executive Secretary, Janusz Kozakiewicz, Co-Chair of the Open-Ended Working Group, and Executive Secretary Marco González

UNEP Executive Director Klaus Topfer, Maria Nolan, Chief Officer, Multilateral Fund Secretariat, and Ozone Executive Secretary Marco Gonzalez (left)

Paul Horwitz (US and incoming Deputy Executive Secretary, Ozone Secretariat); Regarding a draft decision containing a table of controlled substances listed as proces agents,, the US expressed concern at the EC's position and concluded that the EC is “refusing to look at the information available.”



Photos from around the Conference



Montreal Protocol homepage and meeting documents for the 16th Meeting of the Parties
Annotated Provisional Agenda for MOP 16
Technology and Economic Assessment Panel
Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol
UNDP Montreal Protocol Unit
World Bank Group- Montreal Protocol

UNEP OzonAction Programme
UNEP Solvents Technical Options Committee

ENB coverage of the Montreal Protocol
ENB coverage of the Extaordinary Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, held 24-26 March, 2004

ENB Coverage of the 15th Meeting of the Parties, held 10-14 November, 2003

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