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Seventeenth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol

12-16 December 2005
| Dakar, Senegal

  English   French Spanish  
 Tue 13
 Wed 14
Fri 16 &






Highlights from Tuesday, 13 December


On its draft decision requesting parties to consider listed applications as process agent uses, the EC (center) noted it has undertaken extensive consultations with a number of parties, and expressed hope that agreement could be reached at COP-7/MOP-17. Ian Rae (Australia), Chemicals Technical Options Committee (CTOC) (right), noted applications by Israel , the EC and Turkey.
Alistair McGlone, UK (right)
MBTOC Co-Chair Nahum Marban Mendoza, Mexico (center), said the handbook on critical use nominations is a comprehensive guide to the CUN process. He underscored that standard presumptions for soil and post-harvest treatments used in the previous three rounds of CUNs were incorporated in the Handbook, and that such presumptions should not be applied when not technically or economically feasible.

Contact Groups
Chair of the budget contact group Jean-Louis Wallace, Canada, presented draft decisions on the financial reports and budgets of the Convention and the Protocol, dealing with, inter alia: the 2006-2008 revised budget for the Convention trust fund; the Convention's contribution to be paid by parties for 2006-2008; the drawdown for 2006-2008 from the Convention Fund balance; and the revised 2005 and the proposed 2006 budgets for the Protocol Trust Fund.
The contact group on illegal trade met during afternoon and evening sessions

The contact group on replenishment of the Multilateral Fund was chaired by Oladapo Afolabi (Nigeria), and Jozef Buys (Belgium).
Husamuddin Ahmadzai, Sweden (left center), facilitated the group on process agents (left) and participants in the process agents group.

Miscellaneous Photos


Montreal Protocol homepage and meeting documents for the 17th Meeting of the Parties
Annotated Provisional Agenda for MOP 17
Technology and Economic Assessment Panel
Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol
UNDP Montreal Protocol Unit
World Bank Group- Montreal Protocol
UNEP OzonAction Programme
UNEP Solvents Technical Options Committee
ENB coverage of the Montreal Protocol
ENB coverage of the 25th OEWG and 2nd Extaordinary Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol
ENB Coverage of the 15th Meeting of the Parties
ENB Coverage of the 16th Meeting of the Parties

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