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4th Meeting of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on the
Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs)

15-18 November 2016 | Headquarters of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva, Switzerland

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Briefing Note

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Evening sky outside the Palais de Nations

IISD Reporting Services - IAEG-SDGs The fourth meeting of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on the Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) convened from 15-18 November 2016, at the headquarters of the UN Economic Commission for Europe, in Geneva, Switzerland. The first two days of the meeting were a Members Meeting, open only to IAEG governments. The second two days were a Plenary Session, with participation from representatives of 46 countries, 34 international organizations, and 41 NGOs.

The Plenary Session, which took place from 17-18 November, served to engage a wider set of actors in the issues discussed during the Members Meeting on 15-16 November. For each agenda item during the Plenary Session, the UN Statistical Division, which is the IAEG Secretariat, provided a briefing on the Members’ discussions earlier in the week. Interactive discussions followed, with participation from UN agencies and other UN system representatives, NGOs and other civil society members, and government representatives from IAEG members and non-members.

Key issues discussed included: advancing the indicators that still require conceptual clarification; selecting custodial agencies to manage data collection on each indicator; the respective roles of national governments and UN agencies in processing data for the yearly global SDG report, and the communication between them; and how the indicators can be refined with minor changes, as well as a proposed process for more comprehensive reviews of the indicator framework. Following IAEG-SDGs 4, the Group will submit a report to the UN Statistical Commission in early December 2016, ahead of the 48th UNSC session, which is scheduled to take place in March 2017.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, has provided a briefing note of the 4th Meeting of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on the Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs 4), which is available in HTML and PDF.

IAEG Chair and Secretariat consulting (L-R): Francesca Perucci, UNSD;
Enrique Ordaz, IAEG-SDGs Co-Chair; Yongyi Min, UNSD; Benjamin Rae, UNSD; and Heather Page, UNSD

Opening remarks to IAEG-SDGs 4 (L-R): Yongyi Min, UNSD; Francesca Perucci, UNSD; Enrique Ordaz, IAEG-SDGs Co-Chair; Christian Friis Bach, UNECE Executive Secretary; and Lidia Bratanova, UNECE Statistics Division

36 targets for which additional indicators have been suggested.

Approximately 200 participants fill Room VII.

View of Lake Geneva from meeting venue

Funding for coverage of the 4th Meeting of the IAEG-SDGs has been provided by the
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)