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Sustainable Development Policy & Practice

Twelfth session of the UN General Assembly’s (UNGA) Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

16-20 June 2014 | UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America

Daily Web Updates (Click on the Following Links to See our Daily Webpages)
Highlights for Wednesday, 18 June 2014
OWG-12On Wednesday, the Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals continued consideration of the “zero draft” of the goals and their potential targets. Informal discussions commenced in the morning by concluding consideration of proposed goal 12 (Promote sustainable consumption and production patterns). The OWG then turned to proposed goal 13 (Promote actions at all levels to address climate change) and discussed whether to leave this as a stand-alone goal, merge it with another goal, mainstream it within other goals, or craft “placeholder” text. Late in the afternoon and during an evening session, the OWG turned to proposed goal 14 (Attain conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas).
Cheng Hong, China
María Ana Petrera, Denmark
Amit Narang, India, and Ambassador Elizabeth Cousens, US.
Rima Cempaka, Indonesia
Oana Rebedea, Romania, and Jaroslaw Klonowski, Poland
Taghi M. Ferami, Iran
Hiroshi Minami, Japan
Thanavon Pamaranon, Thailand
John Limen, Nauru

Funding for coverage of this session has been provided by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Daily Web Updates (Click on the Following Links to See our Daily Webpages)
Related Links
Session resources

*OWG-12 website

*Introduction and Proposed Goals and Targets on Sustainable Development for the Post 2015 Development Agenda

*Encyclopedia Groupinica: A Compilation of Goals and Targets Suggestions from OWG-10

*General information on SDGs

*Sustainable development knowledge platform website

*Website for OWG-11, 5-9 May 2014, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America

*Website for OWG-10, 31 March - 4 April 2014, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America

*Website for OWG-9, 3-5 March 2014, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America

*Website for OWG-8, 3-7 February 2014, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America

*Website for OWG-7, 6-10 January 2014, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America

*Website for OWG-6, 9-13 December 2013, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America

*Website for OWG-5, 25-27 November 2013, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America

*Website for OWG-4, 17-19 June 2013, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America

*Website for OWG-3, 22-24 May 2013, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America

*Website for OWG-2, 17-19 April 2013, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America

*Website for OWG-1, 14-15 March 2013, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America

IISD RS resources

*Earth Negotiations Bulletin archives of OWG coverage

*IISD RS summary and analysis of OWG-11, 5-9 May 2014, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America (English: HTML - PDF) (French: HTML - PDF)

*IISD RS summary and analysis of OWG-10, 31 March - 4 April 2014, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America (English: HTML - PDF) (French: HTML - PDF)

*IISD RS summary and analysis of OWG-9, 3-5 March 2014, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America (English: HTML - PDF) (French: HTML - PDF)

*IISD RS coverage from OWG-8, 3-7 February 2014, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America

*IISD RS coverage from OWG-7, 6-10 January 2014, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America

*IISD RS coverage from OWG-6, 9-13 December 2013, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America

*IISD RS summary and analysis of OWG-5, 25-27 November 2013, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America (English: HTML - PDF) (French: HTML - PDF)

*IISD RS summary and analysis of OWG-4, 17-19 June 2013, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America (English: HTML - PDF) (French: HTML - PDF)

*IISD RS summary and analysis of OWG-3, 22-24 May 2013, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America (English: HTML - PDF) (French: HTML - PDF)

*IISD RS summary report of OWG-2, 17-19 April 2013, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America (English: HTML - PDF) (French: HTML - PDF)

*IISD RS summary report of OWG-1, 14-15 March 2013, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America (English: HTML - PDF) (French: HTML - PDF)

*Post-2015 Development Agenda Meeting Reporting

*IISD RS archive of sustainable development meetings

*SDG - A mailing list for news on sustainable development policy

*Sustainable Development Policy & Practice - A Knowledgebase of International Activities Preparing for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development

*SDG - A mailing list focused on internationally-relevant activities related to setting the post-2015 development agenda

*Sustainable Development Policy & Practice - A Knowledgebase of UN and Intergovernmental Post-2015 Development Agenda Activities

*Linkages Update - Bi-weekly international environment and sustainable development news
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