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PALESTINE said the Executive Director's report on Palestine failed to address Israeli practices against the Palestinian environment and requested a more exhaustive report to address these problems.
On enhanced coordination between environmental conventions, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Michel Zammit Cutajar (left) distinguished between linkages and support, noted the GEF's important role in linking programs, emphasized linkages at the national level, and stressed UNEP's technical support to specific conventions, particularly with respect to climate change.

Committee of the Whole

The Secretariat highlighted work with UNCTAD and WTO, and noted insurance and financial sector contributions to the Finance and Environment Initiative.

On freshwater (UNEP/GC.20/21), INDONESIA called for: technical and financial assistance for construction of water resources in developing countries; traditional low-cost water collection and use options; and a stronger UNEP role in integrated freshwater management.

Donald Kaniaru, of the UNEP Legal Department, has attended all 25 UNEP Governing Councils sessions and special sessions.

And over the lunch break...

...UNEP Executive Director Klaus Topfer met with environmental NGO representatives to discuss ways in which UNEP and the NGOs could improve contributions to each other's work....

... while Jack Weinberg, Fatoumata Jallow Ndoye, John Buccini and Jim Willis (left to right) were among the presenters at a panel discussion on chemicals.

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