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High-Level Ministerial Segment

COLOMBIA said the duration of the GC was inadequate, called for regional ministerial meeting to set priorities, and supported the idea of an open ended GC.
FRANCE strongly supported the ongoing POPs negotiations, and highlighted the decisive role played by UNEP.

FINLAND emphasized integration of environmental, social and economic issues at all levels of the UN system as envisioned by the establishment of the EMG. She also emphasized collaboration and coordination among environmental conventions, noting that increased collaboration could also contribute to capacity building in developing countries.

Regarding development issues, BURKINA FASO emphasized interlinkages between development and the environment and said the environment cannot be addressed without also addressing poverty alleviation.
BRAZIL said the provisions of global environmental conventions should not constitute non-tariff barriers to trade or access to export markets in developing countries.

Ministerial Roundtable

An informal ministerial round table was convened under the chairmanship of President Miklós (shown here on the left, with Dr. Topfer). Ministers and high-level governmental officials emphasized, inter alia: developing an international energy organization; establishing green tax systems; the spiritual concerns for the loss of species and the social concerns of desertification; environmental concerns of overfishing and the general draw-down of natural resources; the importance of environmental education and the role of civil society; and the importance of integrating environmental concerns in trade discussions.


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