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ENB:02:12 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The final meeting of the UNCED Plenary convenes this morning at 10:00 am. There are three items on the agenda: adoption of agreements on environment and development; adoption of the report of the Conference; and Closure of the Conference. The first item will take the form of adoption of a three-paragraph resolution. The first paragraph of the draft resolution notes that the Climate Change and Biodiversity Conventions were open for signature at the Conference; the second states that the Conference adopts the text of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, Agenda 21 and the Statement of Forest Principles; and the third recommends to the General Assembly that it endorse these three documents at its 47th session. This resolution will be distributed to each State and then will be signed by the Heads of State, Government or Delegation. If all goes according to schedule, the Conference should come to a close at 1:00 pm. All in all, it is expected to be a simple conclusion to a complicated Conference.