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ENB:03:04 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


On behalf of Algeria, Libya, Mauritania and Morocco, Tunisia stressed the crucial importance to international cooperation to seek solutions to global and transboundary environmental problems. He commented on a number of joint Maghreb actions, including a strategy against desertification, review of the Green Dam project, combatting soil erosion, a freshwater supply plan, and the Maghreb Charter for the Environment. One cannot conceal the interdependence of desertification and drought. This phenomenon is a global environmental problem, similar to ozone depletion and climate change. The Convention should arouse the same degree of interest as those signed in Rio. He invited the industrialized countries to review their position on financial resources as the gravity and scope of desertification are such that they have to rely on new and additional financial resources. The Plan of Action to Combat Desertification is a dead letter due to lack of funding. With regard to the Climate Change Convention, he noted the need for shared but differentiated responsibilities and said that a list of all greenhouse gases should be submitted to the first session of the Conference of Parties. With regard to the Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, the Maghreb States support a regional approach, the strengthening of regional and subregional agencies, and the need for new and additional financial resources. The final document must take into account all regional specificities.