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ENB:04:01 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The next item on the agenda was the adoption of the provisional agenda for the first substantive session of the INC-D. Kjell‚n introduced the provisional agenda (A/AC.241/L.2), which is divided into the following parts: organizational matters; information sharing; discussion on the format and content of the convention; review of the situation as regards extrabudgetary funds; adoption of the provisional agenda for the second substantive session and adoption of the report of the Committee. The information sharing segment was called for in resolution 47/188 and Kjell‚n proposed that it take place during the first four days of the Nairobi session. The discussion that followed centered primarily on the information sharing segment. Even though Kjell‚n explained that the seven sub-headings were only to serve as indications of the topics that might be discussed, many delegates wanted to make modifications.

Sweden said that they needed to broaden their perspective and look at these issues from a local perspective, not a top-down approach. Sweden also made some specific proposals for documentation at this session, including reports on the scientific and social scientific knowledge of desertification; an investigation of channels by which financial resources are being used to combat desertification; and an investigation of different planning systems that exist and are applied to combat desertification. A number of other delegates supported these proposals. The discussion continued until 1:00 pm when Kjell‚n adjourned the meeting, promising to submit a revised agenda the next day.