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ENB:04:01 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


At the fifth meeting of the INC-D Kjell‚n introduced a revised version of the provisional agenda for the first substantive session of the Committee (A/AC.241/L.2/Rev.1). He said that he had taken into account the suggestions made during the previous day's discussion, specifically those suggestions regarding the four-day technical information session. The sub-headings now include: (a) desertification, drought and the global environment; (b) causes, general extent and consequences of land degradation in arid, semi-arid and sub-humid areas; (c) social and economic dimensions; (d) pattern of bilateral and multilateral assistance programmes; (e) experiences with international, regional, subregional and national programmes to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought in developing countries; (f) experiences of developed countries; and (g) some possible elements of a new strategy to promote sustainable development in countries experiencing drought and desertification.

After a discussion that focussed on clarifying a number of points that differed between the French and English texts, the provisional agenda was adopted. Kjell‚n also requested that he be permitted to limit all interventions during the general debate to ten minutes.