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ENB:04:01 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The final item on the agenda was the adoption of the report of the committee. As there was no Rapporteur, the Vice-Chair from India, T. P. Sreenivasan, presented the report of the Committee (A/AC.241/L.4). With the provision that the gaps in the report would be completed by the Secretariat, the report was adopted.

Kjell‚n closed the meeting by complimenting the group on the constructive spirit during this session. He said that those who know the work of international organizations know that it is sometimes difficult to avoid long discussions on procedural items but it testifies to the spirit of this Committee that they were able to complete the agenda on time. He paid tribute to the early response to the call for contributions to the voluntary fund and the trust fund. He thanked everyone for their cooperation during this meeting and said that he looks forward to seeing them in Nairobi. As scheduled, at 6:00 pm Kjell‚n gavelled the organizational session of the INC-D to a close.