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ENB:04:02 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The following five documents have been prepared by the INCD Secretariat for the first session of the INCD.

  • A/AC.241/5 "Provisional Agenda" contains the document adopted by the organizational session held in January 1993 in New York and includes notes by the INCD Secretariat explaining in more detail the expected programme of work of the Committee on each agenda item.
  • A/AC.241/6 "Technical information and assessments on drought and desertification" is a note by the INCD Secretariat informing the governments and observers on the schedule for the information sharing segment scheduled to begin this afternoon and continue through 28 May (although the annotated agenda makes provision for continuation of this agenda item for Saturday, 29 May, if necessary.)
  • A/AC.241/7 "Format and possible elements of the Convention" was drawn up by the Secretariat in consultation with the IPED and the Inter-Agency Working Group with the aim of providing the Committee with background information and a starting point for discussion. This document contains an It is an annotated outline of a possible Convention and the Secretariat expects that discussion of this document should provide input and guidance in a structured format so that further elaboration of the draft substantive elements of the convention can take place during the intersessional period.
  • A/AC.241/8 "Report on the status of the extra- budgetary funds" lists the status of pledges made to the special Voluntary Fund and the Trust Fund for the negotiating process, as well as the contributions actually received.
  • A/AC.241/9 "List of Non-Governmental Organizations recommended for accreditation" lists the 84 NGOs that have requested accreditation to the INCD process. There is a possibility that an addendum may be submitted to the Plenary later in this session.