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ENB:04:06 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


PLENARY: The information sharing segment will continue today with the experiences of developed countries. Dr. Jos‚ L. Rubio Delgado, Director of the Department of Desertification at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas of Spain will be the first speaker. Paul Blakeburn, Director of the Office of Ecology, Health and Conservation at the US Department of State will then speak on US experiences.

The last section of the information segment is "Some possible elements of a new strategy to promote sustainable development in countries experiencing drought and desertification". Gary Howe, Project Controller, Africa Division of IFAD, will present on integrated community driven approaches. Franklin G. Cardy, Director of the Desertification Control PAC at UNEP, will speak on new directions in systematic information collection and analysis. Peter Veit, of the World Resources Institute, will speak on promising technologies to reverse land degradation and Tijan Jallon, Technical Adviser at UNSO, will talk on experimentation and innovations in capacity building. The last scheduled speaker will be Youba Sokona of ENDA-TM who will discuss alternative energy systems.