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ENB:04:10 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


PLENARY: Four agenda items will be addressed.

Agenda Item 1: "Mandates for the Working Groups" (A/AC.241/L.10). This issue has been the subject of intensive consultations for the past few days. Yesterday afternoon, the Chair circulated a new draft resolution (L.10), whose main components are: 1) Working Group I is responsible for the preamble, principles, objectives and commitments, including financial arrangements and capacity building; 2) Working Group II is responsible for institutional, administrative, technological and scientific provisions; research, data collection and exchange of information; procedural arrangements; and other legal provisions; and 3) an instrument on Africa should be negotiated once the main structure of the Convention has been defined, and adopted as an integral part of it.

Agenda Item 4: "Outline of conclusions on agenda item 4" (A/AC.241/L.9). This proposal by the Chair notes document A/AC.241/7, which contained the Secretariat's proposals for the format and possible elements of the Convention, and the comments that were made during the discussion. This should give general guidance to the Chair and the Secretariat in preparing for the next session. The proposal also urges governments to make written submissions on the contents of the Convention, including detailed drafting proposals, by 1 July 1993 so that the Secretariat can distribute a compilation by 15 August 1993.

Agenda Item 6: "Draft provisional agenda" (A/AC.241/L.8). This proposal outlines the draft provisional agenda for the second session of the INCD.

Agenda Item 7: "Draft Report" (A/AC.241/L.7). This document contains the draft report of the session as prepared by the Rapporteur, Sergei N. Morozov from the Russian Federation.

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